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WP: McCain Camp Sees An Insult in a Saying

Ignatius J.

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My only question is, if Obama is elected, how many World Leaders is he going to insult because he has a difficult time thinking off the "cuff".

Obama- Maaybbbeeee youuuu wwant sssome lllipstick on that pppppigg Mr Ambassador?

Mr Ambassador- That's not my pig, its my wife.

Leads to WWIII.

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Okay, Obama may have used the "lipstick on a pig" colloquialism before. But you'd think he, as well as his advisors, would stay away from the use of "lipstick" during any speech from here on out. They know full well how that will be percieved, so with that, while it may not be a direct insult to Palin, it was not used completely absent-mindedly IMO; just to stir the pot, as normal.

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Okay, Obama may have used the "lipstick on a pig" colloquialism before. But you'd think he, as well as his advisors, would stay away from the use of "lipstick" during any speech from here on out. They know full well how that will be percieved, so with that, while it may not be a direct insult to Palin, it was not used completely absent-mindedly IMO; just to stir the pot, as normal.

Okay so McCain can use it to describe Hillary's Universal Healthcare Plan, Obama can use it before, but now its unacceptable to John McCain. This is just an attempt to play the gender card which the McCain camp has used every single time anyone criticizes Palin. Its ridiculous, question her experience gender card, question her record gender card, when is someone going to call them out on this?

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I think more highly of Obama to think he "unintentionally" did this. If he did it unintentionally, he is stupid. If he did it intentionally, he's only guilty of "poor form". I got a chuckle out of the line, but part of me thought his "goose was cooked" when I heard it. Not sure if this is a "jump the shark" moment, but it definitely will be talked about the next 48 hours until someone else does something equally dumb.

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And I'm sure you thought that was innocent as well. :)

Both are completely benign, innocent things.

Obama didnt mean it as a slam at all. You could tell by the way he reacted to the crowds reaction. He knew it right away that what he had said was going to be taken the wrong way.

But I think Jim Webb and the dems are fairly happy with the results of the media and left wing firestorm over Macaca. So while I dont think he meant any ill will, I certainly expect him to pay the same price George Allen paid.

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Brilliant strategy by the McCain campaign - attack EVERYTHING. The end game is the White House - whatever means necessary. Everything is fair game, everything is on the table. The libs will whine and cry like the pansies they are while the Republicans take the White House again.

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Brilliant strategy by the McCain campaign - attack EVERYTHING. The end game is the White House - whatever means necessary. Everything is fair game, everything is on the table. The libs will whine and cry like the pansies they are while the Republicans take the White House again.

You're serious???

The last 10 days have been nothing but Attack Sarah 24/7.

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Brilliant strategy by the McCain campaign - attack EVERYTHING. The end game is the White House - whatever means necessary. Everything is fair game, everything is on the table. The libs will whine and cry like the pansies they are while the Republicans take the White House again.

Of the multiple posts in this thread that strain credibility, but this one takes the cake.

Do you really think it's the "libs" that are the ones whining right now?

McCain's camp just accused Obama of sexism for using an extraordinarily common phrase he himself has used (towards a woman's policies, mind you). At this point, Sarah Palin could drop her pants and take a dump on stage and the radical righties would lambaste Obama's people for pointing it out.

(And it's worth noting that, to a man, these are the same people that criticized Hillary for "playing the gender card", saying that if she couldn't stand the heat in the primaries, how was she capable of being president.)

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You're serious???

The last 10 days have been nothing but Attack Sarah 24/7.

Oh I agree. But, the McCain folks have been able to deftly strike back while putting Obama and his team on the defensive. When I stated "attack" everything, I really meant respond to EVERYTHING that is coming out of Obama's mouth. The dude is walking on eggshells right now. The Republicans have always been brilliant at this in presidential politics. Obama and his people's heads are spinning with the Palin pick. They haven't figured out how to play it. And if/when they do, it'll be too late.

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John McCain talking about Hillary Clinton's Healthcare plan October 2007..

McCain criticized Democratic contenders for offering what he called costly universal health care proposals that require too much government regulation. While he said he had not studied Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's health-care plan, he said it was "eerily reminiscent" of the failed plan she offered as first lady in the early 1990s.

"I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," he said of her proposal.


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Even if this wasn't meant to be a slam against Palin....it's a poor choice of words for someone who wants to lead this country. He could have used a better analogy that wouldn't have drawn so much heat. Anything said about lipstick or anything feminine really, and then attached to an animal is naturally going to look like a slam against the female on the other side of the political table. Where the hell are Obama's PR people telling him not to make stupid comments like that?

Oh for crying out loud.

Seriously now. You can't POSSIBLY believe that, right?

I think the warantee on my sarcasm meter must be expired. Because if it isn't, now we know exactly who this sort of tripe is aimed at.

Damn thing..


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The Dems are making the SAME mistake again!

Not fighting back. Heard a DNC spokesman this morning and she was saying how the democrats will stick to the issues, not get distracted, the American people don't want this and are smarter.

Nope - We are not.

WE RESPOND TO NEGITIVE ADVERTISING. Right now, they are trying to take the "Holier then thou" and it's loosing.

You know what, come out and say "I didn't mean it as a attack on Sarah Palin, but if she took it that way - So be it. I guess she see herself as a pig with Lipstick"

How is this sexist anyway? Cause Women wear lipstick?

Didn't she already say that's what makes her different? Lipstick?

I would attack more "Wow - Sarah was offended by THAT comment? How is she going to handle dealing with foreign head of states."

I would play the clip of McCain saying the same thing and then show the McCain camp crying about Obama saying it with the tag line "Is THIS the change they are talking about?"

Fight back for gods sake. Dems are starting to look like a punching bag.

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McCain definitely said "lipstick on a pig" when referring to Hillary's health care plan: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/12/us/politics/12health.html?_r=1&fta=y&oref=slogin

Obama also used the phrase last year when referring to General Petraeus last year: ""George Bush has given a mission to General Petraeus, and he has done his best to try to figure out how to put lipstick on a pig." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/13/AR2007091301679.html

Elizabeth Edwards also said about McCain's health plan: Elizabeth Edwards told some 500 health journalists the other day that John McCain’s health care plan was like “painting lipstick on a pig,” http://www.cjr.org/campaign_desk/elizabeth_edwards_on_john_mcca.php

Torrie Clarke, McCain's former Press Secretary, wrote a book titled "Lipstick on a Pig: Winning In the No-Spin Era by Someone Who Knows the Game." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/06/earlyshow/leisure/books/main1282960.shtml

Here's a good blog post summarizing those things: http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/09/a-piggish-debat.html

I like how the Palin pick has vaulted the Republican Party into taking the mantle of identity politics and political correctness. Now that they're giving us big government and PCism, maybe we don't even need a Democratic Party anymore.

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I do not believe Obama was referring to Palin. BUT, she is certainly called "the pitbull in lipstick", so the common tie reflects an unfortunate choice of words. If the roles were reversed to Democrats would seize, just like the "macaca" thing which has been mentioned. There seems to be a double standard here.

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