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The Beer Thread


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About the Not your fathers root beer in Northern VA, Winchester, Warsaw and Fredericksburg markets....email I received



We received one load of NYFRB bottles today and don’t expect to be getting more in the near future.  Also, we now have NYFRB 12oz Cans as of earlier this week!  We were able to acquire a pretty hefty amount of the cans (for the time being).   For the time being; we will not be allocating product.  Sell what you can sell.  No limits on order quantities at this time.  Draft is next….we are expecting 1/2BBL kegs to arrive any day.
I agree with some the bottles were too much like syrup, cant wait to taste it on draft!!!
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Coney Island Root Beer is way better than Not Your Father's Root Beer



We just picked them up, got the tap handles in the warehouse last week, have not had

a chance to try it, yet, along with all of their other beers

Edited by DButz65
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Just go buy a bottle of Pumking.


If you like the taste of pumpkin and Nutmeg you will love it. The bottle around here runs about 7.99..can get two glasses out of it. 

I know Pumking is super popular, but I cant stomach it. What you wrote sounds good, but whenever I drink it, it taste to me like buttered popcorn.

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Jeez, trying all of these drinks did me in this week.  I always have to be careful of my alcohol intake, because I'm prone to getting gout.


And...it happened.  Left foot started hurting Monday.  Was out from work yesterday and went to the doctor this morning.  Out again today.  Had to have a steroid shot in my hip.  Now my hip hurts.  But my toe is feeling better.  Happens about once a year or every other year.


Can't even put my shoe on.  Should be better by tomorrow.

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Whoa.  Anheuser Busch InBev, the world's largest brewer,  is planning a takeover bid for SAB Miller, the world's second largest brewer.  A merger would create a monster worth about $276 billion.    





Yea Im following this, a lot has to happen before anything is official in the next 27 days or so, but its very interesting. Personally I think both are feeling the pressure from the small craft beer makers that are quickly becoming more popular than the run of the mill domestic beer makers... why? Because craft beer is just better tasting, plain and simple, in my honest opinion. Because I work in the beer world for a miller/coors distributor im kind of worried about how this will all play out, not for my job security, but how it will effect the AB and miller/coors partnership and how it will effect distributing of all of the beers across both companies

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A/B is probably planning muscling out/undercutting the craft taps, seeing it here vs Shiner ect. in the chain restaurants.


or absorbing them.

Absorbing them is right. I know that A/B bought up Old Dominion Brewery out of Ashburn, Virginia a couple tears back and, more recently, Chicago's Goose Island Brewery. Those are two I know of anyway.

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well sure if ya are talking budlight


I've never had the patience to find out with good beer. B)


LOL oh the craft beer revolution has people trying to age beers, for the most part they spoil, are stored at the wrong temp, taste like something strange.  Beer is not like wine.  It doesn't get better over time.

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Beer doesn't age, it really just spoils. It doesn't get finer over time.

Thanks for letting me know that, after having a couple dozen different aged beers, none of them spoiled.

In fact, I'd say most of them were very good. One of them that was better than the fresh was the Budweiser American Ale. No BS, an amber ale, 2 years old, excellent. By far the best beer Budweiser has put out.

And of course they stop producing it.

The Midas Touch was also the best at 2 years old. After that, it got a lil bland like cardboard (not that I eat cardboard).

There have been a couple IPAs that were arguably better with time on them. The DFH Burton Baton SAYS to age it on the bottle, same with the 120 Minute.

Dude, the Lagunitas Imperial Stout with age was absolutely insane. Every stout was improved with age. I ONLY enjoy the Heavy Seas Peg Leg when it has a couple years on it.

And I don't age because I believe it will improve each and every beer, but rather to see what happens to the flavor of each one. There have been a couple iffy ones if I remember correctly, but that's it. Each one was perfectly drinkable.

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Beer doesn't age, it really just spoils.  It doesn't get finer over time.


Correct, for the majority of beers.    Most beer is not meant to be aged. The fresher the, the better.    


One of the exceptions, are the barleywine styles. They definitely, improve with age.  I found that out for myself, first-hand.


I'm not a big fan of the style, but I bit the bullet, and bought a couple of cases, back in the '96 of some Clipper City, (now known as Heavy Seas), Below Decks.   It's their version of a barleywine.  It's a bottle-conditioned beer, that rings in ~ 10% ABV.  The brewerys founder, Hugh Sisson, suggested that I age it, and told me that the flavors would evolve over time, and taste fantastic, after some aging.


He told me to try some fresh, sit on some, for 6 months, then a year, then twp years, and so on.  I was skeptical, but did it anyway, (I'm a beer geek).   He was spot-on.   It got better, and better,  over  a couple of years.  


I'm sure that there's a turning point, where it starts to degrade, but I never reached that point, as I finished all of it, within a couple of years.  

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LOL oh the craft beer revolution has people trying to age beers, for the most part they spoil, are stored at the wrong temp, taste like something strange.  Beer is not like wine.  It doesn't get better over time.



As far as the storage goes, you are spot-on.  The only beer, that I'm aware of, that benefits from cellaring, are barleywines. They need to be kept in a cool, dark place.    

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