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WTF is John Riggins problem?


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He makes BMitch look like a homer/fanboy/cheerleader the way he talks about Portis. If Portis is going to attack anyone for being a hater, it should have been Riggins, not Mitchell.

I've NEVER heard Riggins say anything good about the guy... Even through this incredible stretch, Riggins only gives the O-line credit. What about Clinton's ability to read his blocks, have patience, and burst through the cutback lanes... Where's the props for that?

What an effing curmudgeon.

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Guest Skins Tailgate

I think Riggins is hung up on what CP said after game 1 when he threw the OL under the bus. Riggo mentioned this again on this weeks George Michaels show last night.

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He makes BMitch look like a homer/fanboy/cheerleader the way he talks about Portis. If Portis is going to attack anyone for being a hater, it should have been Riggins, not Mitchell.

I've NEVER heard Riggins say anything good about the guy... Even through this incredible stretch, Riggins only gives the O-line credit. What about Clinton's ability to read his blocks, have patience, and burst through the cutback lanes... Where's the props for that?

What an effing curmudgeon.

From watching him on this week's Redskins Report, it seems to me that when Portis criticized the Oline(and in effect,Joe Bugel) that touched a nerve with Riggins.

To me, it seems like Riggo thinks the world of Buges and "needles" Portis every chance he gets because he took Portis' comments as a show of disrespect for Bugel.

I don't think Portis meant disrespect but that's the way Riggo took it. I don't think it's professional on John's part to take shots like that but when you've been through "the wars" with Buges and won a championship together, I can see why Riggo may have taken that as a sign of disrespect.

Then again, I could be completely wrong because it's just an interpretation on my part.


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I have too much respect for 44 to moan about what he says. For the most part I find him to be informed and subsequently entertaining.

He's been there, I haven't. He has a right to say whatever he wants about CP. I've never been a football player, much less a running back.

Take what he says and move on.

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I was thinking that same exact thing. However, it loses one point for forgetting the apostrophe after the S in Riggins. :)

How exactly does an "it" happen to "forget" something?

Are you referring to me as an it?

Are you saying that the thread has obtained the ability to "forget" things?


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From watching him on this week's Redskins Report, it seems to me that when Portis criticized the Oline(and in effect,Joe Bugel) that touched a nerve with Riggins.

To me, it seems like Riggo thinks the world of Buges and "needles" Portis every chance he gets because he took Portis' comments as a show of disrespect for Bugel.

I don't think Portis meant disrespect but that's the way Riggo took it. I don't think it's professional on John's part to take shots like that but when you've been through "the wars" with Buges and won a championship together, I can see why Riggo may have taken that as a sign of disrespect.

Then again, I could be completely wrong because it's just an interpretation on my part.


Honestly, I think it's just jealousy.

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If as much snow falls between later this afternoon and Wednesday that they are predicting here, it'll really remind you of snowboarding.

Yeah, I'll probably try to make a trip out to SLC sometime this winter. What's a skins fan doing in Utah anyways?

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How exactly does an "it" happen to "forget" something?

Are you referring to me as an it?

Are you saying that the thread has attained the ability to "forget" things?


No sir. I was following PCS's lead, and referring to the thread. The thread is an it.

I guess you're right, a thread can't forget, so I screwed up. Okay, minus one point for post #3. :)

Carry on.

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Riggins was just saying how great the line is playing and that even Ladell Betts could probably get those yards.

I think he's also a little ticked off at CP for those idiotic comments CP made a month or so ago. I took it as Riggins saying it was a slap in the face to Joe Bugel and that the o-line is playing their guts out for him, Joe Bugel, more so than CP.

If you really listened, Riggins also stated that he hopes CP breaks his (Riggins) single season rushing record as long as the team wins.


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Yeah, I'll probably try to make a trip out to SLC sometime this winter. What's a skins fan doing in Utah anyways?

Kidnapped by aliens and taken to their Planet Utah.


Came out to visit mom 21 1/2 years ago and never left. What the hell was I thinking? ;)

As for John, I haven't heard what he said, but from what I'm reading, it could be a little of that being pissy for what C.P. said earlier this season. Hey, like the old saying says, everyone has one and John has his.

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I think Riggins just feels threatened by Portis' ability as a runner. Portis could soon be considered the best RB of the Redskins in franchise history at this rate.

We all know Riggo has an absolutely huge ego and him being second best would be crushing. No longer would Riggo be able to toot his own horn, and I'm sure he's terrified of that. So now he's getting defensive and down-playing any of Clinton's achievements.

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you people are overlooking the real underlying problem here that riggins has with portis. by the time CP is done here in washington he will surpass most if not all of riggins team records(except maybe the redskins single season td record), and riggins realizes that so he is trying to shift credit to the oline

EDIT: Metalhead just beat me too it, thats what happens when the tv distracts me in the middle of a post

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1. curmudgeon

2. lexicon

PCS, you get one bonus point for using the contraction it'll.

My opinion to the OP's question, I believe Metalhead has the correct premise.

Although he may be pissy about CP's statement earlier in the season, I believe Riggo is not getting the attention he currently craves.

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John Riggins is an arrogant jerk....plain and simple. (once you realize this, everything about him becomes easy to understand) Oh, by the way....he's also in the top 5 of the greatest players to ever wear the burgundy and gold. Me and about 20 other people were in DC 101's studio to watch the Greaseman Show (back in the 90's) one morning, and during the 25 minutes he was in the studio doing his Riggo Report, John Riggins never acknowledged the audience (even during commercial breaks!) , despite the fact that we were less than 20 feet away. I've got more stories about this guy....

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Riggins also seems reluctant to show any excitement about this team at all. I know what he's saying about with parity that there's a lot of "average" teams out there, and maybe (like a lot of us) he's seen how a season that looked promising early on could turn south, but he's showing no inclination to giving props so far.

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Although he may be pissy about CP's statement earlier in the season, I believe Riggo is not getting the attention he currently craves.

Either of those explanations is possible.

But, the most obvious explanation shouldn't be overlooked as possible: Riggo isn't as high on Clinton's ability as the typical Redskins fan and the media and wants to balance the credit a tad by praising the O line.

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