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POTUS- Black people too happy...white people too mad


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That's a quote from a Chris Rock bit about the OJ verdict and I thought it was appropriate for what I've been hearing on the radio and reading on message boards this morning.

I'm black, actually bi-racial...and while I'm proud that this country, through all the racial strife and conflict through the decades and centuries. actually judged a person by the content of his character and not the color of his skin (I'm sure some would argue that, and that is fair, but that should also probably be another thread) for the highest office in the land , but as Rock also said, "I went to the mailbox today and looked for my "Obama" prize....nothing!"

I can see where one would be happy, perhaps in some odd instances, overjoyed and brought to tears, but for blacks to believe that Obama is going to cure all their issues (homes, taxes, etc) simply because he's black (bi-racial) is rather foolish. Today, you still had to go to work, you still had to pay taxes, and you still had to obey the laws of this country.

On the other side of the track, for white people to tap out on this country and proclaim this the end of all existence as they know it, simply because their guy didn't win, is equally foolish. Black people aren't suddenly going to be allowed to knock on your door and punch you in the mouth and steal your PS3. Nor will your paycheck suddenly look smaller with a little notation where your full total would be, replaced with "given to a poor black person instead of you." I've heard people criticizing all the celebrating, but is this any different from thousands of people overturning cars and breaking stuff because a bunch of guys who don't know you nor would probably ever want to meet you, play a game, win it in this country, and suddenly consider themselves WORLD champions??

When Bush ver. 2.duh won the second time around, people were outraged, but no one was talking about leaving the country or hiding in a cave for 4 years...and that guy was a MORON.

I think everyone needs to simply relax and take a step back. Black people, rejoice, because the cloak of racism, bigotry and Jim Crow took a major blow yesterday. White people, the man was raised by his white mother and white grandparents; he probably didn't meet a black person until he was 10. Maintain..he isn't going to throw on a black glove and do the black power salute on January 20.

He's the president, and we'll see how he does. We all don't have to like him, but we should support him...we don't have another one. The last couple have been real doozies (one gets trim from a fat girl and almost gets impeached and the other one is just a boob who allowed Darth Vader with a poor ticker control all things for 8 years).

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That's a quote from a Chris Rock bit about the OJ verdict and I thought it was appropriate for what I've been hearing on the radio and reading on message boards this morning.

I'm black, actually bi-racial...and while I'm proud that this country, through all the racial strife and conflict through the decades and centuries. actually judged a person by the content of his character and not the color of his skin (I'm sure some would argue that, and that is fair, but that should also probably be another thread) for the highest office in the land , but as Rock also said, "I went to the mailbox today and looked for my "Obama" prize....nothing!"

I can see where one would be happy, perhaps in some odd instances, overjoyed and brought to tears, but for blacks to believe that Obama is going to cure all their issues (homes, taxes, etc) simply because he's black (bi-racial) is rather foolish. Today, you still had to go to work, you still had to pay taxes, and you still had to obey the laws of this country.

On the other side of the track, for white people to tap out on this country and proclaim this the end of all existence as they know it, simply because their guy didn't win, is equally foolish. Black people aren't suddenly going to be allowed to knock on your door and punch you in the mouth and steal your PS3. Nor will your paycheck suddenly look smaller with a little notation where your full total would be, replaced with "given to a poor black person instead of you." I've heard people criticizing all the celebrating, but is this any different from thousands of people overturning cars and breaking stuff because a bunch of guys who don't know you nor would probably ever want to meet you, play a game, win it in this country, and suddenly consider themselves WORLD champions??

When Bush ver. 2.duh won the second time around, people were outraged, but no one was talking about leaving the country or hiding in a cave for 4 years...and that guy was a MORON.

I think everyone needs to simply relax and take a step back. Black people, rejoice, because the cloak of racism, bigotry and Jim Crow took a major blow yesterday. White people, the man was raised by his white mother and white grandparents; he probably didn't meet a black person until he was 10. Maintain..he isn't going to throw on a black glove and do the black power salute on January 20.

He's the president, and we'll see how he does. We all don't have to like him, but we should support him...we don't have another one. The last couple have been real doozies (one gets trim from a fat girl and almost gets impeached and the other one is just a boob who allowed Darth Vader with a poor ticker control all things for 8 years).


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This post really Bugs me....

The Black population is what? 13% of America? Obama won 52% of the vote? There are a TON of white people that voted for Obama (Including me and my family) who are not upset.

Meanwhile - Blacks that I know are happy for a few reasons. yes - Because many think Obama will be a better president, but also because no matter what happens, the idea that a Black man can become president changes everything. As a good friend told me - "My dad use to tell me I could grow up to be president. And even at a young age I laughed. I knew that wasn't the case. But NOW....well, now I can tell my son he CAN grow up to be president and he will believe me".

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Why would white people be mad ?

Obama won because he had huge support from whites.

Oh you know there is mad white people out there. They may not sit next to you or be in your circle but there are many a mad white person today. Most of them won't even admit to themselves why they are mad. They hide behind their political offiliation. I know, I'm related to a lot of the people I describe.

As a white person living in a predominantly black neighborhood, one that was shown celebrating on TV, let them celebrate. My neighborhood was loud and proud last night, no one got hurt, the celebration was short, sweet and to the point. I have no problem with it.

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This post really Bugs me....

The Black population is what? 13% of America? Obama won 52% of the vote? There are a TON of white people that voted for Obama (Including me and my family) who are not upset.

Meanwhile - Blacks that I know are happy for a few reasons. yes - Because many think Obama will be a better president, but also because no matter what happens, the idea that a Black man can become president changes everything. As a good friend told me - "My dad use to tell me I could grow up to be president. And even at a young age I laughed. I knew that wasn't the case. But NOW....well, now I can tell my son he CAN grow up to be president and he will believe me".

That is why this event is so momentus. Black, White and Pock a dotted people all over this planet have been trying to make this so for hundreds of years.

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I don't care for Obama, but I'm praying for success for him.

I'm not mad at all, but I'm growing extremely pissed off that people would come write "OBAMA" as big as they can in front of my house (with a McCain) sign in the window, and I've been verbally harassed last night and this morning regarding my choice for president.

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On the other side of the track, for white people to tap out on this country and proclaim this the end of all existence as they know it, simply because their guy didn't win, is equally foolish.

I literally don't know a single white person who is "tapping out," save perhaps for my neighbor Racist Bill. But honestly, I don't think of him as a complete person anyway.

And as a white guy, let me just say: McCain was pretty ****ing far from my guy. I had Obama since day one. And I don't think I'm terribly unusual in that respect.

When Bush ver. 2.duh won the second time around, people were outraged, but no one was talking about leaving the country or hiding in a cave for 4 years...and that guy was a MORON.
There was plenty of that, actually. Celebrities and regular people threatened to leave the country if Bush got reelected.

Come to think of it, I hooked up with a girl wearing a "KERRY OR CANADA" T-shirt who wanted to drown her sorrows with a little fun (I was all too happy to oblige).

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This post really Bugs me....

Didn't mean to bug you, but I think you misunderstood what I was saying. This thread simply came from looking at the ramblings of people on the radio and folks on message boards. I understand, white people voted for Obama, and thus are happy as well. If you're familiar with the Chris Rock bit I started off with, you would probably get a better idea of what I'm saying.

What I've heard from white people even before the election was over concerned me. It wasn't a "I don't agree with his politics, so I'm going for the other guy." It was harsher than that, and some of that was due to the strategy the Repubs put out there.

C'mon, 23% of registered Texans still thought he was Muslim 7 days ago! There are people, 40 something percent of them, who are not happy today...and a percentage of those people are not happy because they feel that their lives are going to change into something out of the dark ages, which just shouldn't be the way to think.

A custodian just walked into my office, singing Sam Cooke's "A Change is Gonna Come." He's an older gentleman, so I know he NEVER thought a day like this was going to come. I'm sure he voted for Obama, but I wouldn't want him to think that 4 years from now, he's going to be living the high life because there's a black president. That's dangerous thinking, and the polar opposite of that are the white people who didn't vote for Obama feeling that 4 years from now, they'll have to move out of this country because it has turned into the Oakland Raiders of countries.

I guess I should've changed the title to Black people too happy...white people who didn't vote for Obama too mad

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I don't care for Obama, but I'm praying for success for him.

I'm not mad at all, but I'm growing extremely pissed off that people would come write "OBAMA" as big as they can in front of my house (with a McCain) sign in the window, and I've been verbally harassed last night and this morning regarding my choice for president.

That sucks to hear. People can be pretty classless in both victory and defeat. I've been told in the past 12 hours that I've helped to ruin the country and that I only voted for Obama so I could "feel good" about voting for a black guy.

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I am...

A veteran...


And was in tears last night because I saw the country I fought for come together to elect Obama... I am elated that we have elected Barack, this is the start of a new age in America and I am so happy to be alive to be able to witness and be a part of it.

Race is starting to matter a heck of a lot less, those who are still racist in this country will be further marginalized and I could not be happier.

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I am...

A veteran...


And was in tears last night because I saw the country I fought for come together to elect Obama... I am elated that we have elected Barack, this is the start of a new age in America and I am so happy to be alive to be able to witness and be a part of it.

Race is starting to matter a heck of a lot less, those who are still racist in this country will be further marginalized and I could not be happier.

:applause: Couldn't have said it better. (thanks for your service too brother :cheers:)

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Two importand groups not covered by the OP.

What should the "over-joyed" white guy like me do?

and more importantly

What should that black guy that voted for McCain do?

Quite easy.

Have a cup of coffee together and talk about the skins...the one thing you two can actually agree on...or perhaps not.

An overjoyed white guy, if that's what you are...should be happy, your guy won...now "why" are you happy is more important than the fact that you are happy. If you're happy because Obama ran a campaign that you could "get", that you too feel an overall change in the way we do things nationally and internationally was due, then go for it, throw your hat in the air like Mary Tyler Moore. But if you're thinking, "man, cable TV is going to be free and my Obama HDTV should be delivered any day now," then you are sadly mistaken.

For your black republican friend, hopefully he supports the new president of the united states. He shouldn't feel like he's an "Uncle Tom" or on the wrong side of the team so to speak. Be proud that you're a republican and if you like, reflect on how 40-45 years ago, people like him weren't allowed to eat at certain diners in the south and had crap thrown at them because they wanted to go to the same schools as their white counterparts- and now, a man of color is the Commander and Chief of the most powerful nation in the world.

I'm just goofing off for the most part, so please don't take this thread as some "statement" like I'm trying to be profound or something...just an observation after last night.

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