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WTF is John Riggins problem?


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Riggins tries too hard. Because he was once a legendary RB in DC, he get all these passes. Take away his status, he's nothing more than a tool.

The rantings of an idiot.

His 'status' was begot by winning a super bowl and being one of the most clutch running backs this city has ever seen. While the new school kids have watched the Redskins consistently fail to get the first down on third and short when the game is on the line Riggins was as close to a sure bet as you can get (can you say 4th and 1 in the super bowl?).

For those who were not around back then, you have no idea how good this team was, and that included Riggins. They were in the conversation every single year as one of the top teams in the NFL. The 1983 Redskins are considered one of the best teams ever. Had they won the Super Bowl against the Raiders they would be considered in the top three greatest all-time teams (Gibbs says it was his best team ever). A major portion of that offense was John Riggins.

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Riggins was just saying how great the line is playing and that even Ladell Betts could probably get those yards.

I think he's also a little ticked off at CP for those idiotic comments CP made a month or so ago. I took it as Riggins saying it was a slap in the face to Joe Bugel and that the o-line is playing their guts out for him, Joe Bugel, more so than CP.

If you really listened, Riggins also stated that he hopes CP breaks his (Riggins) single season rushing record as long as the team wins.


Portis has had that record since 2005.

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Give it a break man :doh:. Riggins, just like every other professional athlete, knows that records are made top be broken and his is no exception. It all has to do with Riggins perception that he thinks CP threw not just the o-line under the bus but Joe Bugel himself. Riggins has won a few championships with Buges and I imagine has a greal deal of admiration and respect for him. It was probably his way of defending Buges and it really isn't that big of a deal.

Get over it....please!

While they know records are made to be broken, most hate when it happens. This is especially true when holding those records are part of how you define yourself. Again, the evidence at this point indicates that Portis made the right move to throw the o-line under the bus.

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The rantings of an idiot.

His 'status' was begot by winning a super bowl and being one of the most clutch running backs this city has ever seen. While the new school kids have watched the Redskins consistently fail to get the first down on third and short when the game is on the line Riggins was as close to a sure bet as you can get (can you say 4th and 1 in the super bowl?).

For those who were not around back then, you have no idea how good this team was, and that included Riggins. They were in the conversation every single year as one of the top teams in the NFL. The 1983 Redskins are considered one of the best teams ever. Had they won the Super Bowl against the Raiders they would be considered in the top three greatest all-time teams (Gibbs says it was his best team ever). A major portion of that offense was John Riggins.

That is so true Jimmijo. It would be 4th and 1, the defense knew what we were going to run (Riggins up the middle), they would stack the line, on the snap, Riggins gets the hand off and barrels through the middle of the line, dragging 2,3 or 4 players another 4 or 5 yards for the first down. It worked every time and the opposing defenses could never stop him. It was a thing of beauty and I haven't seen that since Riggins retired.

As good as CP is, he's not a sure bet for a 4th and 1. Riggins was a guarantee.

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ES on Betts in '06: "The line was blocking great!" "My grandma could run through those holes!" "Any running back would look good with that line!"

ES on Portis in '08: "Portis is the man!" "Portis is the greatest RB!" "WTF is John Riggins problem?"

When Portis fumbles. He was just trying to get extra yardage .When Betts fumbles:doh: lets trade him.

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I think the biggest factors to Portis's success other than his own efforts, are Jason Campbell, Jim Zorn, Randy Thomas, and Jon Jansen. The QB is playing well, the Coach is calling plays like a master, and the O-line is healthy. Portis is running with great vision, teams have to respect the passing game, and they are off balance with the awesome play calling. Jansen has always excelled at run blocking, and Randy Thomas is one of the best guards in the NFL.

I wonder if Buges is holding a grudge against Portis like Riggo is, I doubt his skin is that thin.

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Hey. He's a guy. Plain and simple. C'mon fellas. You know what I'm talking about. The Boss even sang about it. Hell, some of you, if not many have you have an experience or 2 that relates to this, though on a smaller scale. Friend or family member comes up to you, starts talking about this kid or that kid who reminds them of you at that age. Only maybe even better.

"Oh really? " You ask. "Well, that's not all that hard to do." You continue humbley. Inside though; "Oh yeah? Well does he......? Did he......?" Or something like that. "Ya know?" you continue," I can remember this one game when..." We'll not have them forgetting about us all that easily now will we? ;)

Glory days well they'll pass you by

Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye

Glory days, glory days


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Riggins was saying these things during the offseason. So, it doesn't have anything to do with Portis' comments. He may feel the need to remind folks of what he said since Portis is doing so well. I think it is all stupid. The OL and the RB have a symbiotic relationship. To have this amount of yardage, both have to be playing at a high level. It all seems petty to me and does nothing but cause distraction and divisiveness.

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ES on Betts in '06: "The line was blocking great!" "My grandma could run through those holes!" "Any running back would look good with that line!"

ES on Portis in '08: "Portis is the man!" "Portis is the greatest RB!" "WTF is John Riggins problem?"

Post of the week. :applause:

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Damn Blondi, thanks for the accolades, now I'm an authority on this subject. When in doubt just belittle the opposition, yeah, I get it. Feel better now?

Get over it....lol :doh:

Hey Blondi, can you read this? lol


1. Reread my post. NEVER did I give you accolades. NEVER did I say you were an authority.

2. Reread my post. NEVER did I say Riggo was jealous.

IF you want to discuss with me, please bring your A game. The KEY part of an A game, is quoting me correctly.

3 Quoting JJ, and then asking if I can read, does NOT bolster your opinion. JJ and I have sat with each other and discussed the REDSKINS. We don't always agree.

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One thing i notice new age redskins fans do not appreciate their history much.

Well, I'm not a "new-age" Redskin fan. :rolleyes:

I'm 41, and I was 14 when I watched Riggins and his 4th down run in SBXVII.

As I said, I love Riggins, and everything he did for the team I love, but that doesn't mean he can't be human and be an ego-driven jerk at times.

In fact, all I see on this thread is the usual suspects that have never had anything good to say about Portis the last several years using this oppurtunity to take some more swipes at him (we even got McD5 to come out from whatever bush or tree he has been hiding behind the last 6 weeks and start dissing Portis again :) ).

The fact is, Riggins has ruled the RB roost in D.C. since he retired a litttle over 2 decades ago.

We have had good RBs here since then, but no one approaching what Riggins did.

Now, the Redskins may have that with Portis, and Riggins is getting all defensive about it and almost hostile towards Portis and his accomplishments.

As others have said, a couple of comments from Portis after the Giants game just doesn't explain Riggins' attitude and dismissiveness of Portis.

I can remember when Franco Harris was about to break some of Jim Brown's records and Brown got all hostile and critical of Harris, and Brown said he was going to come back and play again and not lose his record (which was ridiculous).

Don't think for a minute that any of these former athletes aren't FULL of pride and protective of thier accomplishments.

Cause the way I see Riggins acting now towards Portis is the way Jim Brown was acting towards Franco Harris (except Riggins isn't threatning to come back :) ).

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I see the fact that Betts is hurt and averaging <8 carries a game for a different coaching staff when healthy has not decreased the unexplainable man crush. Good to see that hasn't changed.

That is based on how much money he makes. Gibbs thought Portis and Betts talent were interchangable but you can't bench Portis because of his ego. So he gave the lion share of the carries to Portis.

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we even got McD5 to come out from whatever bush or tree he has been hiding behind the last 6 weeks and start dissing Portis again

I think he's been in the Tailgate. :)

That is based on how much money he makes. Gibbs thought Portis and Betts talent were interchangable but you can't bench Portis because of his ego. So he gave the lion share of the carries to Portis.

This is going to be my last comment on this subject one way or the other. That's just insane and stupid. If Betts was better than Portis, he would be starting. No coach in their right mind is going to risk his job by playing the guys who makes more money. Everybody had a clean shake with Zorn. Hell, Jansen makes more than Heyer, and he got benched. Let's take Gibbs out of the equation. Zorn picked Portis as his starter as well.

There might be legitimate arguments to be made to say that Betts is a legit starting back (I don't think he is because during his best stretch his fumbles directly caused at least 1 if not 2 losses) but bringing money into the equation is stupid.

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Poor Portis. He just can't seem to shake the old RBs of Redskins legend... they all ended up making careers out of Redskins analysis. First Bmitch, now Riggins. :rotflmao:

I think anyone who actually watched what Riggins said, which caused the OP to make a thread about it, should definitely understand that Riggins is going too far. Right after his little speech about how Betts could've done the same right now behind this Oline and how this Oline is playing like the Hogs, Doc Walker pretty much called Riggins out by giving credit to how well Portis is running RIGHT AFTER Riggins finished talking. It was obvious to Doc what Riggins was doing.

The past few weeks Riggins just seems to get more and more bothered by what Portis is doing. To say our Oline is playing like the Hogs? Are you kidding me? No Oline has been dominant like the Hogs since the Hogs. Anyone watching can see our Olineman are not the Hogs. That is ridiculous. I don't think we'll ever see as dominant an Oline as the Hogs ever again; simply because nowadays Dlineman are so much more bigger and faster than back in the 80s.

And about Betts... unbelievable. Who (besides McD5 and the one with the avatar that should tell us not to even reply to him) actually believes Betts could pull off some of the big runs we've seen Portis pull off the last month? I love Betts... but he's not going to get the 30-50 yard gashes as consistently as Portis is right now. He's not that type of runner, and even if he did, he'd fumble a few more times than Portis has.

I think Riggins should be ashamed of himself, honestly. Portis is playing amazingly well, and any fool can see it. Let's just keep overblowing Portis' comments earlier in the season when he was friggin asked how he compared to other backs in the league. Every one of us said Portis would've had ridiculous numbers by now had he stayed in Denver. He was basically saying the same thing... that other RBs have had it so much easier because of their Oline and the schemes they were in. Sure, he probably should've let us all be the ones to say it... but he was asked and he answered. Enough is friggin enough.

When did we all become so susceptible to commentators who exaggerate situations?

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