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WTF is John Riggins problem?


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I agree Portis does need a superbowl, and I definitely expect him to get a ring. Whether or not he'd get into the HOF without would be determined on how he finishes his career.

Riggins NEVER won the league MVP, so your argument about Portis never receiving MVP respect is a fail.

Stop the strawman argument that people do on this board. You take one part of what i write and act like its my conclusion.

I never said MVP is the measure of respect. I said Portis never was even in consideration of an MVP until this year.

People until this year around the NFL thought he was a system back who benifited from Denvers zone blocking.

Now that the offensive line is healthy he is playing well.

But to compare him to Riggins is silly. Riggins is famous around the NFL and a hall of famer. They don't put you in the hall of fame for being overrated.

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i'm not grammar expert, but that looks really weird... much like someone with 3 eyes

That's because you're on the right track!

The apostrophe, when used to indicated possession, goes after the "S" when the "S" is used to indicate the plural:

Belonging to more than one team = Teams'

Belonging to more than one kid = Kids'

However, that's only because the initial noun doesn't end with an "S" as it does in "Riggins" or "Chess."

Belonging to Riggo = Riggins's

Belonging to chess = Chess's

There's your grammar lesson for the week. :cheers:

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Riggo dominating people has more to do with the change in talent int he NFL....No one continually dominates now like they did in the past....it's a different type of league.

Last year most of our line was injured as well....If Riggins was put behind the line we have now he wouldn't have been nearly as successful.

LOL. This is the new school debate. Everything back then was overrated. Everything now is better.

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Honestly, I think it's just jealousy.

I'm sure that's it. Makes sense to me. 44 only took a team - and a city - on his back and carried them through the playoffs to the Super Bowl........where he again dominated and made the crucial play delivering a championship to Washington. The following year, he was the main cog of an offense that destroyed the record books......again reaching the Super Bowl.

Add to that the fact that he was one of the most consistently productive backs in NFL history over a 10 yr period.........

Yup, I can certainly see where that resume' pales in comparison to 26.

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That's because you're on the right track!

The apostrophe, when used to indicated possession, goes after the "S" when the "S" is used to indicate the plural:

Belonging to more than one team = Teams'

Belonging to more than one kid = Kids'

However, that's only because the initial noun doesn't end with an "S" as it does in "Riggins" or "Chess."

Belonging to Riggo = Riggins's

Belonging to chess = Chess's

There's your grammar lesson for the week. :cheers:

my head hurts :(

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I've heard Riggins critique Portis for running out of bounds, and says that you can't be MVP material without hitting a defender and seeing what could happen. Can't say I completely disagree. Portis does tend to decide when the run is over instead of making the defense prove the point. The issue when I've heard 44 is simply that; Portis could and should be running harder.

And why do so many of you think CP was calling out the o-line? It really was just a hypothetical. Essentially he said the same thing everyone's been saying about Campbell -- What would happen if he were in a better [or for JC, simply the same] offense? The o-line hasn't played as well as it's playing now, nor have the plays been called as well as they're being called now, since, what, Stephen Davis? And guess what? Portis got his pockets straight.

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I am sure Riggins really cares about these records on a team that went like 4 games under 500 with one of the greatest coaches of all time while he had one of the greatest winning percentages win the same coach.

Jealousy is the word.

Without a super dominant offensive line, joe gibbs football just doesn't work.

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I've heard Riggins critique Portis for running out of bounds, and says that you can't be MVP material without hitting a defender and seeing what could happen. Can't say I completely disagree. Portis does tend to decide when the run is over instead of making the defense prove the point. The issue when I've heard 44 is simply that; Portis could and should be running harder.

My guess on Portis running out-of-bounds is, at least recently, b/c of the hip flexor injury.

My guess would be that Portis may not want to do any sudden moves or particlarly sharp cuts for worry that he might make his hip injury worse and get taken out of the game all together.

So instead of attempting a sharp cut upfield to try and get around a defender, he might feel it more wise just to just get what he can and not worsen his injury.

But that is justt a guess. :)

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LOL. This is the new school debate. Everything back then was overrated. Everything now is better.

Thats because everything is better now....Players a much faster, stronger, and talented then they were in the past....To argue otherwise is ridiculous...40 times have dropped significantly, and players are much stronger now-a-days than they have been in the past....it applies to all sports, not just football.

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Riggins has bashed Clinton before the comments made about the Oline. Those comments are just the excuse dejor for bashing him currently as he is putting up numbers that Riggins was unable to produce even running behind one of the best Olines in the history of the sport.

I also find it ironic that a guy who benefited exclusively from having a fantastic offensive line, is now trying to minimize Clinton's accomplishments by giving credit almost exclusively to the Oline. Yet when Clinton struggled (rare but it did happen), the Oline was never mentioned as a reason. Nor the pathetic passing attack that failed to provide a balance.

Here is my one defense of John Riggins with regards to Clinton Portis. He has been critical of pretty much every Redskins runner (except Ladell Betts interestingly enough) since retiring. It started with his weekly bashing of George Rogers way back in 86 when he had his own show on Ch.7 (with Frank Herzog) and has continued to this day. I think the runner that he liked the most since his retirement was Stephen Davis.

I've said it before this season and I'll continue to say it, Clinton Portis is the best runner I've ever seen play for the Redskins. What has held him back has been an inconsistent Oline and a poor passing attack. Put him on a team like the 82 or 83 Redskins...................and well I think we're getting an idea of what kind of numbers he'd put up with what he's doing this year.

I'm not arguing the play or importance of CP. I think he's one of the best in the NFL. I do disagree with some people on here thinking Riggins is jealous of CP. To me and it's only my opinion (I'm no authority, Blondi) Riggins has played in and won a couple of Super Bowls, CP-not, Riggins is currently and forever in the NFL Hall of Fame, CP-not and unless he has another 2 or 3 years of the numbers he's putting up now then probably never will. So it's only common sense that Riggins is not and probably never has been jealous of CP. It just doesn't add up.

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Thats because everything is better now....Players a much faster, stronger, and talented then they were in the past....To argue otherwise is ridiculous...40 times have dropped significantly, and players are much stronger now-a-days than they have been in the past....it applies to all sports, not just football.

So Lebron James is better then Magic Johnson. Yep. He is better because he is more built.

Portis is better then Jim Brown

I think you are young so i am not even going to get into a debate. But the 1980s people ran 4" 3 also. LOL

And being bigger does not mean you are better.

This was not the 50s. It was the 1980s. There are few backs today that were close in size to Riggins.

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Riggins was just saying how great the line is playing and that even Ladell Betts could probably get those yards.

I think he's also a little ticked off at CP for those idiotic comments CP made a month or so ago. I took it as Riggins saying it was a slap in the face to Joe Bugel and that the o-line is playing their guts out for him, Joe Bugel, more so than CP.

If you really listened, Riggins also stated that he hopes CP breaks his (Riggins) single season rushing record as long as the team wins.


So far, the evidence shows that it was a needed slap.

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Give it a break man :doh:. Riggins, just like every other professional athlete, knows that records are made top be broken and his is no exception. It all has to do with Riggins perception that he thinks CP threw not just the o-line under the bus but Joe Bugel himself. Riggins has won a few championships with Buges and I imagine has a greal deal of admiration and respect for him. It was probably his way of defending Buges and it really isn't that big of a deal.

Get over it....please!

Ok man, just hold on. It is just my opinion after all. Just as you have yours.

You can't tell me he doesn't have an ego the size of Texas and that he never selfishly brings up his own accomplishments whenever he has the chance. Don't you remember when he said coach Joe Gibbs was nothing without him, that Riggo himself was responsible for the success the first go 'round? He later apologized, but that is just one example. I don't need any more evidence to support my own opinion, simply other than by listening to the Riggo show alone is adequate.

And thanks for the backup Blondie :), I was gone for lunch and just got back.

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Riggins tries too hard. Because he was once a legendary RB in DC, he get all these passes. Take away his status, he's nothing more than a tool.


Take away his ring, HOF bust, career accomplishments and what's left?

Brilliant analysis!!!!

Tell him what he's won Johnny!!

He's won the Ginsu 2000 knife set!! Slices,dices and even cuts through this can!!! A $100 value!!!



Why no hate from the Riggo haters on Doc Walker, who basically backed up Riggins' points and said (pointing to Riggins) "This guy made his legacy in the second half of the season, not the first half."

Guess you guys/gals need to throw one more past Skin under the bus.......

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