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WTF is John Riggins problem?


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1. curmudgeon

that is when you get mud in your bathing suit, and it wedges in all your curvy crack regions



2. lexicon

little Irish dude, that uses magic to keep people from his gold, has a big cereal endorsement

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Ok, let's see if anyone is erudite enough to use lexemes in their definition.......
Ah yes, Lexeme - taken from the latin "extremus" as is extreme. Isn't a lexeme a giraffe-like creature?

Thank God for dictionary.com.

A bonus point. :cool: Think I finally found a good reason to study. ;)

Oh and Mark. Here you go.



Oh, goody. Another thread I can bump. How did I miss that yesterday?
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I think Riggins just feels threatened by Portis' ability as a runner. Portis could soon be considered the best RB of the Redskins in franchise history at this rate.

We all know Riggo has an absolutely huge ego and him being second best would be crushing. No longer would Riggo be able to toot his own horn, and I'm sure he's terrified of that. So now he's getting defensive and down-playing any of Clinton's achievements.

Give it a break man :doh:. Riggins, just like every other professional athlete, knows that records are made top be broken and his is no exception. It all has to do with Riggins perception that he thinks CP threw not just the o-line under the bus but Joe Bugel himself. Riggins has won a few championships with Buges and I imagine has a greal deal of admiration and respect for him. It was probably his way of defending Buges and it really isn't that big of a deal.

Get over it....please!

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Give it a break man :doh:. Riggins, just like every other professional athlete, knows that records are made top be broken and his is no exception. It all has to do with Riggins perception that he thinks CP threw not just the o-line under the bus but Joe Bugel himself. Riggins has won a few championships with Buges and I imagine has a greal deal of admiration and respect for him. It was probably his way of defending Buges and it really isn't that big of a deal.

Get over it....please!

I realize you told that poster..Metalhead..to "get over it", however, I hope you don't mind if those of us who happen to think there might be something to that idea, don't get over it.

I certainly recognize you think you are an authority on this subject, and I do apologize for not taking you at your word, but I think I will go along with Metalhead.

Yes, records are made to be broken. But, that does not mean someone is eager for another player to break it.

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Ok, let's see if anyone is erudite enough to use lexemes in their definition.......

It's Sunday Morning. I am not into vocabulary words on a Sunday Morning. :D

As far as Riggins goes, I love Riggo and what he did for Washington, but I think meatalhead is onto it.

I have a hard time believing he is nursing a grudge for an O-line he never played with over some short, dismissive comments Portis made WEEKS ago.

I feel there is some pettiness, ego, and pride behind his words (or lack of praise) in regards to Portis.

If we are to take Riggins' words at face value, then how good of a RB was he here? I mean, he played behind the legendary HOGS. Anybody could've got great yards behind the holes they created (just look at Timmy Smith :) ).

Of couse, I would never say that. Riggins was great.

Hall of Fame great.

Portis isn't up in HoF category yet, but he deserves A LOT more credit for the rushing game the Redskins have this year than Riggins seems willing to give him.

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I feel there is some pettiness, ego, and pride behind his words (or lack of praise) in regards to Portis.

If we are to take Riggins' words at face value, then how good of a RB was he here? I mean, he played behind the legendary HOGS. Anybody could've got great yards behind the holes they created (just look at Timmy Smith :) ).

Portis isn't up in HoF ctegory yet, but he deserves A LOT more credit for the rushing game the Redskins have this year than Riggins seems willing to give him.

I pretty much agree with this..I think you nailed it. There is the possibility that Riggins just honestly doesn't think Portis is that great a back, a little loony in that thinking, or just the previously touched upon, tremendous ego Riggo has.

In the end, purely speculative, but I think it's a bit of both. He probably doesn't care for the comments Portis makes from time to time, with some pettiness and ego mixed in.

44 is a hall of famer and redskin great...in the end good or bad, true or not he can say what he wants lol

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I agree with everything Riggins said. I don't think it takes away from what Portis is doing, but the O line is playing great and deserves most of the credit.

I think that is what John is pissed about, you don't throw your line under this bus like Portis did. I love Portis and I did not like his comments at the beginning of the year.

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1. curmudgeon

2. lexicon

PCS, you get one bonus point for using the contraction it'll.

My opinion to the OP's question, I believe Metalhead has the correct premise.

Although he may be pissy about CP's statement earlier in the season, I believe Riggo is not getting the attention he currently craves.


Function: noun

Etymology: origin unknownDate: 15681. archaic : miser 2: a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man (Also See Riggins)

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We all need to face one thing here. ALL of us were throwing our O line under the bus even late in the preseason. They were getting our QB' killed and couldn't open a hole large enough for a mouse to squirm through.

They got completely owned by 3 teams strait in a row, from Carolina, Jacksonville then openening night in NY. Not 1 fan on this board or anywhere else was standing behind our O-line and they deserved to be thrown out there the way they were.

Only after they were thrown under the bus, did they come together as a group, and play the way we all expected them to play when healthy and together. After all we all waited years for this same group to finaly play together.

I dont blame CP one bit for tossing them under the buss, we all did!

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How long has he been waiting to pull that one out. it is good though. I don't even know what it is.:doh:

He would rather be known as a sexy older man than a curmudgeon.

Once, he was a sexy older man. Then, he became a curmudgeon.

Just for you Rich.


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i don't think riggins is a jerk, but look. it is only HUMAN NATURE for the #1 redskins runnin back of all time to try to downplay the first guy to come along who has a legitimate chance of challenging that position.

portis has not dethroned riggo yet, but some people are starting to say "hey, if he keeps this up..." riggo sees the writing on the wall and even though it may not be intentional or conscious, i think he wants to protect his legacy, his position as the unquestioned greatest.

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