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Obama Campaign Cuts Off Interviews With Florida TV Station


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Yep the American electorate is not a shining example of discernable intelligence I'll give you that. :D

There ya go again Joe with that Republican elitism.

This interview is just another example of the extreme liberal media bias that always persists and shows how every journalist is fawning and contriving to get Obama elected.

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Good for them. (The campaign.)
He ownd the hell out of her.
Destroyed that woman. Awesome.
Even an anchorwoman on Fox News called it irresponsible journalism. You know it's bad if it's below Fox News standard. Biden handled himself nicely. She must have been getting her questions from Rush.

Glad your enjoying this. This is the future if Obama gets into the White House. Welcome to Socialism!:doh:

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Wow. So let me get this straight

"What newspapers do you read" = Gotcha questions

"Isn't Obama a marxist?" = Tough relevant question

"Can you tell me your thoughts on the Bush Doctrine" = Gotcha questions

"How do you explain that Obama has been hugely involved in ACORN and Voter fraud?" = Relevant question.

"The main stream media is playing gotcha questions with Palin because they love Obama" = Insightful fact

"She game McCain a softball interview and followed it up by asking low ball republican talking points and lies on Biden" = Sexist remark....

Is that correct?

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I think Bachmann and this woman will be justified in their line of reporting/questioning when it is all said and done. Obama has held radical views in the past (and admits it as much in his books) and some of those views have slipped out in interviews in the past. Finally, someone just flat out asks the question and they get bent out of shape. If you have nothing to hide, there is no reason to act like this.

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Obviously, you haven't a CLUE as to what YOUR candidate thinks. And there are millions more out there who are just as ignorant as you.


Uhhhh...ok...personal attacks aside...if you really think that Obama is a socialist then you have to admit that McCain is too and so is Bush and every other person who voted for the bail-out package. Listen, we've been "spreading the wealth around" since the New Deal but don't let any of that actual knowledge change the way you're "thinking", you're doing a great job with your Paul Revere's "The Commies are coming" routine.:rolleyes:

BTW, the opinion piece you sent me is about Al Franken...so uh...wha?

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Seems to be a trend going on here: Hillary, Palin, this news lady, and its always the same people too.

Destroy any woman that may stand between Obama and the Presidency.

tsssk tsssk, and to think we've come so far, yet...

Oh, for crying out loud give me a collosal break! You think these women are being treated any differently than a male candidate? I guess the Obama campaign should coddle Palin and Hillary beause they are women...oh wait that's sexist...sorry but your bias is showing.

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Oh, for crying out loud give me a collosal break! You think these women are being treated any differently than a male candidate? I guess the Obama campaign should coddle Palin and Hillary beause they are women...oh wait that's sexist...sorry but your bias is showing.

:) that was a joke: "Why do you hate Jesus", "Why do you hate America", "Why do you Hate Black people" "Why do you hate women" standard question..

I apologize if my bias towards Hillary has gotten me all worked up.

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So now asking stupid questions is the equivalent of asking "tough questions."
So, asking Biden to explain why Obama shouldn't be considered Marxist (when a lot of people hold that opinion regardless of the truth of it) is "Stupid" and asking Palin what newspapers she reads is "tough"?

Are you kidding?

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I think if we want to be strict on socialism then this nation has been socialist to some degree for the last 100 years or longer. I think socialism has been incorporated into the fabric of this nation at this point, however, it isn't the boogeyman that it is made out to be and hopefully we can move past cold war rhetoric into rational discussion about what we need to do to continue to be on top.

I don't remember McCain or Bush being part of the DSA's New Party? Do you?

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So now asking stupid questions is the equivalent of asking "tough questions."

Sure, in the world of make believe. Here's the problem we face today, many many many people have simply lost the ability to discern. They fail to discern strong answers from weak ones, and strong questions from weak ones, and once that discernment is gone the people are left only to follow their ideology, as such the "strong" answers are the ones that they agreed with previously, and the "strong" questions are the ones that attack positions that their ideology disagrees with.

Lack of the ability to discern. Problem #1.

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So, asking Biden to explain why Obama shouldn't be considered Marxist (when a lot of people hold that opinion regardless of the truth of it) is "Stupid" and asking Palin what newspapers she reads is "tough"?

Are you kidding?

Yeah, it is because anyone with half a brain can figure out that Obama isn't any more socialist than most of the politicians in DC, and probably more capitalistic than many. I mean really if you're going to try and tag Obama as a socialist then you have to do the same thing to every other DC politician that uses taxpayer money to help other people out. If that is socialism well then woooboy sign me up!

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So, asking Biden to explain why Obama shouldn't be considered Marxist (when a lot of people hold that opinion regardless of the truth of it) is "Stupid" and asking Palin what newspapers she reads is "tough"?

Are you kidding?

Asking why Obama shouldn't be considered a Marxist is like asking McCain why he shouldn't be considered a racist. It's a flat out dumb question, meant to put the words 'Marxist' and 'Obama' in the same sentence. Probably because people hold that opinion regardless of the truth of it.

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Sure, in the world of make believe. Here's the problem we face today, many many many people have simply lost the ability to discern. They fail to discern strong answers from weak ones, and strong questions from weak ones, and once that discernment is gone the people are left only to follow their ideology, as such the "strong" answers are the ones that they agreed with previously, and the "strong" questions are the ones that attack positions that their ideology disagrees with.

Lack of the ability to discern. Problem #1.

I agree. Do you acknowledge it for both sides though?
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Asking why Obama shouldn't be considered a Marxist is like asking McCain why he shouldn't be considered a racist. It's a flat out dumb question, meant to put the words 'Marxist' and 'Obama' in the same sentence. Probably because people hold that opinion regardless of the truth of it.
No questions are dumb.
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Yeah, it is because anyone with half a brain can figure out that Obama isn't any more socialist than most of the politicians in DC, and probably more capitalistic than many. I mean really if you're going to try and tag Obama as a socialist then you have to do the same thing to every other DC politician that uses taxpayer money to help other people out. If that is socialism well then woooboy sign me up!
You're discernment is clouded.
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