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How Was Your Day?


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Through the course of our lives, we hear many questions; ranging from deep and thoughtful to just plain stupid. Some questions, though simple, make our day a little better. One of those questions?

"How was your day?"

Simple, mundane, but it says volumes. Sometimes, we need to just let our hair down and rant about how our day went.

So, this is a thread for just that.

Had a good day? Tell us about it.

Had a crappy day? Tell us about it.

I think we're all family here.

So...how was your day?

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My day was superb. I woke up this morning, which is so much better than the alternative. Had a good day at work. Got hugs and kisses from my lil one. Played with my puppy. Relaxed with a bottle of my infamous hard cider. Had some good ol' fashioned ribbing here on ES. Life is Good!

Thanks for asking, How was your day?

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My day....

Woke up and did some P90x Yoga (I need a mat badly). I then went to my girlfriends' and :hump: and she noticed the P90x results already - oh yeah!

I had an interview at a local car dealership for a Business Development Coordinator position and it looks like I'm in. I celebrated with pizza from a local place and picked up some Italian Ice for House tonight.

Now I'm just relaxing.

Thanks for asking, yourself?

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Oh, my day was alright, thanks.

We got our mid term reports from our teachers today. Good marks, except for French; which I adore, but I'm not very good at. Also, I'm taking care of some scholarship stuff right now, which is a hassle. Apart from that, though; it was alright. The good Lord put air in my lungs to breathe and strength in my legs to walk, so I suppose I'm doing alright

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Just another day, though that day just happened to be Monday. Worked about 20 feet off the ground on a plank 14" wide and am currently writing this so I'll call that a successful day.

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What a thoughtful topic!!

Thank you so much.

I had a great day. Today was a "bad weather" day. It is built into the school calendar in case we have to miss school during the winter for bad weather. Since we didn't miss any days, we had today off.

I spent today chillin mostly, reading ES, talking to and texting bf, and watching some movies I had on Tivo.

I really enjoyed today.

How was your day?

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Not too great, my work has implemented a mandatory 10 hour day policy for this month, I'm salary so I don't get any overtime. And I had to take a long lunch to get my car inspected so that made me stay even later. Then I get home and my sister has one of her friends over who I used to have a thing with and still have feelings for, which are not returned. But now american gladiators is on so that's cool.

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I like these kinds of threads! My day was good. Woke up, which is always a plus. Not too busy at work. Weather was gorgeous. Talked about the Blitz over & over like 4 times for all the flunkies at work that didn't go. Overall, a successful day I would say. How about you?

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Oh, my day was alright, thanks.

We got our mid term reports from our teachers today. Good marks, except for French; which I adore, but I'm not very good at. Also, I'm taking care of some scholarship stuff right now, which is a hassle. Apart from that, though; it was alright. The good Lord put air in my lungs to breathe and strength in my legs to walk, so I suppose I'm doing alright

My day ^^

What a thoughtful topic!!

Thank you so much.

I had a great day. Today was a "bad weather" day. It is built into the school calendar in case we have to miss school during the winter for bad weather. Since we didn't miss any days, we had today off.

I spent today chillin mostly, reading ES, talking to and texting bf, and watching some movies I had on Tivo.

I really enjoyed today.

How was your day?

I like these kinds of threads! My day was good. Woke up, which is always a plus. Not too busy at work. Weather was gorgeous. Talked about the Blitz over & over like 4 times for all the flunkies at work that didn't go. Overall, a successful day I would say. How about you?

Thanks for asking, though! I just thought I'd brighten things up with a (hopefully) light and easy going topic. Like I said, it feels good to just unload and talk about your day sometimes.

Something tells me what I just typed is going to find it's way into the "taken out of context" thread. :D

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Worked about 20 feet off the ground on a plank 14" wide and am currently writing this so I'll call that a successful day.

Siding, soffet or roofing PCS? I miss those days sometimes.

This is an awesome thread nerd. I enjoy an uplifting topic. After taking a four month break from dating, I finally put myself out there for the woman I have been interested in asking out. Talked to her today and we are going for coffee when I get back from the DC area for the holiday. Looking forward to a weekend in the mountains of West Virginia with the boys and will attend my grandmother's 90th birthday party before I return to Tallahassee next Tuesday.

I am a little more excited about life today.

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Day was not good. Upgraded some IT equipment over the weekend and had some unanticipated problems. I'm getting ready to fix them now. :(

OTOH, my son had his very first flag football practice tonight. He loved it.

I asked him afterward if he was tired, he said "no". I said they must not have worked him hard enough. Good times. :laugh:

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Any day above ground is a good day!

Now that I have that out of the way. My day was fair to middlin'. Got to work and had a call right when I got there. Was kinda busy, but I finally got the schedule out for June.(Being a schedule maker is a beyotch...especially when there are open shifts and the bosses are crawling your ass to keep the OT down to nothing!)

Got home, tried to un-ass a chain link fence that came with a kennel I bought. Whatever machine rolled it should be fired! Helped a friend move, came home and ate dinner, put the kids to bed, gave the wife some lovin, and now I'm sitting here on ES drinking my nightcap.

It coulda been a lot worse!

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Well, today was ok, but, the days haven't been great since last week. Got let go from my job due to "restructuring". They restructured my department and "moved me from being the Operations Manager back to being a Network Engineer, then a week later eliminate the position. So, after 5 1/2 years I am back to looking for a job. But, I am not bitter, it feels good being out of that place and having the crap that went on over with. Hopefully I got a couple lines on a better job, so it is all good.

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  • 4 months later...

My day is just average. It is about 100 degrees out here but all of my friends have either come in from town or are fighting with their spouse and crashing at my pad. I am sad that my boy and his wife are fighting but its been a long time since all 3 of us just got together as boys and just kicked it.

Watched the debates last night and it was great sitting with a bunch of educated people and actually discussing something besides "Id do that broad on TV" or something unimportant.

And tonight I am going to get 25 cent wings with these same friends and just go enjoy life.

How are you doing today my friend?

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