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Obama Campaign Cuts Off Interviews With Florida TV Station


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So how long have you been cheating on your wife? :)
You miss the context. Nobody believes that I am a cheater.

Many people believe Obama is a socialist and even a Marxist.

I've seen people on here acuse McCain of being a racist too. :2cents:

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No honest questions are dumb. But I don't think you really need me to explain that subtle point.
I think that is an honest question to a lot of Republicans. Especially with the RNC spin machine is full effect.

Would you feel the same if a reporter asked John McCain to explain why he doesn't want to cut Medicare for the elderly?

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So, asking Biden to explain why Obama shouldn't be considered Marxist (when a lot of people hold that opinion regardless of the truth of it) is "Stupid" and asking Palin what newspapers she reads is "tough"?

Are you kidding?

Actually, asking Biden whether Obama is a Marxist is stupid. BUT asking Palin what newspapers she reads IS NOT A TOUGH QUESTION EITHER. Her answer was a little weird, but no one said that was a tough question... except all the whiny republican strategists who claim that the interviews are unfair. So, in answer to the second part of your question, the answer is "exactly the opposite of tough."

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Asking why Obama shouldn't be considered a Marxist is like asking McCain why he shouldn't be considered a racist. It's a flat out dumb question, meant to put the words 'Marxist' and 'Obama' in the same sentence. Probably because people hold that opinion regardless of the truth of it.

McCain has used derogatory terms in public, so I think that is a fair question.

The racist question is fair of either of these two, really. McCain about his captors and Obama about Wright and his book.

If you're using Bush as the standard for what is Socialism, than yes, Obama leans further in that direction making him the Marxist.

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Oh, I'm sorry, it seemed TSF was implying those were tough questions. :whoknows:

mistake there... the article said that Biden cut off the questions when they became "tough." (Either the article or the OPP). I was being sarcastic when I referred to asking whether Obama is a marxist is tough, when in actuality it was just stupid. :)

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You miss the context. Nobody believes that I am a cheater.

Many people believe Obama is a socialist and even a Marxist.

I've seen people on here acuse McCain of being a racist too. :2cents:

So you'd be OK with an interview that asked McCain how much fun it was killing "gooks"? Or, since he's an admitted cheater, ask him whether he found it easier to seduce women in the office, or those he met at ****tail parties? Perhaps we can ask what lies worked best with the wife back home, so all the cheating men of America might benefit from the vaunted McCain "experience".
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Actually, asking Biden whether Obama is a Marxist is stupid. BUT asking Palin what newspapers she reads IS NOT A TOUGH QUESTION EITHER. Her answer was a little weird, but no one said that was a tough question... except all the whiny republican strategists who claim that the interviews are unfair. So, in answer to the second part of your question, the answer is "exactly the opposite of tough."
My apologies then for reading something into your post that wasn't there. :)
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So you'd be OK with an interview that asked McCain how much fun it was killing "gooks"? Or, since he's an admitted cheater, ask him whether he found it easier to seduce women in the office, or those he met at ****tail parties? Perhaps we can ask what lies worked best with the wife back home, so all the cheating men of America might benefit from the vaunted McCain "experience".
You're hyperbole betrays you're bias.

There would be no problem asking McCain about cheating, based on his past involvement with adultery. Same with racism as Koolblue stated.

Nah, its just a GOP thing. ;)
Just checking for consistency.:)
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Many people believe Obama is a socialist and even a Marxist.

Here's the problem, her questions were not coming from a mode of inquiry as they should have been, instead she had a pre-planned attack where she was going to latch onto one comment from Obama and create the image where Obama is arm in arm with Karl Marx. Her bias clearly showed and she paid for it, rather her network will pay for it because of her failure, my guess is that some of the competing networks will get an exclusive from the Obama campaign soon.

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I think that is an honest question to a lot of Republicans. Especially with the RNC spin machine is full effect.

But she was attacking in the same exact way that the RNC spin machine does, I mean really when you watch her can you tell the difference between a journalist and a political pundit? I think that may be some of the confusion too, in that we are so used to seeing pundants on news networks that we actually mistake them for journalists and IMO she crossed the line from journalist to pundit.

She could have very well addressed the issue of "socialism" from a whole other mindset, I'm not saying that such questions are off limits, the problem however that many of us have with her is not the question but how she framed the question and used them to try and prove a point.

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But she was attacking in the same exact way that the RNC spin machine does, I mean really when you watch her can you tell the difference between a journalist and a political pundant? I think that may be some of the confusion too, in that we are so used to seeing pundants on news networks that we actually mistake them for journalists and IMO she crossed the line from journalist to pundant.

She could have very well addressed the issue of "socialism" from a whole other mindset, I'm not saying that such questions are off limits, the problem however that many of us have with her is not the question but how she framed the question and used them to try and prove a point.

Now that I understand. Totally. Great post.
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Asking why Obama shouldn't be considered a Marxist is like asking McCain why he shouldn't be considered a racist. It's a flat out dumb question, meant to put the words 'Marxist' and 'Obama' in the same sentence. Probably because people hold that opinion regardless of the truth of it.

Whoopie Goldberg actually went that far on "The View", asking John McCain if she should be worried about slavery. It happens on both sides of the aisle.

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Whoopie Goldberg actually went that far on "The View", asking John McCain if she should be worried about slavery. It happens on both sides of the aisle.
Asbury makes a good point though, nobody considers Whoopi a seasoned journalist. Every body knows she's a hack pundit.
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Poor Whoopie. She gets hell on this board.

I personally liked her as an actress and comedian even saw her a few months back on Broadway in Xanadu. She was funny. I haven't seen enough of the view to have an impression of her as a commentator/interviewer.

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