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Should homosexuals be allowed to have kids, adopt, or be foster parent.?


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I agree there are probably a lot of "ninja" votes up there especially with the high turnout of "yes" voters replying in this thread.

While I respect your opinion, I just don't support homosexuals adopting children.

Or it indicates a lot of people who voted "No", but are ashamed of it, so they're not posting in the thread.

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I'm not ashamed by it. It's an opinion and I can agree to disagree on the subject.

Oh, I'm well aware that here in Tailgate, there are people who are proud of being (insert word here. Let's say "Trekkies").

Just observing that it's entirely possible that the number of (Trekkies) may be considerably larger than the number of (Trekkies) who are proud of it.


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Or it indicates a lot of people who voted "No", but are ashamed of it, so they're not posting in the thread.
Could be. Ninja votes were brought up because the "No" category jumped from 0 (literally) to about 30 in the span of < 1 minute. I have no doubt a lot of the votes are perfectly legit.
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Oh, I'm well aware that here in Tailgate, there are people who are proud of being (insert word here. Let's say "Trekkies").

Just observing that it's entirely possible that the number of (Trekkies) may be considerably larger than the number of (Trekkies) who are proud of it.


Haha well I can certainly attest to the same claim after reading some of these threads. But hey what fun would a message board be with only one opinion? :cheers:

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:applause: exactly larry,

We might as well add in there anyone who has committed adultry, has a tattoo or eats pork...just another example of people picking and chosing bible verses. Or people who think that Christians are the only 'good' people out there. One doesn't need to be a Christian to have morals and lead a good lifestyle. I am getting from manchild's posts that he thinks only Christians are best suited to raise kids. (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)

If your goal is to raise your children to obey and love God and go to heaven then yes Christians are best suited to raise kids. Ohbytheway..eating pork is not a sin. Jesus did away with that in new testament in the clean unclean versuses. If a straight family has adultry going on and unstable and it was up for vote, I would say no to them. They need to clean their house before taking on the charge of raising a child.

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My children go to school with quite a few children who are being raised by gay couples. Those families love each other, and the kids are growing up just fine.

It's a good thing.

I am particularly enjoying the posts by people who are against gay adoptions, while appearing to be offended that anyone should dare ask them to explain WHY they feel that way.

Also, to ease NavyDave's mind, I might also point out that many gay men never engage in anal sex at all. It's not their thing. Meanwhile, many straight people do engage in it.

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If your goal is to raise your children to obey and love God and go to heaven then yes Christians are best suited to raise kids. Ohbytheway..eating pork is not a sin. Jesus did away with that in new testament in the clean unclean versuses. If a straight family has adultry going on and unstable and it was up for vote, I would say no to them. They need to clean their house before taking on the charge of raising a child.

So in other words you would be in favor of a "Christian only" rule for people who want kids? (regardless of biologically or adoption)

Or you are in favor of making sure that anyone who is raising kids is not sinning?

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I find it interesting that we ask people for their opinions and when they go out on a limb and say the unpopular thing IE "I dont support gay people raising kids" they get slammed by people.

It takes guts to step up and go against the grain and those who do it are just as entitled to not believe it as you are TO believe it.

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this is a touchy subject here..... i have always defend the rights of gays to marry however on this issue ...... there is one standing factor that i have to pay relevence to is that fact that while not all gays are pedophiles..... an extremely high number of pedophiles happen to also be gay...... <saw the statics cant site source... sorry>...

so ihave to err on the side of caution and so no to foster and adoption to gay parents

despite i knew a girl whos mom was/is gay...... and she grew up fine.... however it was her MOM..... not an adopted mom

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If your goal is to raise your children to obey and love God and go to heaven then yes Christians are best suited to raise kids. Ohbytheway..eating pork is not a sin. Jesus did away with that in new testament in the clean unclean versuses. If a straight family has adultry going on and unstable and it was up for vote, I would say no to them. They need to clean their house before taking on the charge of raising a child.
What about Jews? So we're not fit to raise children to obey and love God? :finger:
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What about Jews? So we're not fit to raise children to obey and love God? :finger:

If you are going to hold to the old law then obey all of the law. By your gesture you are not adhering to the law and who is going to forgive your sin? You dont believe in God's one and only son? I dont know. You should pray about it.

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The idea that anyone would oppose this when the alternative for these children is an orphanage. It's not like there's an overwhelming surplus of people who are looking to adopt and are qualified to do so. If these kids can get a freaking home, then let them have a freaking home.

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I find it interesting that we ask people for their opinions and when they go out on a limb and say the unpopular thing IE "I dont support gay people raising kids" they get slammed by people.

It takes guts to step up and go against the grain and those who do it are just as entitled to not believe it as you are TO believe it.

It only takes guts because they will get slammed. Why are you trying to deprive people of their opportunity for valor?

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I find it interesting that we ask people for their opinions and when they go out on a limb and say the unpopular thing IE "I dont support gay people raising kids" they get slammed by people.

It takes guts to step up and go against the grain and those who do it are just as entitled to not believe it as you are TO believe it.

If someone were to post that "I believe that blacks should be sterilized at birth" would you be criticizing people for disagreeing with him, and praising his courage for going against the grain?

(No, I'm not comparing the two positions. They're only similar. :) Just looking for a fictional poster's fictional position that I suspect most folks would disagree with.)

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I find it interesting that we ask people for their opinions and when they go out on a limb and say the unpopular thing IE "I dont support gay people raising kids" they get slammed by people.

It takes guts to step up and go against the grain and those who do it are just as entitled to not believe it as you are TO believe it.

I really hope I haven't been doing that, not my intention. I merely ask clarifying questions (granted sometimes sarcastically)....and I have found that my questions are not really being answered.

I agree that bashing one for not believing the same as you is crap, and I really enjoy having civil debates.

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this is a touchy subject here..... i have always defend the rights of gays to marry however on this issue ...... there is one standing factor that i have to pay relevence to is that fact that while not all gays are pedophiles..... an extremely high number of pedophiles happen to also be gay...... <saw the statics cant site source... sorry>...

so ihave to err on the side of caution and so no to foster and adoption to gay parents

despite i knew a girl whos mom was/is gay...... and she grew up fine.... however it was her MOM..... not an adopted mom

An extremely high number of pedophiles also happen to be male, same with serial killers. So what?

I'd love to see where you found those statistics, though. Considering I recall most research that found high incidence of pedophilia among the homosexual population was debunked.

So far I haven't seen a single explanation against gay marriage/adoption that isn't either completely unfounded, or completely ridiculous.

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there is one standing factor that i have to pay relevence to is that fact that while not all gays are pedophiles..... an extremely high number of pedophiles happen to also be gay...... <saw the statics cant site source... sorry>...

I abslutely disagree with you on this. Out of the hundreds of child sex abuse cases I worked in law enforcement of 7 yrs, NONE of them involved a same sex offender. 90% or more were Men who raped or molested young girls, and typically it was someone they knew or family member.

The only cases of same sex abuse I even know about are the Catholic priests....go figure.

I welcome any stats or "proof" of your comments.

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