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Please Get The Damn Bikes Off The Road


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I live in an area that truly is beautiful. Upper Bucks County, with the winding Delaware River makes for some incredible scenery, but for heavens sakes, why do these people decide they will all get together, put on absolutely ridiculous (and way to revealing) outfits and ride down winding state roads, with speed limits between 35 and 50 MPH, with blind corners and no shoulder.

If I end up hitting on of these pedal clowns, I'm hosed, because for some reason, you can go 5 mph down a road around these blind corners and still have rights, like you are in a cross walk. I don't get it.

Get the hell off the damn road!:mad:

In this area, we have a wonderful tow path, that lines both sides of the river with paths that were once used by the mules to pull barges down the canals that border each side of the river. Unfortunately, we have had 3 major floods (30 feet over the flood plan) that wrecked parts of the tow path, but most of it is fine, thanks to 10 million dollars to repair.

We've dumped these millions(with more to come) into paths, specifically for people to ride their freaking 12 speeds on, yet they continue to buy bikes that are meant for well paved roads only (which is a stretch in PA), instead of cross trainers or mountain bikes, so they can ride on said tow path.

Why not stay on the side roads that get very little traffic, instead you ride on a state road, that thousands use to commute every day.

I can not stand these freaking people. Another thing. They will ride through towns, not respect any traffic laws. Why would they? They are on pedal bikes. I wouldn't expect them too, but don't expect me to respect you, like you're in a car, when it's convenient for you. Getting wide at a stop sign, so you can make your case. They drive me up a freaking wall.

/rant far from over:

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2 of my biggest pet peeves:

1) people who ride bikes in the middle of the street when the freakin sidewalk it 3 feet over

2) people who ride bikes that think they are cars so they can be in the middle of the road, but then don't follow the road's laws (aka not stopping at red lights)..make up your fricken mind!! are you a car or a bike??

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Good luck with that. It's never going to happen though. Especially when you get lots of hits for Bucks County cycling when you google it, and they even have a book on it:


I think your only option is road rage. Just start running people over. Eventually, there won't be many left, or you'll be in jail. Either way the problem will be solved. :)

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My peeve's with the bike riders are as follows..

1.) The 60 year old man with the white beard who has that special 3 wheel bike that he lays down in to peddle. Nothing makes me want to swerve off the road more than them.

2.) The 20 somethings who can't go for a simple bike ride without having to put on spandex shirts, spandex pants, looking like they are Lance Armstrongs long lost brothers..

Your just going to the store to buy your soy milk, not the tour de france!!

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I was hoping this was going to be about the Harley culture.

It really makes your visit to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park wonderful when you are on a hike or a picnic with your family and 40 douchebags decked out like extras from the Blue Oyster Bar come rumbling thru the park at 180 decibels.

I think if you were to look up the word obnoxious, it would have a picture of these people. Not everywhere is Sturgis. So take your little leather beanie and shove it directly up your ass. Go somewhere else.

As for bikers of the pedal variety, they don't bother me much. My wife, on the other hand, goes nuts, for all the reasons mentioned in the OP

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1) since when? i do it all the time past cops

It's technically illegal, but cops just turn a blind eye to it.

I'd also like to throw in my :2cents: to KB.

I've noticed that bicyclists selectively want to ride under the same rights as motor vehicles when it's convenient for them ( i.e. sharing the road). But it's back to bike/pedestrian "rules" as soon as they hit a stoplight and hop up on the sidewalk to save time.

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When there is no sidewalk or bike path, I have no problem with them, even though I don't see the point. The ones I hate are the doucheholes that make it a point to ride in the street when there is a perfectly fine path or sidewalk,

I honk and scare the piss out of them :D

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