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Obama Campaign Cuts Off Interviews With Florida TV Station


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Biden gets asked tough questions by Orlando reporter

Barack Obama's campaign killed all interviews with a Florida TV station after Sen. Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, faced tough and critical questions from a reporter at the Orlando station, the Orlando Sentinel reported .

During a satellite video Thursday, WFTV's Barbara West quoted Karl Marx and asked Biden how Obama's comment to "Joe the Plumber," about spreading the wealth wasn't being Marxist.

"Are you joking?," Biden asked.

West replied, "No."

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Biden gets asked tough questions by Orlando reporter

Barack Obama's campaign killed all interviews with a Florida TV station after Sen. Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, faced tough and critical questions from a reporter at the Orlando station, the Orlando Sentinel reported .

During a satellite video Thursday, WFTV's Barbara West quoted Karl Marx and asked Biden how Obama's comment to "Joe the Plumber," about spreading the wealth wasn't being Marxist.

"Are you joking?," Biden asked.

West replied, "No."

Click here to watch the interview

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Is this a joke? Biden calmly and completely answered multiple asinine questions from a clearly unprofessional news bimbo. My respect for him has just increased measurably, thanks for posting.
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Is this a joke? Biden calmly and completely answered multiple asinine questions from a clearly unprofessional news bimbo. My respect for him has just increased measurably, thanks for posting.

Exactly. He handled himself very well considering the dumb questions he was asked. I can't say that I would have been that calm. Either way, this is an example of very irresponsible journalism and WFTV and Barbara West should be reprimanded for this in some way. I don't understand why these journalists/talk show hosts/etc. don't get in legal trouble for some of the crap they pull.

And it goes both ways. Liberal and conservative media news outlets do stuff like this all the time and get away with it b/c they can easily say that they have a right to free speech and press. But what about when they are acting irresponsibly or telling blatant lies? People get sued for slander right? Why don't they?

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How exactly did Biden get owned? Really I just can't see it. What constitutes owning someone in your book?

Interesting question. I'd like to know exactly how he got 'owned' by HER in that interview. She embarrassed herself as a journalist by those obvious right-wing questions, but he straight out gave her the answer. He wasn't shaken at all by that markist crap but seemed really surprised that someone in the media would be that ridiculous. He handled himself way cooler than I would've in that situation. My bleeps would've been all over the Daily Show that very night.

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