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Please Get The Damn Bikes Off The Road


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I hit a guy on a bike a few months ago who was riding against traffic on a three lane highway. Luckily it was when I was pulling out of a side entrance and I just ruined his bike.

I talked to a cop friend of mine who said I should have called him, he would've wrote him a ticket. Instead I bought the guy a new bike. :(

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When you can see that multi million dollar tow path, built just to keep these clowns off the roads, while you are driving 10 mph in a 45, because a pack of 10 of them won't get single file and move the **** over, it is the most aggravating thing.

Just run 'em over. If you get arrested, tell them you thought "peleton" was French for "hit me."

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OK I will stick up for bikers...

I pay taxes and have the same rights on a bike on almost any road you choose to drive in a car...wtf is the difference? We are both just traveling PUBLIC roads... you want to drive your fat ass in a car and I want to ride my bike...you do NOT own the road *******...so get a life and find something that matters to ***** about and try to find a way in your cholesterol laden body to get a long with fellow humans who aren't exactly like you...

Riding bikes is cool and yes we do have legal rights to be two abreast on many roads...

just get over the myth that cars have more rights than bikes...we ALL paid for that road.

anyone advocating road rage should tell that to the folks who have lost family members or been seriously injured byTOTAL ******* drivers who refuse to share the the road and take out their anger about their lot in life on people trying to enjoy the day on a bike.

I believe this country would be a lot better off if more people did ride their bikes!

I will also say that cyclists live longer, are way stronger and in better shape than people who are too scared to ride a bike anymore!

So to all you ******* drivers who don't like to play nice with others and share the road with cyclists...blow me!

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OK I will stick up for bikers...

I pay taxes and have the same rights on a bike on almost any road you choose to drive in a car...wtf is the difference? We are both just traveling PUBLIC roads... you want to drive your fat ass in a car and I want to ride my bike...you do NOT own the road *******...so get a life and find something that matters to ***** about and try to find a way in your cholesterol laden body to get a long with fellow humans who aren't exactly like you...

Riding bikes is cool and yes we do have legal rights to be two abreast on many roads...

just get over the myth that cars have more rights than bikes...we ALL paid for that road.

anyone advocating road rage should tell that to the folks who have lost family members or been seriously injured byTOTAL ******* drivers who refuse to share the the road and take out their anger about their lot in life on people trying to enjoy the day on a bike.

I believe this country would be a lot better off if more people did ride their bikes!

I will also say that cyclists live longer, are way stronger and in better shape than people who are too scared to ride a bike anymore!

So to all you ******* drivers who don't like to play nice with others and share the road with cyclists...blow me!

^^another reason why i dont like bikers..you all are so damn dramatic

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OK I will stick up for bikers...

I pay taxes and have the same rights on a bike on almost any road you choose to drive in a car...wtf is the difference? We are both just traveling PUBLIC roads... you want to drive your fat ass in a car and I want to ride my bike...you do NOT own the road *******...so get a life and find something that matters to ***** about and try to find a way in your cholesterol laden body to get a long with fellow humans who aren't exactly like you...

Riding bikes is cool and yes we do have legal rights to be two abreast on many roads...

just get over the myth that cars have more rights than bikes...we ALL paid for that road.

anyone advocating road rage should tell that to the folks who have lost family members or been seriously injured byTOTAL ******* drivers who refuse to share the the road and take out their anger about their lot in life on people trying to enjoy the day on a bike.

I believe this country would be a lot better off if more people did ride their bikes!

I will also say that cyclists live longer, are way stronger and in better shape than people who are too scared to ride a bike anymore!

So to all you ******* drivers who don't like to play nice with others and share the road with cyclists...blow me!

Gee, did I offend? I ride a bike, I just ride it where bikes should be ridden.

On Bike Trails!

Riding your bike on a state road, with no shoulder is irresponsible.

And you can lose the arrogance about how great of shape you're in. I'm in fine health, not fat at all. I do exercise, but I don't do it on public roads.

If more people want to ride their bikes in the city, around town, in the park, great. Get to it. It would be an awesome idea.

But get off the road jack ass! Don't ride two abreast, don't act like you're a car and if you are going 10 mph, get the **** out of my way.

If I was driving a car 30 mph under the speed limit, I would move over for other cars. I certainly wouldn't be hogging the lane and bragging about how I paid for the road too.

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Gee, did I offend? I ride a bike, I just ride it where bikes should be ridden.

On Bike Trails!

Riding your bike on a state road, with no shoulder is irresponsible.

And you can lose the arrogance about how great of shape you're in. I'm in fine health, not fat at all. I do exercise, but I don't do it on public roads.

If more people want to ride their bikes in the city, around town, in the park, great. Get to it. It would be an awesome idea.

But get off the road jack ass! Don't ride two abreast, don't act like you're a car and if you are going 10 mph, get the **** out of my way.

If I was driving a car 30 mph under the speed limit, I would move over for other cars. I certainly wouldn't be hogging the lane and bragging about how I paid for the road too.

Notice how he failed to discuss the issue of only obeying the rules of the road when it's convenient for them to do so.

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OK I will stick up for bikers...
Please don't. Or at least start by calling them what they are.....CYCLISTS ;)
I pay taxes and have the same rights on a bike on almost any road you choose to drive in a car
Ok, then tell your buddies to stop petitioning city councils around the country for bikepaths that I pay taxes on, which you guys refuse to use. Unless I can start driving my car on them :D
wtf is the difference? We are both just traveling PUBLIC roads
The difference is, cars on roads are not a distraction, they don't cause every single car that passes them to swerve out of the way, and every single one of them doesn't cause traffic to get backed up. That was easy :)
you want to drive your fat ass in a car and I want to ride my bike
Ok, use the bike path, that's waht they're for.
you do NOT own the road *******
Yes I do. I pay taxes, remember? :laugh:
so get a life and find something that matters to ***** about
Exactly, just like you're doing.....oh wait.
and try to find a way in your cholesterol laden body to get a long with fellow humans who aren't exactly like you...
That's a common absurd perception. Just because you ride a bike, it doesn't mean you're any healthier than people driving. I'm in great shape, but my obliterated knees make cycling nearly impossible.
Riding bikes is cool
Yeah all you haters. The wicked witch rode one, Mary Poppins road one, the list of cool just goes on for miles :silly:
and yes we do have legal rights to be two abreast on many roads...
Anything with two breasts is ok in my book.
just get over the myth that cars have more rights than bikes...we ALL paid for that road.
I'll use that same defense tonight when I drive up a bike path in my car and plow through a few cyclists :cool:
anyone advocating road rage should tell that to the folks who have lost family members or been seriously injured byTOTAL ******* drivers who refuse to share the the road and take out their anger about their lot in life on people trying to enjoy the day on a bike.
People enjoy a day on their bike by riding on bike paths, going down trails, etc. Not by driving through rush hour traffic on the highways :2cents: Maybe I'm just satan for saying it, but I have no sympathy for dipsticks who ride down the middle of rush hour traffic and get creamed, when a perfectly good bike path is 10 feet away. That's what they're for, use them.
I believe this country would be a lot better off if more people did ride their bikes!
Look Lance, I'm actually glad you're a Redskins fan, but just because you won 7 Tour De Frances in a row, doesn't mean it will catch on anytime soon :D
I will also say that cyclists live longer, are way stronger and in better shape than people who are too scared to ride a bike anymore!
How can they live longer if they get killed by cars? Or have heart attacks from over exertion? It works your heart and your legs, that is all. That is far from the healthiest. I'd say swimmers have you beat by a landslide.
So to all you ******* drivers who don't like to play nice with others and share the road with cyclists...blow me!
Useless without pics :)
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I don't have a problem with bikers on the road if that's the only access to riding that they have. I do however have a problem with the arrogant pricks that think they are training for Tour De France.

I use to rollerblade frequently on a trail near my house and these arrogant pricks were everywhere. I think it's great that people are out exercising because we are a fat ass nation, but when they are three wide and four deep and expect you to move into the grass on blades that's when I take action. How? I stop moving and broke up their ghey little bike parade.

Now to the real problem. For the love of God why do people with muffin tops wear biker outfits?

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