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Carlos Rogers ... this ones on you ... (Merged)


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My oh my! It seems that Carlos Rogers is having a "ground hog" day.

The dropped interception.... and poor play is certainly not helping our cause.

The offense is playing scared. The running game is ineffective. And, Jason is having a horrible night.

It's not on Rogers, it's a team game. Everyone played poorly. Why not blame the O-Line for not making big enough holes for Portis to run through or block enough for Campbell to pass? Blaming one person in a blow-out is just stupid.

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Some of you don't deserve a keyboard. Really.

Woo, hang on there man.

I'm with you that this game isn't on Carlos, the whole TEAM has been abysmal, and that includes the Coaching staff. (This conservative play calling HAS to change. Were regressing back to Gibbs II. FAST!).

But if #22 is gona' get the plaudits he's rightly deserved this year, then when he doe's have a stinker, then the criticism is justified his way too. Calling for his head is ridiculous, but constructive criticism on the mistake filled game he's had tonight is as justified as praising him for the wideouts he's shut down this year.


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No doubt about it - Carlos had a horrible game. Just horrible. He is the Rod Gardner of interceptions - 50/50.

50/50??! That's pretty generous. More like 10/90. The only int he has all year was a gimme on a tip. Everything else that hit him in the hands or chest has been flat out dropped. I usually give the benefit of the doubt but Carlos just flat out can't catch a cold and it's costing the team.

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No doubt about it - Carlos had a horrible game. Just horrible. He is the Rod Gardner of interceptions - 50/50.

50/50, **** I wish. They guy is like 1/99, he can't catch the ball even if it is literally thrown right into his chest. Come on now. It's all fun to joke about it when we win, but you have got to start catching int's. It's really hurting us bad.

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Guys he was the best cornerback in the league until the missed int. I just hope he doesnt let this game bbother his play from here on out because we will need him to continue on our journey to the superbowl. Guys this is just one game everybody loses we need to learn and get better.

We all fans love to root for their teeam's respective players. But, I hate to break this to you Carlos is nowhere near being the best corner back in this league. Never was, and never will be.


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My oh my! It seems that Carlos Rogers is having a "ground hog" day.

The dropped interception.... and poor play is certainly not helping our cause.

The offense is playing scared. The running game is ineffective. And, Jason is having a horrible night.

Yep. Eerily similar to the dropped pick 6 he had against Seattle a few years ago. I had a feeling we were going to lose after that. Man at least it was an AFC opp.

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I really enjoy Carlos' play, particularly this year. However, even wearing his jersey, I'm going to go ahead and pin this on him. If he catches that ball (I mean, seriously...was he watching the Texas vs. Texas Tech game highlights?), it is a TOTALLY different ball game. Don't ask me about Jansen, either.

I hope they enjoy 2 weeks of feeling like bums, because they embarrassed me as a 'skins fan tonight.

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Rogers has played very well coming off the horrific knee injury from last year. Did he have an off night? yea problably, but I wouldn't throw him under the bus just yet. He is still a VERY good cb. Problem is that he is in a contract year and if I was Vinny, I wouldn't be breaking out the big money .

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1 game???? Do you watch the games????

Do YOU watch the games...he has been lockdown all season - the pick six hurt and so did the penalty, but if rothlesberger was not hit on that then i highly doubt that would of been completed...Rogers simply was running deep with the receiver and turned and lost it due to the hit.

Carlos or the Defense CANNOT be blamed for this game...

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I'm sorry. For all the hype about his play this year after coming off the injury....he dropped a pick 6, and gave up the TD. We really are in need of an upgrade at CB. Waaaay too many dropped INTs in his career for a top 10 draft pick. Its become this rediculous joke even among the team like, "hahaha, Rogers dropped anaother one". But this is beyond pathetic.

Holy ****ing ****!!! I have had enough of this fan base. Can we get a built in soberity test and/or IQ test for this board. Many people just should not be posting.

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I'm sorry. For all the hype about his play this year after coming off the injury....he dropped a pick 6, and gave up the TD. We really are in need of an upgrade at CB. Waaaay too many dropped INTs in his career for a top 10 draft pick. Its become this rediculous joke even among the team like, "hahaha, Rogers dropped anaother one". But this is beyond pathetic.

You my friend, *** ** *** hole. The man is on a probowl run. You need to..............ya know what? **** it, I can't piss my life away on you.

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Carlos has been playing prett solid....but tonight he's proven that he's mediocre at best.

So if you play awesome all year and have one mediocre game, that one game instantly becomes the only game that is used for evaluating?

Wll ****. We need to clear out the Hall of Fame. Not a single player in there went without at least one bad game.

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