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Die Hard Skins Fan Gets Disrespected


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If it makes you feel better I will make my donation to the Darrell Green Charity anyways. I think that part is GREAT. I was just upset that I got disrespected. If you had been in my shoes I guarentee you would not have been happy with it either. I don't like to bash any fellow Skins fan or make anyone look bad but I do feel completely disrespected and I never even got a courtousy " Sorry bout your luck buddy". This really does make me sad to be treated this way and I am glad Zoony at least gave me my respect by not closing this thread!

Sorry bout your luck buddy. <----not being sarcastic at all. You got hosed.

I applaud you for making the donation. Darrell Greens foundation is one that ive been lucky enough to work with in the past and is a GREAT cause.

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To the OP- just a suggestion, you could buy a Sean Taylor montage print on canvas from swainy67, a portion of the proceeds goes to Children's Hospital. Not the same item, but really cool, unique and for a good cause, nonetheless.

Thanks I will actually PM about that. Would be cool for my Skins room!

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I wanted to make sure that no one else again gets disrespected like this again so if another Auction happens on our site a Mod or someone else can keep an eye on it and make sure things are fair. Ya it might be a ****ty title to the thread but I feel 100% disrespected. Wouldnt you if you were in my shoes seriously. It is not the point of if I got it or not I have faith in our team, and this site and I took it up the rear for having faith that the auction was going to be "FAIR"!

I can understand your point of view, I just think you should step back, take a deep breath, and remember that this was not some corporation selling an item on eBay. This was two very well known members of the ES community doing something purely out of the goodness of their hearts.

So in that respect, had they ended the bid thread with "you know what? we want to sell the item to Reic for $50 bucks because he's a cool guy"... it's STILL a great thing to do. And ultimately it is their item, and the money is going to charity. And for that, I don't think they deserve to be treated to words like 'disrespected', etc... with similar assaults on their character.

Again, I don't see an issue with you voicing your concerns necessarily, just that you should tone it down a bit (lot), and keep a big-picture view of the situation

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I just want to say that Pez and Huly are two of the nicest, most selfless people I have ever met, and would never intentionally try to screw someone over. I am 100% confident that the decision they made (final or not) was what they thought was not only the fairest decision, but also in the best interest of the Darrell Green Foundation, the charity they wanted to assist in the first place.

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I just want to say that Pez and Huly are two of the nicest, most selfless people I have ever met, and would never intentionally try to screw someone over. I am 100% confident that the decision they made (final or not) was what they thought was not only the fairest decision, but also in the best interest of the Darrell Green Foundation, the charity they wanted to assist in the first place.


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With all due respect to Pez and Huly, whom I greatly admire, if you are going to have an auction, then there should be straight-forward, clear, concise rules, regardless of whether the revenues are going to charity. The listing in the sticky in the stadium over the past week seemed to be clear. The high bid was clear. It was obvious to me the high bidder won.

If there was some discrepency in the rules which made the winner of the auction unclear, then, in my opinion, the auction should be declared void, and a new auction should be in place with clear rules intact.

Otherwise auctions like this, regardless of their meaning or intent, are moot, because a bidder has no way of knowing what is happening behind the scenes, and his bid is meaningless.


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I just want to say that Pez and Huly are two of the nicest, most selfless people I have ever met, and would never intentionally try to screw someone over. I am 100% confident that the decision they made (final or not) was what they thought was not only the fairest decision, but also in the best interest of the Darrell Green Foundation, the charity they wanted to assist in the first place.

Ive said it the entire time, there is no way that they would do this just to screw someone over. Im sure that this decision was made in the best interest of the charity.

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I "HAD" respect for you but if this is how you see it then to heck with you. If you were disrespected like this then maybe you would be upset too. I do agree I was dumb for making this thread so soon before getting my reply but my blood is pumping with anger that I got disrespected so badly. And on top of that you Pez and whoever just thinks it is okay to treat people this way. Great way to treat fellow Loyal Redskins fans! Thanks a lot and I do see in my future getting banned for this too. So ultimately I am the uber loser! But feel free to close this thread if you think I am in the wrong! I am not admitting to doing the right thing. I am human and mess up and I am man enough to admit when I do. Are you? I got TOTALLY disrespected and it is just okay. Thanks for showing so much respect BROTHER!

Funny thing is, if you'd just given him time, I'm sure 21 would have called Huly and they would have worked something out. But by starting this thread and now calling out a mod, Pez, and Huly, you have pretty much guaranteed you will most likely not be getting the plaque. Sometimes its prudent to be patient. :2cents:

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I don't think it was done on purpose SFS1988 and yeah it was for charity, but I don't think it's being handled well and I agree with Mark the Homer on his views.

This is no shot at the Mods, the OP or the sellers but it's ashamed that this ends poorly after the inital good intentions of the auction

Hope we can all learn something from this in the future and be a little more clear with the rules.

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I "HAD" respect for you but if this is how you see it then to heck with you. If you were disrespected like this then maybe you would be upset too. I do agree I was dumb for making this thread so soon before getting my reply but my blood is pumping with anger that I got disrespected so badly. And on top of that you Pez and whoever just thinks it is okay to treat people this way. Great way to treat fellow Loyal Redskins fans! Thanks a lot and I do see in my future getting banned for this too. So ultimately I am the uber loser! But feel free to close this thread if you think I am in the wrong! I am not admitting to doing the right thing. I am human and mess up and I am man enough to admit when I do. Are you? I got TOTALLY disrespected and it is just okay. Thanks for showing so much respect BROTHER!
SFS88, you should probably stop posting in this thread...

I think you absolutely deserve an apology, and it was wrong that nobody so much as sent you a PM when they decided that DBlaze won the auction, but you're not going to get much sympathy by throwing around wild accusations.

Step away from the computer, calm down, and don't let this whole thing get to you. A lot of people made mistakes here, and you got screwed over. Don't make things worse by getting yourself banned ... a lot of people in this thread have expressed sympathy for you, but that goodwill won't last if you keep posting angry like this.

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With all due respect to Pez and Huly, whom I greatly admire, if you are going to have an auction, then there should be straight-forward, clear, concise rules, regardless of whether the revenues are going to charity. The listing in the sticky in the stadium over the past week seemed to be clear. The high bid was clear. It was obvious to me the high bidder won.

If there was some discrepency in the rules which made the winner of the auction unclear, then, in my opinion, the auction should be declared void, and a new auction should be in place with clear rules intact.

Otherwise auctions like this, regardless of their meaning or intent, are moot, because a bidder has no way of knowing what is happening behind the scenes, and his bid is meaningless.


I seriouly was just very heated over it and I have a lot of emotions from recently losing my brother so I am not trying to be a punk. I am sorry for bad mouthing anyone and for making this thread before getting a reply but in reality it was wrong be treated like this though. Sorry if I did disrespect anyone though. As you can read it isnt only me that thinks this went wrong either though! Hail Skins! And I do plan to live up to my word and I will make a donation to the Darrell Green Charity also!

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I "HAD" respect for you but if this is how you see it then to heck with you. If you were disrespected like this then maybe you would be upset too. I do agree I was dumb for making this thread so soon before getting my reply but my blood is pumping with anger that I got disrespected so badly. And on top of that you Pez and whoever just thinks it is okay to treat people this way. Great way to treat fellow Loyal Redskins fans! Thanks a lot and I do see in my future getting banned for this too. So ultimately I am the uber loser! But feel free to close this thread if you think I am in the wrong! I am not admitting to doing the right thing. I am human and mess up and I am man enough to admit when I do. Are you? I got TOTALLY disrespected and it is just okay. Thanks for showing so much respect BROTHER!

Youre not gonna get anywhere talking like that dude.

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Not only did they put it up ON THEIR OWN, but they bought from someone at Redskins Park with their own money & then put it up FOR CHARITY.

What REALLY pisses me off here is when someone PMs not only me about it, but at least pez as well, & instead of waiting to get a response, they then go start a thread about it before I get time to even respond to their PM.

NOT ONLY did they set the rules but they broke them, it's a public forum, I think he has a legitimate beef to vent. And considering the auction was posted on ES, I would argue that the members have a right to know what happened and transpired. Members vent here all the time about this and that, no different to me.

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Wow, that is pretty crappy to do..I mean it clearly states that you have to bid in the thread, then someone wins by sending a PM? Wow..All he had to do was post in the thread, since obviously he was on to send the PM..And I know this all goes to Charity, and obviously that is a great thing for them to do..But its not fair to screw the guy out of the plaque by saying you need to bid in the thread, then let someone win it buy bidding in a PM, and not letting anyone know and letting someone out bid him..Seems like a screwy situation to me.:2cents:

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