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WP: McCain Camp Sees An Insult in a Saying

Ignatius J.

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If there is video of McCain using that phrase when talking about something Hillary Clinton related. It should be in Ads starting tonight. Just cut this one off at the pass.

All it takes is video of McCain making the comment and video of McCain criticizng Obama for making the comment and a statement about the hypocrisy.

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I'm having a difficult time respecting the opinions of those who can't see how it would be reasonable for some (especially women) to take offense at Obama's statement and also reasonable for them to request an apology for Obama's "poor form".

I'm willing to believe it was a gaffe... I don't think he should be given a pass, nor would I want people to give McCain a pass if he made a similarly insensitive gaffe.

BTW, it isn't the "expression" that was offensive, it was how it was used within the context of the last week.

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I do not believe Obama was referring to Palin. BUT, she is certainly called "the pitbull in lipstick", so the common tie reflects an unfortunate choice of words. If the roles were reversed to Democrats would seize, just like the "macaca" thing which has been mentioned. There seems to be a double standard here.

And that is something even Dem stratigists have aknowledged this was poor choice because the lipstick think now belongs to Palin

I think this week is showing us more and more why Obama does not want to do a bunch of one on one townhall meeting with McCain, though he may need to soon if the cash keeps drying up

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Obama just called out the McCain campaign on this non issue. Basically said he wasn't apologizing for it since their was nothing wrong with it. Called out McCain for focusing on made up controversies instead of talking about issues actually affecting Americans.

I'm willing to believe it was a gaffe... I don't think he should be given a pass, nor would I want people to give McCain a pass if he made a similarly insensitive gaffe.

McCain used the same exact phrase while referring to Hillary Clinton's plan. Obama used it while discussing John McCains plan. Why didn't the liberal media jump on McCain for that outrageous form of sexism? =\

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All it takes is video of McCain making the comment and video of McCain criticizng Obama for making the comment and a statement about the hypocrisy.

There is a video of McCain saying it. Today show showed it this morning. And it should be a ad.

But Obama seems to only do 1 ad a month.

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There is a video of McCain saying it. Today show showed it this morning. And it should be a ad.

But Obama seems to only do 1 ad a month.

And that's why Obama is stupid.

If he really had all this money. He'd had ads on all over the place. Not ones blasting McCain. Just positive upbeat ones talking about the future. Give that a few weeks and see if McCains ads stay negative or.....if that backfires.

Otherwise, he's an idiot. Don't even address Palin. She's not the top of the ticket. Don't blast her or give any statements that could be see as blasting her. Make her a non-issue.

If they can't do that. Then they deserve to lose.

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Obama just called out the McCain campaign on this non issue. Basically said he wasn't apologizing for it since their was nothing wrong with it. Called out McCain for focusing on made up controversies instead of talking about issues actually affecting Americans.

McCain used the same exact phrase while referring to Hillary Clinton's plan. Obama used it while discussing John McCains plan. Why didn't the liberal media jump on McCain for that outrageous form of sexism? =\

Did Hillary use "lipstick" as a famous punch line at a speech watched by 40M people?

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It might be too late for that. I dont think they can put the genie back in the bottle (is that sexist?).

She's already a rockstar.

Clinotn flailed for 3 months once Obamamania took root. Now he's witnessing the same thing.

I dont know if there is a way, now, to marginalize her.

The debate will be key. Biden needs to beat her up good imo.

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It might be too late for that. I dont think they can put the genie back in the bottle (is that sexist?).

She's already a rockstar.

Clinotn flailed for 3 months once Obamamania took root. Now he's witnessing the same thing.

I dont know if there is a way, now, to marginalize her.

The debate will be key. Biden needs to beat her up good imo.

No he doesn't. That's a trap.

Biden needs to treat her with almost too much respect. He shouldn't be nasty or anything. If she wants to attack. Let her. Just say you respect her opinion, but don't agree. Let the clips of her seem like that Hockey Mom that melts down where her kid isn't on the ice.

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Did Hillary use "lipstick" as a famous punch line at a speech watched by 40M people?

You got me there. Obama is sexist because he used a common phrase to describe John McCain's plan. Damn her for ever saying the word lipstick.

Obama should put that McCain comment in an ad and see how long this controversy lasts. (should have already put it up)

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This thread is hilarious. What a bunch of PC whining liars so many have you become. And since when is Palin the only woman in America who wears lipstick? Because she mentioned lipstick all references to it point to her!

What an oversensitive bunch of crap!

It may work, but I would expect better of most of you. You've lost all semblence of integrity on this one.

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This thread is hilarious. What a bunch of PC whining liars so many have you become. And since when is Palin the only woman in America who wears lipstick? Because she mentioned lipstick all references to it point to her!

What an oversensitive bunch of crap!

It may work, but I would expect better of most of you. You've lost all semblence of integrity on this one.

I for one welcome our conservative brethren to the wonderful whiny world of identity politics and political correctness.

Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin ... no matter who wins, you better be careful what you say or you might offend someone. :silly:

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Obama should just stay quiet for the rest of the week and let Biden speak and practice what he is going to say next week

2 gaffes in one week is not good

Come on McCain was using this same expression to describe Hillary's Healthcare plan in 2007. Nobody attacked him for being sexist?

McCain criticized Democratic contenders for offering what he called costly universal health care proposals that require too much government regulation. While he said he had not studied Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's health-care plan, he said it was "eerily reminiscent" of the failed plan she offered as first lady in the early 1990s.

"I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," he said of her proposal.


This is a stupid issue for McCain to exploit to keep the election from concentrating on the issues. On the issues, McCain looses this election. So McCain wants to focus on imaginary slights.

It's sad this stuff plays.

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Yes. You can.

The Daily Kos for example has become a huge influence on the democratic party. Slimebucket operations set the tone for the left wing nutjobs that the democratic party panders to. Officially the party does not talk to or about them but they happily look the other way as websites like the Kos act as attack dogs.

The average American does not know about KOS. That is far different then issues such as this thread topic that IS heard by not only nationally, but internationally. I read about this article at an Australian paper's website - I doubt if many Aussies have heard about KOS.

Yes, yes - I know: every right-wing person believes that everyone to the left of them visits KOS.

Are you still sure, Mad Mike, that you are an "independent"?

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Obama should just stay quiet for the rest of the week and let Biden speak and practice what he is going to say next week

2 gaffes in one week is not good

Good thing you're not part of Obama's campaign. Yeah Obama should lay low this week. Cancel his 9/11 apperance at Ground Zero. Not show up to the nationally televised forum tomorrow. Then he'll really look good to the public.

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Obama knocks press on 'made-up controversy'

Speaking at a high school in Norfolk, Obama took a few moments to address what he calls "the made-up controversy" of the day, Amie Parnes reports.

Obama said the McCain campaign moved to "seize an innocent remark and take it out of context because they knew it's catnip for the news media."

"See, it would be funny, but the news media decided that would be the lead story yesterday. This happens every election cycle. Every four years, this is what we do. This is what they want to spend two of the last 55 days talking about...Enough!" he said.

Obama called the attacks "lies, outrage and swift boat politics."

"These are serious times and they call for a serious debate...spare me all the phony outrage. Spare me all the phony talk about change," he said.

UPDATE: McCain spokesman Brian Rogers responds: “Barack Obama can’t campaign with schoolyard insults and then try to claim outrage at the tone of the campaign. His talk of new politics is as empty as his campaign trail promises, and his record of bucking his party and reaching across the aisle simply doesn’t exist.”


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Come on McCain was using this same expression to describe Hillary's Healthcare plan in 2007. Nobody attacked him for being sexist?

This is a stupid issue for McCain to exploit to keep the election from concentrating on the issues. On the issues, McCain looses this election. So McCain wants to focus on imaginary slights.

It's sad this stuff plays.

Exactly. Thats the reason he picked Palin. Because Obama will kill him on the actual issues. Country First? More like Politics First. I will admit it has given him a bump now, but once Obama wipes the floor with McCain in the debates, this race will come back to Obama/Biden's side.

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