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POTUS- Black people too happy...white people too mad


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Your problem appears to be that you actually believe things politicians say. A guy like Obama has been bought and paid for by George Soros. Not to mention that he was the most left wing member of the Senate and his whole career, such as it is, has involved radical politics. If you really are a conservative and voted for him, you've been duped big time.
You are an idiot if you think George Bush's handlers are any more conservative than George Soros.

You're no daisy. You're no daisy at all.

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Support your contention that he's lying with fact, or drop it. I laid out the man's positions, which you are unwilling or UNABLE to refute. Additionally, the nation's premier conservative think-tank, the Heritage Foundation, agrees with me. THEY said Obama is better for the middle class.

Also, please provide a link to your assertion that Obama was "bought and paid for by Soros." You are everything that is wrong with my party. Bull**** talking points, completely unsupported by fact. People like you are the ones that give liberals the impression that we are Hannity-O'Reilly-Rush-spoonfed idiots.

We deal in fact in the tailgate. You'll adapt, or your stay will be short.

Only pansies have to threaten. Just reveals your insecurity. Fact is, if you really claim to be a conservative and you DID vote for Jesus Obama, you're a disgrace. With all due respect, of course.

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Only pansies have to threaten. Just reveals your insecurity. Fact is, if you really claim to be a conservative and you DID vote for Jesus Obama, you're a disgrace. With all due respect, of course.

Wasn't a threat at all, merely a predicition.

And you have YET to present a single fact, nor successfully dispute any of mine.

Also, you'll note that 100% of the name-calling and insults have come from you. (You were saying about insecurity?)

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Only pansies have to threaten. Just reveals your insecurity. Fact is, if you really claim to be a conservative and you DID vote for Jesus Obama, you're a disgrace. With all due respect, of course.

What's this? Four or five times you've called him Jesus Obama? You just can't help yourself can you? Show the man some respect. He's going to be our next President. Is it that hard to buck up and and respect the man for his accomplishments?

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You are an idiot if you think George Bush's handlers are any more conservative than George Soros.

You're no daisy. You're no daisy at all.

Tombstone FTW!

Only pansies have to threaten. Just reveals your insecurity. Fact is, if you really claim to be a conservative and you DID vote for Jesus Obama, you're a disgrace. With all due respect, of course.

Yup, the world would be a better place with less people like you in it.

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Only pansies have to threaten. Just reveals your insecurity. Fact is, if you really claim to be a conservative and you DID vote for Jesus Obama, you're a disgrace. With all due respect, of course.

Fact is, a person who comes in with the childish type responses like you have put on this thread, is one that could be dealing with some interesting insecurities. Which could actually, make them a bit of a pansy. Might want to be careful tossing around those big rocks around that glass house of yours. Recommendation. Knock of the I know you are but what I stuff and do better at actually debating the topics at hand.


There. I have now wasted more time than what is worth for someone who posts such responses.

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Wasn't a threat at all, merely a predicition.

And you have YET to present a single fact, nor successfully dispute any of mine.

Also, you'll note that 100% of the name-calling and insults have come from you. (You were saying about insecurity?)

And 100% of the threats have come from you. If you really think I'm not going to express my views because you threaten, you're sorely mistaken. And sorry, there is no way that any conservative could logically vote for someone with Jesus Obama's radical views. Even in the one year he actually spent in the Senate, he was the MOST left wing member. And that's saying something. The proof is in the pudding and for someone to ignore the facts and buy the rhetoric is pretty lame.

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What's this? Four or five times you've called him Jesus Obama? You just can't help yourself can you? Show the man some respect. He's going to be our next President. Is it that hard to buck up and and respect the man for his accomplishments?

Maybe it went over your head. Calling him Jesus is actually mocking his many followers who literally think he's the messiah. If the shoe fits............. Although now that you mention it, given Obama's huge ego, maybe he thinks he's the messiah too.

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And 100% of the threats have come from you. If you really think I'm not going to express my views because you threaten, you're sorely mistaken. And sorry, there is no way that any conservative could logically vote for someone with Jesus Obama's radical views. Even in the one year he actually spent in the Senate, he was the MOST left wing member. And that's saying something. The proof is in the pudding and for someone to ignore the facts and buy the rhetoric is pretty lame.


I think your math is off.

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Maybe it went over your head. Calling him Jesus is actually mocking his many followers who literally think he's the messiah. If the shoe fits............. Although now that you mention it, given Obama's huge ego, maybe he thinks he's the messiah too.


WAIT! Let me get a crying towel for you...:doh:

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And 100% of the threats have come from you. If you really think I'm not going to express my views because you threaten, you're sorely mistaken. And sorry, there is no way that any conservative could logically vote for someone with Jesus Obama's radical views. Even in the one year he actually spent in the Senate, he was the MOST left wing member. And that's saying something. The proof is in the pudding and for someone to ignore the facts and buy the rhetoric is pretty lame.

Again, it was a PREDICTION NOT A THREAT. (I've made similar predictions with two other posters who no longer grace us with their presence.)

Factcheck.org also disagrees with your premise of 'most liberal.'

"The ad also says Obama is "the Senate's 'most liberal,' " a claim that rests on flimsy evidence to say the least. It's based on one analysis of votes cast in 2007. Obama was ranked as the “most liberal senator” by a National Journal evaluation of voting records in 2007 – but that wasn’t the case during his first two years in the Senate, when he ranked 16th and 10th on the most-liberal scorecard. Obama also missed one-third of the 99 votes on which National Journal based its rankings last year, due to his campaign schedule."


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Again, it was a PREDICTION NOT A THREAT. (I've made similar predictions with two other posters who no longer grace us with their presence.)

Factcheck.org also disagrees with your premise of 'most liberal.'

"The ad also says Obama is "the Senate's 'most liberal,' " a claim that rests on flimsy evidence to say the least. It's based on one analysis of votes cast in 2007. Obama was ranked as the “most liberal senator” by a National Journal evaluation of voting records in 2007 – but that wasn’t the case during his first two years in the Senate, when he ranked 16th and 10th on the most-liberal scorecard. Obama also missed one-third of the 99 votes on which National Journal based its rankings last year, due to his campaign schedule."


Wrong. The National Journal is a reputable publication. So your attempt to cast doubt on its conclusions is pretty lame. And I would hardly think the number of votes he missed casts a good light on him either. I think you need to try again.

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Maybe it went over your head. Calling him Jesus is actually mocking his many followers who literally think he's the messiah. If the shoe fits............. Although now that you mention it, given Obama's huge ego, maybe he thinks he's the messiah too.

Dude, I'm a conservative Republican and I voted for Obama. Sometimes following party lines just doesn't add up. Often times, if you love something, you have to go with what is right, not the status Que.

What is so terribly bad about Obama?

That he's inspiring? Are you kidding me? We need inspiring Presidents. How else are we ever going to take personal responsibility, something us Conservative Republicans supposedly stand for. No my friend, the current GOP is not conservative at all. They are for more handouts then the Democrats. Corporations and social fascist supporting the GOP is sickening to me. The Dems can take back all of those Southern Democrats that call themselves Conservatives. They think that not advancing society's laws is a good thing.

What's the real problem with this "Share the Wealth" mantra? It's what, a 3% tax increase on those that make good money? There's nothing wrong with wanting to give those that need the money more pay a little less taxes. I hate the welfare state but the way to cure it isn't the conservative way. It isn't working. Part of the reason we are in this financial crunch is because there isn't enough diversity in our economy.

That's where personal responsibility comes in. And Obama is advocating it where John McCain was not. Americans need to do much more then just shop. We need inspiration right now. Reagan, Kennedy, FDR, Teddy... Tough times overcome with inspirational leaders.

Obama's going to be more moderate then you would think due to a few factors.

1. His constituency has changed from liberal to moderate.

2. He's paving a road. Added pressure on the job with the most pressure in the world.

3. He's sincere.

People are excited again and apathy has been shot down even if just temporarily.

Just because this guy isn't an Elephant doesn't mean he doesn't deserve respect for who he is, what he's done and what he's got to do.

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Obama used the word Sacrifice

Didn't hear him say that to often during the campaign

He also started the BS about not being able to get his things done in a year or a term, blah blah blah. Typical political excuse-making. Promise everything during the campaign then immediately start backing off. But in a way that is a positive because a lot of his agenda would be very damaging to the country if it ever saw the light of day.

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Wrong. The National Journal is a reputable publication. So your attempt to cast doubt on its conclusions is pretty lame. And I would hardly think the number of votes he missed casts a good light on him either. I think you need to try again.

Give me a source. The only thing you've provided here is your opinion.

(You'll notice I'm supporting my points with factual information, rather than over-using "lame" and making personal insults. Try it, and maybe we'll get somewhere.)

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He also started the BS about not being able to get his things done in a year or a term, blah blah blah. Typical political excuse-making. Promise everything during the campaign then immediately start backing off. But in a way that is a positive because a lot of his agenda would be very damaging to the country if it ever saw the light of day.


Please note that McCain didn't put any reality into his promises for a better America.

Oh.. hold on.. wait... that's because he didn't make any promises for a better America.

The Obama campaign was not about Obama alone. It centered itself around the fact that we, as a people, can get things done.

That's point and you're missing.

It's been done before. We can do it again.

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He also started the BS about not being able to get his things done in a year or a term, blah blah blah. Typical political excuse-making. Promise everything during the campaign then immediately start backing off. But in a way that is a positive because a lot of his agenda would be very damaging to the country if it ever saw the light of day.

Who honestly expected him to get everything done in a year? Or a full term for that matter?

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He also started the BS about not being able to get his things done in a year or a term, blah blah blah. Typical political excuse-making. Promise everything during the campaign then immediately start backing off. But in a way that is a positive because a lot of his agenda would be very damaging to the country if it ever saw the light of day.

Sir, I was at his rally in Virginia Beach, 2 weeks ago, and he was saying it may not be done in a year, or even a full term.

I assume you have not attended a single one of his rallies, because he has said this at most of them, and it pretty much is common knowledge.

He was talking about getting this country back on track, something that will take a long time, because it is headed in the wrong direction, and it is not going to get better by itself.

You are clearly picking and choosing what appeals to your agenda, and already taking his quotes out of context, and applying them in ways that benefit your points of view.

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Dude, I'm a conservative Republican and I voted for Obama. Sometimes following party lines just doesn't add up. Often times, if you love something, you have to go with what is right, not the status Que.

What is so terribly bad about Obama?

That he's inspiring? Are you kidding me? We need inspiring Presidents. How else are we ever going to take personal responsibility, something us Conservative Republicans supposedly stand for. No my friend, the current GOP is not conservative at all. They are for more handouts then the Democrats. Corporations and social fascist supporting the GOP is sickening to me. The Dems can take back all of those Southern Democrats that call themselves Conservatives. They think that not advancing society's laws is a good thing.

Sorry, I'm not impressed by political rhetoric. Inspiring? Please.

What's the real problem with this "Share the Wealth" mantra? It's what, a 3% tax increase on those that make good money? There's nothing wrong with wanting to give those that need the money more pay a little less taxes. I hate the welfare state but the way to cure it isn't the conservative way. It isn't working. Part of the reason we are in this financial crunch is because there isn't enough diversity in our economy.

First of all, the left wing Dems bear a large part of the responsibility for the financial situation. Second, can't logically say you hate the welfare state and then support socialistic wealth transfer. Fact is, people are already taxed too much in this country.

That's where personal responsibility comes in. And Obama is advocating it where John McCain was not. Americans need to do much more then just shop. We need inspiration right now. Reagan, Kennedy, FDR, Teddy... Tough times overcome with inspirational leaders.

Not if the "inspirational leader" leads in the wrong direction. No one was better at rallying the masses than Hitler. And before Obama's flock goes crazy saying I'm comparing Obama with Hitler, I'm not. I'm saying that leadership in the wrong direction is hardly a positive thing.

Obama's going to be moderate then you would think due to a few factors.

1. His constituency has changed from liberal to moderate.

Actually, it has changed to center-right from liberal. But he's beholden to the far left loons of the Dems, not to mention that he won't be able to handle Pelosi and Reid. He'll be their puppet.

2. He's paving a road. Added pressure on the job with the most pressure in the world.

3. He's sincere.

And you know this how? As far as I can tell, he's as ambitious as it gets and will do and say pretty much anything to get elected, and now reelected.

People are excited again and apathy has been shot down even if just temporarily.

About a third of the population may fall into that category. But about another third voted against him and another third didn't vote. So let's not go crazy here.

Just because this guy isn't an Elephant doesn't mean he doesn't deserve respect for who he is, what he's done and what he's got to do.

I don't respect politicians.

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