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WTF is John Riggins problem?


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Give it a break man :doh:. Riggins, just like every other professional athlete, knows that records are made top be broken and his is no exception. It all has to do with Riggins perception that he thinks CP threw not just the o-line under the bus but Joe Bugel himself. Riggins has won a few championships with Buges and I imagine has a greal deal of admiration and respect for him. It was probably his way of defending Buges and it really isn't that big of a deal.

Get over it....please!


Riggins has bashed Clinton before the comments made about the Oline. Those comments are just the excuse dejor for bashing him currently as he is putting up numbers that Riggins was unable to produce even running behind one of the best Olines in the history of the sport.

I also find it ironic that a guy who benefited exclusively from having a fantastic offensive line, is now trying to minimize Clinton's accomplishments by giving credit almost exclusively to the Oline. Yet when Clinton struggled (rare but it did happen), the Oline was never mentioned as a reason. Nor the pathetic passing attack that failed to provide a balance.

Here is my one defense of John Riggins with regards to Clinton Portis. He has been critical of pretty much every Redskins runner (except Ladell Betts interestingly enough) since retiring. It started with his weekly bashing of George Rogers way back in 86 when he had his own show on Ch.7 (with Frank Herzog) and has continued to this day. I think the runner that he liked the most since his retirement was Stephen Davis.

I've said it before this season and I'll continue to say it, Clinton Portis is the best runner I've ever seen play for the Redskins. What has held him back has been an inconsistent Oline and a poor passing attack. Put him on a team like the 82 or 83 Redskins...................and well I think we're getting an idea of what kind of numbers he'd put up with what he's doing this year.

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i don't think riggins is a jerk, but look. it is only HUMAN NATURE for the #1 redskins runnin back of all time to try to downplay the first guy to come along who has a legitimate chance of challenging that position.

portis has not dethroned riggo yet, but some people are starting to say "hey, if he keeps this up..." riggo sees the writing on the wall and even though it may not be intentional or conscious, i think he wants to protect his legacy, his position as the unquestioned greatest.

Do you not understand why Riggo will neverbe dethroned?


That is now getting 140 vs the Browns and Lions in the regular season.

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Last time I checked the first two were a team effort....Never heard of a running back winnin' a superbowl all by him self...

So? Life is not fair. You mark your name in big moments. If the Redskins don't win it all this year people will have a hard time trying to remember Portis great season this year. They will just go to google and say damn he had a lot of yards. Playoffs and super bowl highlights is what people remember.

When Jamal Lewis go 2000 i think i remember one sunday night game. Too many players in this league have great stastical seasons. Playoffs is what defines you.

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He's probably just mad because Portis is on pace to pass his ass as the redskins greatest running back.

Nothing Portis does this year, including a ring, will ever put Riggins in the back seat as a Redskin. Riggins will forever be a Redskin.

Portis may be as well, but it will never be more than (maybe not even less) than Riggins.

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Riggins has bashed Clinton before the comments made about the Oline. Those comments are just the excuse dejor for bashing him currently as he is putting up numbers that Riggins was unable to produce even running behind one of the best Olines in the history of the sport.

I also find it ironic that a guy who benefited exclusively from having a fantastic offensive line, is now trying to minimize Clinton's accomplishments by giving credit almost exclusively to the Oline. Yet when Clinton struggled (rare but it did happen), the Oline was never mentioned as a reason. Nor the pathetic passing attack that failed to provide a balance.

Here is my one defense of John Riggins with regards to Clinton Portis. He has been critical of pretty much every Redskins runner (except Ladell Betts interestingly enough) since retiring. It started with his weekly bashing of George Rogers way back in 86 when he had his own show on Ch.7 (with Frank Herzog) and has continued to this day. I think the runner that he liked the most since his retirement was Stephen Davis.

I've said it before this season and I'll continue to say it, Clinton Portis is the best runner I've ever seen play for the Redskins. What has held him back has been an inconsistent Oline and a poor passing attack. Put him on a team like the 82 or 83 Redskins...................and well I think we're getting an idea of what kind of numbers he'd put up with what he's doing this year.

Wrong. Rigging said himself in his hall of fame speech and on the radio almost every time he talks he was nothing without the Hogs.

He he has said a offensive line is the key to anyrunning back. You can't run through walls.

And you contradict yourself. You say what has held Portis back is inconsistent offensive line. So obviously the offense line has a major part to do with what he is doing this year. So you are making Riggins point.The offensive line is the key to his play. If he had good offensive line in the past he would of played better.

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I realize you told that poster..Metalhead..to "get over it", however, I hope you don't mind if those of us who happen to think there might be something to that idea, don't get over it.

I certainly recognize you think you are an authority on this subject, and I do apologize for not taking you at your word, but I think I will go along with Metalhead.

Yes, records are made to be broken. But, that does not mean someone is eager for another player to break it.

Damn Blondi, thanks for the accolades, now I'm an authority on this subject. When in doubt just belittle the opposition, yeah, I get it. Feel better now?

Get over it....lol :doh:

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So? Life is not fair. You mark your name in big moments. If the Redskins don't win it all this year people will have a hard time trying to remember Portis great season this year. They will just go to google and say damn he had a lot of yards. Playoffs and super bowl highlights is what people remember.

When Jamal Lewis go 2000 i think i remember one sunday night game. Too many players in this league have great stastical seasons. Playoffs is what defines you.

Dan Marino strongly disagrees with you.

Barry Sanders never made it to a superbowl, and is often considered the best running back of all time.

Ladainian Tomlinson is considered(by mostly every one, even with his down year this season) to be the best RB in the league....Yet he's never won a superbowl.

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Nothing Portis does this year, including a ring, will ever put Riggins in the back seat as a Redskin. Riggins will forever be a Redskin.

Portis may be as well, but it will never be more than (maybe not even less) than Riggins.

Didn't say he would pass him this year, but unless Portis slows down significantly he will pass riggo as the best Rb the skins' have had.

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Didn't say he would pass him this year, but unless Portis slows down significantly he will pass riggo as the best Rb the skins' have had.

In your head. Unless the Redskins get to a super bowl Portis will not even be a hall of famer. Riggins is known world wide. Portis is just known for his costumes. This is his first year he is getting MVP respect.

Portis is every bit as tough as Riggins was, and also actually has some athletic ability.

Riggins was bigger and stronger. And broke more tackles. Different running backs. Riggins could run over you. Portis is more athletic.

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In your head. Unless the Redskins get to a super bowl Portis will not even be a hall of famer. Riggins is known world wide. Portis is just known for his costumes. This is his first year he is getting MVP respect.

if portis had a dominant lines like riggins did, he would have been the greatest running back of all time =/

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In your head. Unless the Redskins get to a super bowl Portis will not even be a hall of famer. Riggins is known world wide. Portis is just known for his costumes. This is his first year he is getting MVP respect.

I agree Portis does need a superbowl, and I definitely expect him to get a ring. Whether or not he'd get into the HOF without would be determined on how he finishes his career.

Riggins NEVER won the league MVP, so your argument about Portis never receiving MVP respect is a fail.

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if portis had a dominant lines like riggins did, he would have been the greatest running back of all time =/

Or he could hae been average. Riggins ran over people. Riggins was a 1000 times better then Portis. And any historian of the NFL will tell you.

People always asked why Gibbs was so conservative his second stint? They almost never made a first down on 4th and short. In the playoffs last year he went on 4th down like 4 times and got it once with a pass.

Portis always gets stuffed on 4th and 1 when Gibbs was here.

Then people ask why was Gibbs so conservative when he had a lead? He could before lol. Riggins would RUN out the clock by running over people. They would not punt back and hope their defense held up. If it was third and 4. Riggins would keep his legs moving and get the first down. Game over. RIGGO drill.

I just hope the people who bash Riggins are part of this new age fan base that could not remember because they were too young.

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Or he could hae been average. Riggins ran over people. Riggins was a 1000 times better then Portis. And any historian of the NFL will tell you.

People always asked why Gibbs was so conservative his second stint? They almost never made a first down on 4th and short. In the playoffs last year he went on 4th down like 4 times and got it once with a pass.

Portis always gets stuffed on 4th and 1 when Gibbs was here.

Then people ask why was Gibbs so conservative when he had a lead? He could before lol. Riggins would RUN out the clock by running over people. They would not punt back and hope their defense held up. If it was third and 4. Riggins would keep his legs moving and get the first down. Game over. RIGGO drill.

I just hope the people who bash Riggins are part of this new age fan base that could not remember because they were too young.

Riggo dominating people has more to do with the change in talent int he NFL....No one continually dominates now like they did in the past....it's a different type of league.

Last year most of our line was injured as well....If Riggins was put behind the line we have now he wouldn't have been nearly as successful.

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