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Jeremiah Wright on Bill Moyers


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I disagree with this ideology. To hate and bash someone or a group of people is wrong, even if we have been subjected to it many times. As a Christian, I have seen several people in this forum post derogatory comments about Christianity or refer to Christians in very unflattering terms. Name calling has been there too.

However, it doesn't help me to hate on someone because they have said these things or hated on me. Sure, it hurts to see some of the characterizations in here and it would be easy to have a bitterness inside, but that serves no useful purpose. Pastor Wright needs to understand that hatred is out there, but it shouldn't be confronted with the kind of rhetoric that lumps an entire group of people together - after all, there are some good people who are caucasian.

My $0.02 :2cents: :2cents:

Another well said post, BB.

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I've always been confused as to what Wright said that is actually considered racist?

The only quote I saw relating to race was the "country is run by rich white people" comment. Which, IMHO is basically true. The majority of the government are wealthy white people with a few minorities here and there. I guess maybe there is either more to it or that is more offensive to some people than it is to me.

I will never support anything Wright said but I do think people should try to understand different perspectives before automatically labeling people.

Either way I will be happy when this whole issue fades out of the public consciousness.

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I saw some brief clips earlier this afternoon. I can't imagine it could be anything would change my bottom line reaction to Wright, but even what I watched indicated (as expected) that there's obviously more meat to these matters than the bytes we're repeatedly fed. Maybe some worthwhile learning could result. I am curious to see if I can find any reason that justifies (to me) Oabama liking anything about the guy, spiritually.

That's interesting, because one of the best threads on Wright, IMO, was the one you wrote about people saying GD America. I thought that was completely poignant to the discussion.

Maybe one day I'll be able to understand more than one dimension of Jumbo at a time.

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oh wow, he had a white mentor. theres no way he was being racist then.

what a joke.

Some of you guys don't seem to understand black patriotism very well. Read and learn:


Blacks have their own history and culture, and they have their own way of expressing patriotism that mainstream America will perceive as being treason. Republicans want you to believe that being critical of America in any shape or form amounts to treason.

One more time, Wright is definitely not anti-semitic. However, as a Christian, he also feels that Palestinians are being treated unfairly. Wright hasn't even said anything bad about Jews--not even once. Just because he has associated with Farrakhan the nutjob in the past doesn't make him anti-semitic. One more time, virtually all blacks in this country love what Farrakhan has done for black community. I guess that would make all blacks unelectable because they're all anti-semitic. :rolleyes:

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I agree with you Burgundy, but I don't think that Wright has lumped all caucasians together and views them as evil. As he mentioned, the man who was a great teacher to him was white, and he referred to him in the most respectful terms.

Are Wright's sermons abrasive? Absolutely. But I don't think he is driven by a racist or hateful ideology.

Guys, your defense of Wright is crazy. My grandmother was just like this and I would NEVER defend her racism. Every social issue that came up, it was "the blacks" fault...or the ******* fault if she was really worked up. She had story after story of some black person somewhere in the world screwing over honest hard working white Americans. Oh, but she wasn't racist. She had a black friend. You know, her friend wasn't like the rest of "them". So obviously she wasn't racist.

She sounded like Wright. Literally, that clip of Wright sounded just like my grandmother. Racism and Christianity all mushed together. She saw the world in black and white and she knew which side she was on. Its an awful way to live and an awful world view to be subjected to.

When white people sound like this we think of them as backward and unenlightened. Why is this accepted in the black community? Why would Obama associate himself with it? Why try to defend it?

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Farrakhan...(and his ability to get the black community to listen to him, both those who agree and disagree) should be taken into account.

By the way, this line of reasoning is a joke.

People listened to Hitler.

People listen to Bin Laden.

People listen to Pat Robertson.

Should they given be awards too?

No. The fact that they actually manage to get people to listen to them is all the more reason to try and marganilize them; not give them attention.

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He said some bad things and that can't be washed over. But in the totality of his preachings they weren't the norm or pervasive. Least not from what I can gather. Imagine that - he's a human being and he's done some bad and good things. He's not the devil or Hitler or Bin Laden though I would consider him on par with Robertson who's done some good in addition to his foolishness too. Neither is my cup of tea but they seem to have a place in society. Maybe we can move on from that sort of us/them thinking, and we've made huge strides towards that, but it isn't a fate accompli.

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I support Hillary, but I watched him on Bill Moyers and I found him to be extremely intelligent. Some of the things he said were definitely twisted by the media.

No. They were not. I listened to the whole "god damn america" rant and is was disgusting. Wen he comes out and says he was wrong for saying those things, THEN I will listen. Until then, I don't give a damn if he came off well in some interview done for no other reason but to make him look better. All the interview proves is that he is good at manipulating people.

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Some of you guys don't seem to understand black patriotism very well. Read and learn:


Blacks have their own history and culture, and they have their own way of expressing patriotism that mainstream America will perceive as being treason. Republicans want you to believe that being critical of America in any shape or form amounts to treason.

One more time, Wright is definitely not anti-semitic. However, as a Christian, he also feels that Palestinians are being treated unfairly. Wright hasn't even said anything bad about Jews--not even once. Just because he has associated with Farrakhan the nutjob in the past doesn't make him anti-semitic. One more time, virtually all blacks in this country love what Farrakhan has done for black community. I guess that would make all blacks unelectable because they're all anti-semitic. :rolleyes:

when you specifically are ONLY patriotic to ONE race that is racist. I wouldnt click and read that link if it was lined up with the winning lotto numbers.

**** Farrakhan. **** him right in his ear so he can hear me.

KKK members are patriotic to ONLY white people, do you support them?

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when you specifically are ONLY patriotic to ONE race that is racist. I wouldnt click and read that link if it was lined up with the winning lotto numbers.

**** Farrakhan. **** him right in his ear so he can hear me.

KKK members are patriotic to ONLY white people, do you support them?

Patriotic to one race? What the hell are you talking about? Wright served as a marine with honor. Guy is a patriot, whether you like it or not. That was when you weren't even born probably. That was back in the days when America was still segregated. Did you say Wright is only patriotic to his race even though he served in the military when his race was being treated like crap? I think you should take that back.

I quickly look at your age and note that you're 34. What exactly do you know about what black folks Wright's age went through? He was born in an era where America was segregated--as a result of which guys like Wright have earned the right to say whatever they want about Whites. Second, you're essentially saying that black racism and white racism are one and the same. They're not because of this country's history which has much more to do with WHITE racism than black racism, which essentially didn't even exist 40 years ago because blacks were treated like crap by Whites. I dislike Farrakhan too, but Jeremiah Wright is anything but Farrakhan. Guy is intelligent and knows what he's talking about.

KKK members were busy lynching blacks when black racism didn't exist. Your attempt at equating black racism with white racism is laughable at best.

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Patriotic to one race? What the hell are you talking about? Wright served as a marine with honor. Guy is a patriot, whether you like it or not. That was when you weren't even born probably. That was back in the days when America was still segregated. Did you say Wright is only patriotic to his race even though he served in the military when his race was being treated like crap? I think you should take that back.

I quickly look at your age and note that you're 34. What exactly do you know about what black folks Wright's age went through? He was born in an era where America was segregated--as a result of which guys like Wright have earned the right to say whatever they want about Whites. Second, you're essentially saying that black racism and white racism are one and the same. They're not because of this country's history which has much more to do with WHITE racism than black racism, which essentially didn't even exist 40 years ago because blacks were treated like crap by Whites. I dislike Farrakhan too, but Jeremiah Wright is anything but Farrakhan. Guy is intelligent and knows what he's talking about.

KKK members were busy lynching blacks when black racism didn't exist. Your attempt at equating black racism with white racism is laughable at best.

I know alot of racists who were racists. You trying to throw up the Marines in my face like that somehow qualifies him and what he says as null and void is hysterical. I wont take anything back because his military training and the "unity" of everyone has obviously left him.

You look at my age and make a crack on it yet you are at least 5 years younger then me. What do YOU know about what Wright went thru besides what you have heard or read? We are both on the same level because no matter what you have heard from a black man it is distorted to his personal view. I never said they are both on the same level but they are both there and real. Just because whites are MORE racist doesnt mean that black people being racist is ok all of a sudden.

Farrakhan is as intelligent as Hitler was. And if you wanna call Hitler intelligent thats on you. You might wanna stop mentioning Farrakhan and Wright in the same post unless you want people to compare the two.

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I am not a fan of the guy but how many people here seriously take all the words from your pastor or preacher and live by them??????

My guess it is 0

This is such a nonstory it isn't even funny. The fact you think Obama is a weak minded individual who will let his pastor run his life is insane. Sorry those who let others decide what you do in life to me are weak minded.

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I take what my pastor says to heart and I try to carry his message thru each week and practice what he has preached to me. I dont think that makes me weak minded, I think that makes me a Christian.

But then again my pastor isnt preaching things like "G** Damn America"

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I take what my pastor says to heart and I try to carry his message thru each week and practice what he has preached to me. I dont think that makes me weak minded, I think that makes me a Christian.

But then again my pastor isnt preaching things like "G** Damn America"

That is not his message that is the message of god, big difference.

Look pastors, priests, are not perfect individuals they are all human. I find it funny that when it comes to priests abusing children that people only care if it is the Catholic church and not theirs.

Jeremiah did spoke and when he mode some of those comments he was quoting someone else, so it wasn't even his own words.

Honestly I think people are making a big deal of this because they do not want to be honest and say they are not excited in having a black president, personally.

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I know alot of racists who were racists. You trying to throw up the Marines in my face like that somehow qualifies him and what he says as null and void is hysterical. I wont take anything back because his military training and the "unity" of everyone has obviously left him.

You look at my age and make a crack on it yet you are at least 5 years younger then me. What do YOU know about what Wright went thru besides what you have heard or read? We are both on the same level because no matter what you have heard from a black man it is distorted to his personal view. I never said they are both on the same level but they are both there and real. Just because whites are MORE racist doesnt mean that black people being racist is ok all of a sudden.

Farrakhan is as intelligent as Hitler was. And if you wanna call Hitler intelligent thats on you. You might wanna stop mentioning Farrakhan and Wright in the same post unless you want people to compare the two.

1. Yes, I'm younger than you, and I was not born when America was still segregated. That's why I give guys like Jeremiah Wright, whose experience I don't share the benefit of the doubt. You on the other hand don't. That's the difference between you and me.

2. Farrakhan is a moron. He is anti-semitic, which essentially makes him a moron in my book. Jeremiah Wright is not anti-semitic, but guess what, he has earned the right to say anything he wants about Whites because of his experience.

3. Whites have been more racist in the past. Black racism and White racism aren't the same. Please don't try to equate the two because historically speaking it doesn't make sense. Of course there are tons of black racists out there, but people like Wright are not because of his experience. He is not a moron and he can say anything about Whites as far as I am concerned. Now, there are people out there who call for violence against Whites, for example. Those are the true racists.

4. Yes, he can say anything about America because America didn't treat him right--at least when he was young. Tell me, do you want him to keep his mouth shut even though he was born in an era when blacks were still seen as subhumans? Uh no, he can say anything about America for all I care.

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That is not his message that is the message of god, big difference.

Look pastors, priests, are not perfect individuals they are all human. I find it funny that when it comes to priests abusing children that people only care if it is the Catholic church and not theirs.

Jeremiah did spoke and when he mode some of those comments he was quoting someone else, so it wasn't even his own words.

Honestly I think people are making a big deal of this because they do not want to be honest and say they are not excited in having a black president, personally.

Oh dont get me wrong booma, I dont think pastors are perfect and I am not touching priests and child abuse at all.

My main problem with Wright is not what he had to say, he has every right to speak his mind no matter how much if offends me. It is where he said it from. A pulpit isnt supposed to be the place where you spit out your personal beliefs, it is supposed to be where you spread the message of God. I think we can agree on that, right?

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I am not a fan of the guy but how many people here seriously take all the words from your pastor or preacher and live by them??????

My guess it is 0

This is such a nonstory it isn't even funny. The fact you think Obama is a weak minded individual who will let his pastor run his life is insane. Sorry those who let others decide what you do in life to me are weak minded.

I must say I do not support everything my pastor says,but let me ask if a candidate was a member of Pat Robertson's church for decades and supported him would it effect your opinion of him?...it certainly would for me.

IF there is nothing to it,why has Obama condemned racially charged sermons by his former pastor Friday and urged Americans not to reject his presidential campaign because of “guilt by association.”???

and tried to distance himself from him?

That leaves me to believe Wright is doing wrong,either that or Obama is. :2cents:

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Oh dont get me wrong booma, I dont think pastors are perfect and I am not touching priests and child abuse at all.

My main problem with Wright is not what he had to say, he has every right to speak his mind no matter how much if offends me. It is where he said it from. A pulpit isnt supposed to be the place where you spit out your personal beliefs, it is supposed to be where you spread the message of God. I think we can agree on that, right?

Actually I don't, everywhere I go most priests combine their personal beliefs with their sermons. Thas is human nature.

I have been to all types of churches and they all do it.

Which is one reason I don't go to church much and believe you can have a personal relationship with god on your own. Every time i go to church they want you to give and give and give, and have you noticed how many nice pieces of gold they have in those churches??...... hmmmmm

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1. Yes, I'm younger than you, and I was not born when America was still segregated. That's why I give guys like Jeremiah Wright, whose experience I don't share the benefit of the doubt. You on the other hand don't. That's the difference between you and me.

Its not that I dont feel he knows the score, its why keep saying what happened in the 60s when its 2008? I have nothing more then you, I hold nothing more then you, I own nothing more then you, and if I was to call you a racist name in public people would look at me like I was a freaking lunatic. (I assumed you were black for this example)

2. Farrakhan is a moron. He is anti-semitic, which essentially makes him a moron in my book. Jeremiah Wright is not anti-semitic, but guess what, he has earned the right to say anything he wants about Whites because of his experience.

Thats your opinion. My family is part Irish and black people owned them as slaves when they were in Africa. Where does holding the present responsible for the past stop? I am not trying to hate you because of what your great grandparents did, I would rather judge you for YOUR actions.

3. Whites have been more racist in the past. Black racism and White racism aren't the same. Please don't try to equate the two because historically speaking it doesn't make sense. Of course there are tons of black racists out there, but people like Wright are not because of his experience. He is not a moron and he can say anything about Whites as far as I am concerned. Now, there are people out there who call for violence against Whites, for example. Those are the true racists.

In America, yes. In the totality of it all not even close. Africa still practices slavery. The diamond mines in Darfur is just one example. The fact that you will allow Wright to say "whatever he wants about whites" lets me know that no matter how cool you and I may become you will never have my back if a black man is attacking me simply because of my race.

4. Yes, he can say anything about America because America didn't treat him right--at least when he was young. Tell me, do you want him to keep his mouth shut even though he was born in an era when blacks were still seen as subhumans? Uh no, he can say anything about America for all I care.

America hasnt treated me the best either brother, but I am here and I am making it. It is not that I want him to keep his mouth shut, but I am curious as to what he was hoping to accomplish by speaking the way he did. He didnt seem to be trying to open lines of communication to me. He seemed to be just spewing hatred and pointing fingers at white people like we are still slave owners.

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IF there is nothing to it,why has Obama condemned racially charged sermons by his former pastor Friday and urged Americans not to reject his presidential campaign because of “guilt by association.”???

and tried to distance himself from him?

Because there are a lot of ignorant people out there and it is the nature of politics.

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Actually I don't, everywhere I go most priests combine their personal beliefs with their sermons. Thas is human nature.

I have been to all types of churches and they all do it.

Which is one reason I don't go to church much and believe you can have a personal relationship with god on your own. Every time i go to church they want you to give and give and give, and have you noticed how many nice pieces of gold they have in those churches??...... hmmmmm

My church is shared by 3 different faiths so we can afford the rent. They also have a cell phone tower on the roof for the same purpose. My pastor reads from the bible and speaks on the story and that is it. If he does anything he will compare it to real life situations that you can use as to how you can respond as a Christian.

But I know what you are saying. I have been to those churches that have the deep, plush carpeting and plasmas on the wall. I always think to myself, "Does God care if you have a plasma on the wall?" But I never let it discourage me from my faith.

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