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Obama Campaign Cuts Off Interviews With Florida TV Station


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To me Biden got owned and the campaign didnt like it

Oh, so you think that crushing her obviously biased questions with answers that stripped bare her motivation and prejudices means that Biden got owned?

Next you're going to tell me that Ali lost...


BTW, just because someone agrees with your point of view does not make them nor you right, nor does it make their argument stronger than another.

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How did Biden own her ? By simply being a a jack-*** ?

She respectfully asked the relevant questions, and Biden was his typical cynical, condescending, arrogant self. Disgusting. Makes me want to vote for his ticket even less.

First, like there was a chance that you were going to vote for him.

Second, she was bush league and it sounded like she got her questions from an internet blogger. BTW, people who actually have a clue what's going on realize that Obama isn't a socialist.

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She spouted out a bunch of McCain rhetoric and he responded with corresponding Obama rhetoric. I don't know that there was any 'owning' going on there, but he certainly didn't lose his cool and answered the questions appropriately.

Those were some pretty horrible questions. Bias is fine. I liked O'Reilly's interview with Obama and I came away impressed with both of them. But this woman was really using low-end material. The question about Marxism was a real 'where the hell did that come from?' head-scratcher. You can tell when Biden gets pissed because he smiles really big. :) I'm guessing that if the Obama campaign doesn't want to talk to this woman again, it's not because she asked tough conservative questions (like O'Reilly did) but because she's an idiot.

Considering the low quality of the interview I thought Biden handled himself ok. Certainly not make-or-break the campaign kinda stuff.

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Seems to be a trend going on here: Hillary, Palin, this news lady, and its always the same people too.

Destroy any woman that may stand between Obama and the Presidency.

tsssk tsssk, and to think we've come so far, yet...

Please help me, I'm not smart enough to understand. So it was Joe Biden who sought out and attacked this poor damsel because she posed a threat to his campaign?

Boy, I almost got that out with a straight face, but now I really need an original smiley.

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Here: this may help in his own words..

Did you actually listen to the audio? First off it is heavily edited. Here is the full interview (http://www.chicagopublicradio.org/audio_library/ram/od/od-010118.ram) Secondly, He called the civil rights movement's lack of focus on political and community organizing a tragedy, it's not at all unclear even with that heavily editted youtube. The tragedy is specifically attributed to the civil rights movement, not the court and the obvious chain of argument was that the civil rights movement relied too much on the courts. He also makes the statement that the court is not a good vehicle for enacting positive rights and this is entirely true.

Can you do me a favor and give me a definition of socialism that places Barack Obama as a socialist but not John McCain or George Bush as socialists as well.

Here is John McCain arguing against the tax cuts for the wealthy on the grounds that they were disproportionally beneficial to the wealthy, and he argues that once you reach a certain level of income there is nothing wrong with paying somewhat more. He is making the exact arguments of Barack Obama.


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Biden came off pretty ignorant if you ask me. Does he not know that Obama gave 800K+ to ACORN earlier in the election? Laugh, Get ready for Marxist America, cause the liberals will not tell you the truth even when asked about it.
The best part is we know where you live. The re-education agents will visiting you soon to take you on a "vacation" to one of our learning camps. :laugh:
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Can you do me a favor and give me a definition of socialism that places Barack Obama as a socialist but not John McCain or George Bush as socialists as well.


Now that we AGREE that Obama is a SOCIALIST and you feel comfortable including Bush & McCain in that camp too then sure they are all socialists to some degree.

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Now that we AGREE that Obama is a SOCIALIST and you feel comfortable including Bush & McCain in that camp too then sure they are all socialists to some degree.

I think if we want to be strict on socialism then this nation has been socialist to some degree for the last 100 years or longer. I think socialism has been incorporated into the fabric of this nation at this point, however, it isn't the boogeyman that it is made out to be and hopefully we can move past cold war rhetoric into rational discussion about what we need to do to continue to be on top.

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I think if we want to be strict on socialism then this nation has been socialist to some degree for the last 100 years or longer. I think socialism has been incorporated into the fabric of this nation at this point, however, it isn't the boogeyman that it is made out to be and hopefully we can move past cold war rhetoric into rational discussion about what we need to do to continue to be on top.

Stop being so rational. :)

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