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WTF is John Riggins problem?


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1. Reread my post. NEVER did I give you accolades. NEVER did I say you were an authority.

2. Reread my post. NEVER did I say Riggo was jealous.

IF you want to discuss with me, please bring your A game. The KEY part of an A game, is quoting me correctly.

3 Quoting JJ, and then asking if I can read, does NOT bolster your opinion. JJ and I have sat with each other and discussed the REDSKINS. We don't always agree.

Thanks anyway Blondi...sigh :doh:

I think I'll save my "A Game" discussions for somebody who has actually played the game. Enjoy the rest of the day.

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Thanks anyway Blondi...sigh :doh:

I think I'll save my "A Game" discussions for somebody who has actually played the game. Enjoy the rest of the day.

OH puh leeze.

What a crock.

Just because I have a ***** and you have a **** that makes YOU more knowledgeable about football?


Good cop out.

Can't let on that the ***** actually knows the game.

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Riggo is 100% correct. Portis was a moron for calling out the O-line the way he did. And JR was absolutely right for saying that Buges is having one of the best seasons of his career, and deserves 1/2 of the credit that Portis is getting. He's right to wonder if Betts would be having the same success...and also right to wonder how this line would do with a guy like Tomlinson behind it.

I love Portis, but he deserves whatever criticism he gets for saying such a bone-headed thing earlier in the year. And those who are spinning his egoistic comment into a way to motivate the o-line are as bone-headed as he is.

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Look, Portis was frustrated early in the season and probably shouldn't have said some of the things he said. Both Riggins and B. Mitch tore into CP and I think it lit a fire inside of him to prove them wrong.

I agree that Riggins doesn't cut anyone on the Skins any slack, but that's probably a good thing. He set an extremely high standard for players on this team and wants to see them all live up to their potential.

That being said, it still does get under my skin that he picked the Steelers to win this week... come on, Riggo!

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Well, I'm not a "new-age" Redskin fan. :rolleyes:

I'm 41, and I was 14 when I watched Riggins and his 4th down run in SBXVII.

As I said, I love Riggins, and everything he did for the team I love, but that doesn't mean he can't be human and be an ego-driven jerk at times.

In fact, all I see on this thread is the usual suspects that have never had anything good to say about Portis the last several years using this oppurtunity to take some more swipes at him (we even got McD5 to come out from whatever bush or tree he has been hiding behind the last 6 weeks and start dissing Portis again :) ).

The fact is, Riggins has ruled the RB roost in D.C. since he retired a litttle over 2 decades ago.

We have had good RBs here since then, but no one approaching what Riggins did.

Now, the Redskins may have that with Portis, and Riggins is getting all defensive about it and almost hostile towards Portis and his accomplishments.

As others have said, a couple of comments from Portis after the Giants game just doesn't explain Riggins' attitude and dismissiveness of Portis.

I can remember when Franco Harris was about to break some of Jim Brown's records and Brown got all hostile and critical of Harris, and Brown said he was going to come back and play again and not lose his record (which was ridiculous).

Don't think for a minute that any of these former athletes aren't FULL of pride and protective of thier accomplishments.

Cause the way I see Riggins acting now towards Portis is the way Jim Brown was acting towards Franco Harris (except Riggins isn't threatning to come back :) ).

Yawn Riggo is on record on radio and Tv hoping that Portis breaks his Records, He doesn't come off a a bitter hall of fame SuperBowl champion that portis hopes to be someday.

Portis isn't Mr Redskins yet.

Enjoy the season and hopefully The O line, Zorn and Campbell will help Portis get close to 1900 yds and us deep into the playoffs.

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OH puh leeze.

What a crock.

Just because I have a ***** and you have a **** that makes YOU more knowledgeable about football?


Good cop out.

Can't let on that the ***** actually knows the game.

lol Save it for somebody who actually gives a damn Blondi, because I don't.

I'm done and like I said, enjoy the rest of the day :cheers:

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He does drink a lot.

I don't know. When I was a running back, my team and I had a mutual hatred for the most part and I'm not even sure I paid attention to who was on the O-line. I was single-minded and didn't worry about anything else on the field, just secure the ball and get yardage. The team did all congratulate me and treat me as hero for a day when I first got the ball running out the clock in a sure win though, first down after first down.

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lol Save it for somebody who actually gives a damn Blondi, because I don't.

I'm done and like I said, enjoy the rest of the day :cheers:


You side step the issue.

You won't discuss with me because you "save your A game discussions for somebody who has actually played the game"?

You think all the guys on here have all played ball? You think the reporters and media have played ball? Oh, you played?

I don't think intramural flag football really counts.

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Riggo is 100% correct. Portis was a moron for calling out the O-line the way he did. And JR was absolutely right for saying that Buges is having one of the best seasons of his career, and deserves 1/2 of the credit that Portis is getting. He's right to wonder if Betts would be having the same success...and also right to wonder how this line would do with a guy like Tomlinson behind it.

I love Portis, but he deserves whatever criticism he gets for saying such a bone-headed thing earlier in the year. And those who are spinning his egoistic comment into a way to motivate the o-line are as bone-headed as he is.

See bold above. Are you sure? You think that maybe it might have angered and motivated a couple of guys, because the stats say that before the call out, the running was harder, and after the call out, the yards started piling up.

You would never get me to say anything negative about Buges ever. EVER. But maybe Portis played a little mind trick with the O-Line, and maybe it worked.

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See bold above. Are you sure? You think that maybe it might have angered and motivated a couple of guys, because the stats say that before the call out, the running was harder, and after the call out, the yards started piling up.

You would never get me to say anything negative about Buges ever. EVER. But maybe Portis played a little mind trick with the O-Line, and maybe it worked.

the mind trick got them healthy.

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Hey, like the old saying says, everyone has one and John has his.
And doesn't the saying also compare it to hind-parts? "Opinions are like butt-holes, everyone has one" or something along those lines? So were you saying Riggins has a butt-hole or an opinion or both or that Riggins opinion is like a butt-hole? Inquiring minds want to know! :silly:
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He makes BMitch look like a homer/fanboy/cheerleader the way he talks about Portis. If Portis is going to attack anyone for being a hater, it should have been Riggins, not Mitchell.

I've NEVER heard Riggins say anything good about the guy... Even through this incredible stretch, Riggins only gives the O-line credit. What about Clinton's ability to read his blocks, have patience, and burst through the cutback lanes... Where's the props for that?

What an effing curmudgeon.

Riggins said on Redskins Report that just as Portis called out the offensive line by alluding to what he could do behind a real offensive line, that maybe the offensive line should now be asking the same question of Portis...what could a "real" running back accomplish behind this current line?

Also, Riggins' real beef seems to be that Portis called out the o-line at a time when Joe Bugel's daughter was dying.

Valid in my opinion.

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And doesn't the saying also compare it to hind-parts? "Opinions are like butt-holes, everyone has one" or something along those lines? So were you saying Riggins has a butt-hole or an opinion or both or that Riggins opinion is like a butt-hole? Inquiring minds want to know! :silly:

Basically, what I think he's getting at is that Riggins has a Super Bowl MVP butthole.

Or maybe just all of these posts are blurring together.

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Riggins said on Redskins Report that just as Portis called out the offensive line by alluding to what he could do behind a real offensive line, that maybe the offensive line should now be asking the same question of Portis...what could a "real" running back accomplish behind this current line?

Also, Riggins' real beef seems to be that Portis called out the o-line at a time when Joe Bugel's daughter was dying.

Valid in my opinion.

Riggins had beef before that incident. He's been pushing the Betts and Portis are interchangeable agenda all offseason. I think the whole thing is silly. Portis shouldn't have called them out in public and Riggins shouldn't be stirring up crap now. Does Riggins want people to lessen his achievements because he played behind the greatest OL in NFL history? Riggo has one ring. Jacoby, Bostic, and Grimm (as a player) each have three.

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Riggins said on Redskins Report that just as Portis called out the offensive line by alluding to what he could do behind a real offensive line, that maybe the offensive line should now be asking the same question of Portis...what could a "real" running back accomplish behind this current line?

Also, Riggins' real beef seems to be that Portis called out the o-line at a time when Joe Bugel's daughter was dying.

Valid in my opinion.

This is the same interpretation I had of Riggo's comments.

A tit-for-tat aimed at Portis for his O-line comments as well as pointing out the very poor timing of those comments. The rest of the stuff can be written off as player to player "smack talk" as far as I'm concerned.

Riggo being envious of Portis’ situation might have some merit but not in the context of on-the-field performance and legacy in football. Riggo would love to be in his prime now considering the medical, physical training and pecuniary advantages available to current players. Even Riggo might have been convinced to participate in OTA’s, train offseason at Ashburn and assume a team “leadership” role if the Skins threw bags of money at him like they do to Portis. He would probably park his RV in the lot next to Jansen’s and Rabach’s rig.


He rushed 251 times for 996 yards and 12 touchdowns in nine post-season contests. Riggins followed his Super Bowl XVII success with a sensational season in 1983 when he rushed for a career-high 1,347 yards and a then-record 24 touchdowns. Following that season he was named All-Pro for the first time in his illustrious career.

It’s easy to imagine that Portis’ numbers would easily exceed these stats if he plays in at least nine post season games, sets new playoff records, gets a ring as MVP and is inducted to the HOF.

Portis still has plenty of time to establish his legacy. The bulk of Riggo's legacy was established during the Gibbs Superbowl era, he was bored broke and back at 31, Superbowl MVP at 33, and his All-Pro year was accomplished at age of 34.

All of this perceived “verbal baggage” associated with the information age is irrelevant to my enjoyment of the Redskins and their legacy. I'm just glad to have been around to watch both of these guys play.

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