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What were the best years of your life?

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The past year, since June 24, 2007. That's when my cancer scare began, and culminating with surgery of a benign mass on December 19, 2007. Six months of facing your own mortality will cause you to look at things quite differently. Things that used to bug me, don't as much anymore. And some things that I used to take for granted, I treasure. I've met so many great people from here and ES/RR tailgates, and formed some lifelong friendships. My family is healthy, and my 87-year old grandmother (who practically raised me) recently had successful surgery to implant a cochlear hearing device so that she can eventually hear again. She's been deaf for more than a year after a stroke knocked out her hearing. She's visiting right now.

Here she is tonight, reading a bedtime story to her pride and joy's, her great-grandchildren-


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Basically. Although towards the end of college I started making great money

Life has only gotten better for me as the years have gone by. 2007 was definitley one of my favorite years, and so was 2002. Part of me wishes it could be the summer of 2001 again, pre 9/11 and how different the world seemed then

Nonetheless there is no place I'd rather be then where I am now

It's amazing how different things were pre 9/11. I was in 5th grade when it happened and I didn't realize the significance of it (except that everyone was going home from school) but so far it is the defining event of the decade/century.

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It's amazing how different things were pre 9/11. I was in 5th grade when it happened and I didn't realize the significance of it (except that everyone was going home from school) but so far it is the defining event of the decade/century.

I was in 6th grade. I was just happy to go home and really had no idea of what happened.

My best years are yet to come. I've enjoyed them so far, although would do somethings differently if I could go back but going into my sophomore year in college, I have lot to look forward to. Therefore

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. "

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I believe the best years are yet to come.

Each day is wonderful.

I wake up.

I live.

I love.

I grow.

And each day, I learn, I accept, I pray, I am thankful.

My life is full of joy.

There may be days which are not pleasant.

Days when I wonder "why/".

But I know that I have a life full of family and friends......whom I love......and want to love for a long time.

Each tomorrow is the beginning of another best year.

That's a good one Blondie. I wish I could do that. Not having a steller year myself, but I guess if I wake up tomorrow I should try to find a bright spot, huh.

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You're not an Idiot Capt...The highlight of the day for me is carrying my son back to bed and watching him fall asleep. I know where you're coming from. :cheers:

I wish I could see mine tonight or tomorrow night. I tried to call them to say goodnight, but mommy sees whos calling and won't answer. I hope one day they'll understand whats going on. I hope one day I'll understand whats going on.:(

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Hard to say:

I'm probably the most proud of my last few years and everything I've done. They've been the years where looking back I've accomplished most of my potential in the years...but they've also been the hardest, saddest, and most sobering. Much of my idealism and optimism feels deminished. Life, even the good parts feels difficult. That being said, in addition to accomplishing a lot, I've done some fantastic things from rafting down the Grand Canyon to scuba diving off Saipan to coming home every night to 2 kids running to give me a hug. There are some good memories, and like I said these are the years I'd be most proud of. I just can't say I'm the happiest.

I was probably happiest sophmore and junior year of college. I'd broken up with a suicidal abusive girlfriend so I was free to date college women. I was playing soccer having my leg more or less fully recovered from a highschool injury. I was coasting through college and hiking everywhere I could. I didn't have a ton of friends, but the dozen or so I had were close. I miss being able to walk to a friends dorm instead of having to schedule a time 2 weeks from now to catch lunch :doh: . Yeah, those were the happiest years, the coasting years.

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I'd say now. If you'd asked me 15 years ago, I probably would have said now then too. If you ask me 15 years from now I'll probably say now. Hopefully you're enjoying life at every turn. I think it would be sad to say,M"my best years are gone, it'll never get any better than it was then."

Maybe I need to join the Hemlock Society.

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2003 to 2005 were the best years of my life. Within those years I graduated high school, moved out on my own and started college. After 05 everything went downhill. Met a girl, got engaged, she dumped me you know the normal stuff. And 08 has absolutely been the worst year of my life so far. I really hope the skins have a good season because i sure need something to brighten up this year.

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Life is amazing and I appreciate it absolutely every waking day

I'm a year out of college and those were hands down the best time of my life. I hope and pray that those werent the best times of my life and that they are still to come. If life gets better than my college years, holy goodness that would be purely sexy. I believe with my mentality and outlook on life that the future will bring brighter and happier years for sure!

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2003 to 2005 were the best years of my life. Within those years I graduated high school, moved out on my own and started college. After 05 everything went downhill. Met a girl, got engaged, she dumped me you know the normal stuff. And 08 has absolutely been the worst year of my life so far. I really hope the skins have a good season because i sure need something to brighten up this year.

If you look for something outside yourself to make you happy you'll always feel empty on some level; unfortunately most of humanity is always looking outside themselves.

Go within. Theres more truth there than you'll ever find out there.

"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment." ~ Lao Tzu

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If you look for something outside yourself to make you happy you'll always feel empty on some level; unfortunately most of humanity is always looking outside themselves.

Go within. Theres more truth there than you'll ever find out there.

"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment." ~ Lao Tzu

Thanks for the advice. Im sure things will turn around once things get settled down. Just everything has been frustrating this year i bought a new truck and have had it in the shop 7 times since i bought it in october, then the girl left me in march, and work has just been crappy. But things im sure will turn around i just moved to a new place and have been spending more time with friends which helps. Sorry for the rant.

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I'm really hoping the best years of my life are in my future. It hasn't been a nice, kind, easy life for the first 34 years. I'm hoping at some point in the near future it calms down and things go smoothly for a while. We'll see if that happens, but I'm not holding my breath.

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I think I'm living in the best days of my life right now. I've been blessed with a pretty damn good life and it just seems to get better everyday - I hope that continues as I was just informed yesterday that my employer is closing up shop here in the USA and my job of 19 years will be transferred overseas sometime next year. Even at a time like this, when I might have a woe is me attitude, life has a "funny" way of reminding me just how good I have it.

Earlier this week a neighbor of mine buried her husband and her mother in the same day (both died of cancer within 24 hours of one another). This is only 6 months after her only child committed suicide.

I go home to a loving family every night...spend some good, quality time with my 3 kids and wonder who has it better than me?

Each stage of my life has been that way...truly thankful for everything I have.

Now if I could just get those damn boys to quit calling my teenage daughter life would be perfect :)

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I'm very cynical, so I'd have to say my best days are behind me. I have this irrational fear of getting older. I feel like this world is so youth driven, that 16-25 are the peak years. I am so overly focused on getting hot young girls(I wasted a lot of my younger years being shy), and I feel that the older one gets the less chance of that happening are. Also, my career has been basically non-existant. I am so worthless. Here I am sitting around getting older, when I should be out getting a worthwhile job. :(

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Tough one.

Id say high school and college, right through the time I got my first job. Those 4 months after college were pretty dang good too. Moved back home, job didnt start for 4 months (took 3 of those to find one), no billls, parents werent hounding me about a job, spent most of my nights out til 5 with friends. Then work started, moved out, not so bad now still

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In some respects... today.

I love what I'm doing professionally. I've got some good friends. Enough money to meet all my needs and a good percentage of the wants. Just missing the girl.

Huh. Today sucks. Where's the frickin' girl!

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I wish I could see mine tonight or tomorrow night. I tried to call them to say goodnight, but mommy sees whos calling and won't answer. I hope one day they'll understand whats going on. I hope one day I'll understand whats going on.:(

I hope so too Capt...I hope so too.

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The thing I think we should remember is that we create our future. We create the best years of our lives, they don't just happen.

Sometimes as human beings we can get into habitual reactionary patterns of living instead of rising above those patterns and expanding our ways of thinking and thus living.

First the belief, then the behavior.

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