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More controversy at Obama's Church


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Why do these candidates feel the need to have a pastor on their shoulder during these Presidential campaigns? Has this been common practice in the past? I don't remember Clinton, Gore, Bush, or anyone else being seen with a pastor during their campaigns. It just doesn't seem logical for a candidate to be associated with a church when religion usually just breeds hatred, bigotry, and negativity.

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Why do these candidates feel the need to have a pastor on their shoulder during these Presidential campaigns? Has this been common practice in the past? I don't remember Clinton, Gore, Bush, or anyone else parading a pastor around for votes. It just doesn't seem logical to bring out a pastor when religion usually just breeds hatred and bigotry.

is obama parading these guys around? i missed that.

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is obama parading these guys around? i missed that.

no but he did keep him close for a while and you knew who he was and how deep he was in obama's life because barrack told you.

spiritual advisor

known for a long time

married him and his wife.

that church needs a big overhaul from the inside out starting from the top and working itself all the way down to the pews. there is nothing about church that should be political and people need to keep their personal opinions off the pulpit.


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Why do these candidates feel the need to have a pastor on their shoulder during these Presidential campaigns? Has this been common practice in the past? I don't remember Clinton, Gore, Bush, or anyone else parading a pastor around for votes. It just doesn't seem logical to bring out a pastor when religion usually just breeds hatred and bigotry.

Because clergy are very influential. Some of these big churches have thousands and thousands of members. Their reach can be very long.

Besides, it's still God's country, and that matters to a lot of voters.


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What I mean is I don't remember the church or pastors having such a big role in the campaigns of past candidates. I'll go re-phrase my post. ;)

they play a big role because of what they have said, and because the media is blowing it up.

no but he did keep him close for a while and you knew who he was and how deep he was in obama's life because barrack told you.

spiritual advisor

known for a long time

married him and his wife.

that church needs a big overhaul from the inside out starting from the top and working itself all the way down to the pews. there is nothing about church that should be political and people need to keep their personal opinions off the pulpit.


i'm not defending obama for staying at that church. all i'm saying is that he's not attempting to make these guys a part of his campaign, which is what his post said. (not what he meant to say, and he's editing, but i was going off his original post)

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no but he did keep him close for a while and you knew who he was and how deep he was in obama's life because barrack told you.

spiritual advisor

Yeah the term "Spiritual advisor"...is very threatening to me. I'm not sure I want a President that has one.

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I think these Priests at this Church speak to an audience that feels (real or not) that racism is a big part of their everyday life. They also probably give big money to the Church. Whether this guy is a self hating white is up for debate. I kinda think he must have a lot of white guilt to say the least.

I don't really see these types of Churches in the DC area.

And I have never seen a Catholic Priest act in that matter, regardless of the words used. And i've been in a lot of Catholic Churches.

Its a quite a day we live in.

White people teaching black liberation theology and black preachers lining up with Hagee and sticking by him and his hitler belief. WTF is going on:doh:

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they play a big role because of what they have said, and because the media is blowing it up.

i'm not defending obama for staying at that church. all i'm saying is that he's not attempting to make these guys a part of his campaign, which is what his post said. (not what he meant to say, and he's editing, but i was going off his original post)

Who came out a year ago touting his relationship to Jeremiah Wright and the United Church of Christ in Chicago?

Barack Obama.

The media didn't ask. He offered it up.

BigMike is right.

Obama is the one who came out, on his own, and presented these things to the public in hopes of gathering support.

He's the one who was proud to call Wright his spiritual advisor and mentor.

He was the one who was proud to base his book on a Jeremiah Wright sermon.

He was the one who sat in pews listening to Wright and others and still came back every Sunday for 20 years.

Any trouble that comes from Wright or these other people like Pfleger was brought on by his own actions.

Makes me at least re-examine Rev Wrights statement about Obama "saying what he has to say as politician."

Obama's best bet would be to just come clean and tell everyone he just attended church there out of politcal expediency and "that he's a phony-baloney Protestant" (got that quote from Democrat Mike Barnacle).

America needs to be careful that they don't get hoodwinked.

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Could we stop changing what people post..

It's bad enough to read it once in most cases.

It just points out the church is what it always was and you don't sit in the seats without knowing it. You can pretend you didn't know, but you knew.

Now people have to decide if it raises to the level of importance in their decisions.

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Whatever happened to churches talking about morality and theology, and staying out or party politics or supporting one candidate over another.

It looks like some of these churches need to lose their tax-exempt status if they are going to act as political organizations.

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