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Carlos Rogers ... this ones on you ... (Merged)


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I blame the stupid burgundy jersey too. As soon as I saw that in the pregame I knew we were in trouble.

Carlos could have changed the game completely though, and the rest of the blame has to go to him. Even those who defend him know in the back of their minds that this stuff happens WAY too often with him. Who cares if it ended up a pick 6? A pick alone would have changed the game.

And again...Home Jersey = White.

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He had a bad game. That's it. He's been playing great ball since the start of the season. Was I pissed that he missed that INT? Of course. He's been dropping interceptions for years. It's insane how crazy this board can get after one game.

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Carlos isn't all to blame, certainly our lack luster Offense has to be held accountable. You get prime field position in the first 4 minutes of the game and come away with 2 field goals.... seriously? Game should have started out 14 - 0. Carlos pick 6 should have put the game even that much more in our favor. 21 points easy we should have had without question! but we only come away with 6 pts. Pathetic, we've been playing this poorly on offense for weeks now and luckly for us it's been against sub par opponents -- can't continue the poor offensive productivity against a decent team, if so we'll continue to lose just like tonight.:doh:

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The guy may not have the hands, but you play CB and shut down T.O., Braylon Edwards, Deshaun Jackson, and Colston, and even Calvin Johnson!!! He's been the CB of the year! Time to move on from tonights disaster and start our winning ways WITH CARLOS!!

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I love Carlos~! but man that woulda been big...he is shutting a lot of people down and thats is GREAT! but if he wants to take it to the next level then he HAS to make plays...and that woulda been a HUGE play to make..he cant catch worth a *bleep* =(

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As far as JAWS comment on him playing 10 yards off the line -- its true. All our DBS do this 90% of the time. I don't understand it, 3rd and 5 and we play behind the line. Defensive coaches blind? or do they just not care? I don't understand it, we're the only team in the NFL i see consistently playing that far off opponents WR! You get 5 yards DB's lets start taking advantage of it and bump these guys at the line!! Its not like sitting back and jumping routes is gonna help when you've got the stone hands we've seen year after year from our DB crew. And say what you will about Springs and Smoot, every year its a hamsting, quad, calf -- how about we draft a stud for our backfield, one that can "catch" and stay healthly! that would be great. I'd rather bring back Darrell Green at his age then keep these chumps!!! Only one I can say I like the consistent play of so far this year is Horton. Give it up 7th Round draft pick!!

Look at the bright side, we can't lose next week..... or can we.

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Ball is in the air. That's a gimmie.

How is that a gimmie? He had his momentum taking him one way, planted his foot and dove 3+ yards towards the ball and fingertip caught it...

I'm going to take your logic at this and ask you something, when the ball hits a DL in the hands at the line of scrimmage should it be caught since the ball is in the air and it hit them in the hands?...it should be :rolleyes:

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Sweet thread duder, not so much. The guy played an excellent game, he needs to work on catching the ball. That single play did not cost us the game, however, it did add to the total team loss. You can blame this loss on the lethargic special teams play on the punt block, the lack of protection from the o-line resulting in 7 sacks allowed (Jon Jansen), 3 holding calls (Chris Samuels, Casey Rabach), bad passes from Jason Cambell resulting in 2 picks, and a bounty of dropped passes. So please stop it with these dumb ass threads. K thanks buh bye now.

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How is that a gimmie? He had his momentum taking him one way, planted his foot and dove 3+ yards towards the ball and fingertip caught it...

I'm going to take your logic at this and ask you something, when the ball hits a DL in the hands at the line of scrimmage should it be caught since the ball is in the air and it hit them in the hands?...it should be :rolleyes:

if you watch his hands and his eyes at the same time you can see he was looking at a TD. See my post above about what Zorn had to say about the drop. ;)

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Rogers is an excellent CB. He has bad hands, nobody is going to argue against that. But to pin this loss solely on him is absurd. Lets look at the production of the Steelers WRs:

Washington: 2 catches, 59 yards(the big 50 yard bomb was on Smoot)

Moore: 3-45

Ward: 3-39(Rogers was covering Ward on that 3rd and 12 before the 1st TD, coverage was good but Big Ben made a great throw and Ward made a great catch in traffic)

Holmes: 3-30

Spaeth: 1-6

Did any of these guys kill us? Nope, just like no WR has this year, save for Plax in Week 1(mostly vs. Smoot).

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