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Should homosexuals be allowed to have kids, adopt, or be foster parent.?


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An extremely high number of pedophiles also happen to be male, same with serial killers. So what?

I'd love to see where you found those statistics, though. Considering I recall most research that found high incidence of pedophilia among the homosexual population was debunked.

So far I haven't seen a single explanation against gay marriage/adoption that isn't either completely unfounded, or completely ridiculous.

i didnt say gays are pedophiles...... i said pedophiles tend to be gay.....

i saw the statistic a few years ago in another debate....

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I abslutely disagree with you on this. Out of the hundreds of child sex abuse cases I worked in law enforcement of 7 yrs, NONE of them involved a same sex offender. 90% or more were Men who raped or molested young girls, and typically it was someone they knew or family member.

The only cases of same sex abuse I even know about are the Catholic priests....go figure.

I welcome any stats or "proof" of your comments.

not much time for it tonite but i will get back to you and post here as well as send you a message with the links....

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btw, I got into a huge discussion with a few lesbian friends (on football sunday no less), about this same thing.

Scenarios #1-one friend is 32 and has a 12 yr old son. She always wanted to be a mom, got married at 19, had her son and divorced a year later. THEN she "came out" as a lesiban. She, her ex husband and his new wife are best friends. They live only 3 houses apart and her son splits time between the two. She actually calls his 2 half brothers, her sons also..that is how close their family is.

Scenario #2- my buddy was in a 7 yr relationship when she and her partner decided to get prego via invetro. She has triplets that are 5 yrs old (one is severly autisitic). Her partner left the "marriage" about 2 yrs ago and now my friend pretty much raises the kids on her own. Some help from her parents.

Scenario #3- two lesbain friends, together for 6 yrs(commitment ceremony) have a 2 yr via invetro and plan to have another this year. They have the best relationship I have ever seen between two people, gay or straight.

In each of these situations, no drug abuse, no physical abuse, TONS of love, financially secure and the kids are absolutely happy. I just can't see a problem with this, especially since I have seen so many kids with Straight parents who are raised in gangs, drug homes, physical and sexual abuse...the list goes on and on.

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I abslutely disagree with you on this. Out of the hundreds of child sex abuse cases I worked in law enforcement of 7 yrs, NONE of them involved a same sex offender. 90% or more were Men who raped or molested young girls, and typically it was someone they knew or family member.

The only cases of same sex abuse I even know about are the Catholic priests....go figure.

I welcome any stats or "proof" of your comments.

Do Catholic Priests count?

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This is a free society. The constitution guarantees that all citizens have equal protection under the law and that means that no citizen can be denied the rights that other citizens have. And if one group of citizens has a right to adopt children then another group should as well regardless of their sexual orientation. So long as they are law biding citizens, they should have the right to adopt. To say otherwise is both unconstitutional and prejudice.

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i didnt say gays are pedophiles...... i said pedophiles tend to be gay.....

i saw the statistic a few years ago in another debate....

But that doesn't mean anything. Ok pedophiles tend to be gay maybe slightly, but gays don't tend to be pedophiles. That answers nothing about the PROPORTION of gays who are pedophiles which is what the statistic I believe you are trying to indirectly mention.

Which is not the data you supplemented. Like I said I don't support homosexual adoption, but I also don't support unsourced facts that hold no weight when your underlying point is based off of these "facts".

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But that doesn't mean anything. Ok pedophiles tend to be gay maybe slightly, but gays don't tend to be pedophiles. That answers nothing about the PROPORTION of gays who are pedophiles which is what the statistic I believe you are trying to indirectly mention.

Which is not the data you supplemented. Like I said I don't support homosexual adoption, but I also don't support unsourced facts that hold no weight when your underlying point is based off of these "facts".

Uh, actually, I think that if his statistic is correct (I'd like to see some support. Lots of people with lots of agendas in this subject matter.) then it would imply something.

Just making up some numbers, because it's easier to work with numbers than variables.

If, say . . .

3% of the people in the US are gay.

60% of pedophiles are gay.

Then yes, it would follow that gays are far more likely to be pedophiles than straights. They're 20 times more likely. (People who would want to argue, though, could counter with "they're 20 times more likely to get caught." But again, these are hypotheticals.)

Now, it might be a case of where the odds of someone being a pedophile are . . .

Straight: 1 in 1,000,000

Gay: 1 in 50,000

"20 times more likely" could still be "really, really, slim odds". But that's not quite the same as "means absolutely nothing".

(Then you'd have to get into a discussion of "does something that has a 1 in 20,000 chance of happening equal something that should be considered when placing a child for adoption?")

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OK, if you and another gay guy have a child to raise and the other kids in school find out. How do you handle it? What do you tell your kid when they come home and the other kids have been telling him he's being raised by faggs and all other sorts of names. What do you do when they make their life hell? You know how unrelenting kids can be.

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Uh, actually, I think that if his statistic is correct (I'd like to see some support. Lots of people with lots of agendas in this subject matter.) then it would imply something.

Just making up some numbers, because it's easier to work with numbers than variables.

If, say . . .

3% of the people in the US are gay.

60% of pedophiles are gay.

Then yes, it would follow that gays are far more likely to be pedophiles than straights. They're 20 times more likely. (People who would want to argue, though, could counter with "they're 20 times more likely to get caught." But again, these are hypotheticals.)

Now, it might be a case of where the odds of someone being a pedophile are . . .

Straight: 1 in 1,000,000

Gay: 1 in 50,000

"20 times more likely" could still be "really, really, slim odds". But that's not quite the same as "means absolutely nothing".

(Then you'd have to get into a discussion of "does something that has a 1 in 20,000 chance of happening equal something that should be considered when placing a child for adoption?")

my point exactly...... and i will get the facts i just cant research that where i am right now.....

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I abslutely disagree with you on this. Out of the hundreds of child sex abuse cases I worked in law enforcement of 7 yrs, NONE of them involved a same sex offender. 90% or more were Men who raped or molested young girls, and typically it was someone they knew or family member.

The only cases of same sex abuse I even know about are the Catholic priests....go figure.

I welcome any stats or "proof" of your comments.

From a numbers standpoint you would be correct but from a percantage standpoint the other person would be correct.

This is one guys study not scientific or anything


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OK, if you and another gay guy have a child to raise and the other kids in school find out. How do you handle it? What do you tell your kid when they come home and the other kids have been telling him he's being raised by faggs and all other sorts of names. What do you do when they make their life hell? You know how unrelenting kids can be.

So that's worse than a child bouncing around from foster home to foster home and/or group home to group home? Not even close.

Kids get made fun of everyday. Big ****ing deal. They'll get over it and with good parenting go on to have successful, happy lives.

The odds of that happening have to be enormously better then a kid stuck in the system growing up and have anything resembling a normal, happy, successful life.

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I'm a conservative, but I see no problem with gay couples adopting children if they meet the qualifications to adopt. I'd much rather have a child in a loving home with 2 gay parents then be bounced through the system his/her whole life. I think the child would have a much better chance thriving in a stable home environment than constantly being shuffled through a broken system. This just comes from my experience with some foster kids who were really, really messed up, IMO due to the lack of foundation and support structure they had growing up while being bounced from family to family.

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I think Christians should be forced by law to turn the raising of their children over to homosexuals. It would make for some exceedingly crowded households, but hey, big families are fun and 100% American. :)

Then there would be more 8 year old boys killing their dads


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I voted No.

And I applaud what the 70 percent of my peeps in California did to reverse the liberal state supreme court judicial activism.

NavyDave: "Judicial Activism" = "Somebody actually noticed that the Constitution forbids discrimination".

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70% eh?

I don't think it was that lopsided. Wrong, but not that lopsided.

As for the poll question, the year before my wife and I got our first placement ( a girl we are getting ready to addopt), I was at a small business convention, and there was a bus that goes around to foster care homes (group and single family). It had computer terminals. The idea was to give the foster kids a chance to set up email accounts they could use at public libraries or wherever they lived. I asked and was shocked to hear how needed that is and why. Evidently the majority of foster kids are in their placements for less than a year before being moved on. Now some of them go back to the families they came from to be bounced in and out of foster care, and there isn't much that can be done for them other than what is being done. However others just have trouble finding homes.

There just are not enough stable 2 adult person homes willing to take them in. At least in MD with our foster care agency they require 2 person homes as that makes abuse less likely or atleast false allegations of abuse easier to defend against. So if we stipulate that there are not enough homes, the remaining questions are 1) What can we do to increase the set of homes that are willing to take in and raise these kids and 2) Are the alternatives better than group homes?

To my mind there is no doubt that a loving home is better than a group home. I encourage anyone who doubts this to read the book in my signature from a man who grew up in foster care.

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