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Boston Globe: Bill Clinton Suggests Young Voters Too Easily Fooled


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Bill Clinton Suggests Young Voters Too Easily Fooled

Boston Globe | Scott Helman | April 15, 2008 11:23 PM

Older voters gravitate to Hillary Clinton because they're too wise to be fooled by Barack Obama's rhetoric, former president Bill Clinton told Pennsylvania voters today.

Clinton's comments, to a packed high school gym about an hour north of Philadelphia, were one part presidential politics and one part legacy protection. His beef was with Obama's contention that many of the problems facing the country today were simmering long before President Bush took office seven-plus years ago.

"I think there is a big reason there's an age difference in a lot of these polls," he said. "Because once you've reached a certain age, you won't sit there and listen to somebody tell you there's really no difference between what happened in the Bush years and the Clinton years; that there's not much difference in how small-town Pennsylvania fared when I was president, and in this decade."

Author: Scott Helman

Source: Boston Globe

Full Article Click Here:



Wow thats not elitist? Man Bill has lost it when campaigning.


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Memo to Bill from Hillary: YOU'RE NOT HELPING!

I live in Pennsylvania...there are lot more Barack Obama signs and bumper stickers out than there are Hillary Clinton ones.

The prospect of Hillary winning the nomination...very depressing.

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Wow -- Bill has definitely gone off his rocker. He never seemed to say this kind of retarded stuff during his own campaigns.

I honestly wonder sometimes if he's unconcsiously trying to sabotage his wife's campaign?

I'd imagine for anyone ego-driven enough to become President, it'd be quite the soul searching exercise to shift focus from yourself to supporting a family member.

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The Clintons thought they would have the nomination done by Super Tuesday...and thus they made no plans beyond that...now they are scrambling and callng in every favor and dirty trick in the book to win....and looking like idiots...yeah this is the person I want to be President. :rolleyes: :doh:

Larry King asked Jon Stewart about Hillary and all of this and Stewart said, "Simple...people have gone out and voted...it's that simple."

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...I honestly wonder sometimes if he's unconcsiously trying to sabotage his wife's campaign?

I'd imagine for anyone ego-driven enough to become President, it'd be quite the soul searching exercise to shift focus from yourself to supporting a family member.

You and me both, wondering the same thoughts.

When this stuff "leaks" out it makes me think Bill and Hill still have some issues between themselves. It's too hard to hide the built-in discontent for each other all the time I guess. Hillary was just saying the other day how she'd undo Bill's NAFTA mistakes, given the chance.

Funny...I don't think he was too concerned about young voters being fooled when he ran for the first time.

Exactly. It's all well and good when he's pulling the wool over their eyes for his benefit, but now it's sour grapes because Obama's beating him at his own game.

Funny too, you can make a similar case about her being able to fool older voters. Just play their heart strings about Medicare and Social Security, then reel them in like fish. Maybe he doesn't notice that.;)

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This would be a perfect soundbite to play over top of his performance on the Arsenio Hall Show playing his sax

I knew it back then too. I was 18 and I remember just sitting there thinking to myself, "This guy is a genius. Between MTV and Arsenio he has all the kids fooled." When he was on MTV and the girl asked the famous question "boxers or briefs?" I knew it was all over for Bush SR.

What a shame he has turned into a bigger douchebag then he was when in office. :doh:

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It's the other way around a-hole. Someone needs to start telling younger voters that Republicans and Democrats don't even represent them! If both parties represented younger voters, we wouldn't be borrowing for the future and increasing the burden on us young people.

I'm convinced anyone under 40 shouldn't vote for Republican or Democrat, especially since both of those parties represent an "old way of thinking". The Ron Paul revolution was at least a wake-up, but we need to start a new party, something like the "2020 party" that looks to represent the present and the future. Politicians live in the past, and do business in the past. Right now those methods of the past might still be working to win elections, but a time is coming when information is flowing so fast and exchange of ideas happens so quick that young people will be able coalesce around a single candidate who represents them.

I meet and work with Republicans and Democrats, I go to lunch and socialize with them. I'd say in general there's a 20% disagreement on most of the basic issues. At the same time there's agreement on 80% of the issues. Regardless, the most important issue to young people should be having a balanced budget so that the debts of our parents and grandparents aren't passed down to us in 20 years...

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It's the other way around a-hole. Someone needs to start telling younger voters that Republicans and Democrats don't even represent them! If both parties represented younger voters, we wouldn't be borrowing for the future and increasing the burden on us young people.

I'm convinced anyone under 40 shouldn't vote for Republican or Democrat, especially since both of those parties represent an "old way of thinking". The Ron Paul revolution was at least a wake-up, but we need to start a new party, something like the "2020 party" that looks to represent the present and the future. Politicians live in the past, and do business in the past. Right now those methods of the past might still be working to win elections, but a time is coming when information is flowing so fast and exchange of ideas happens so quick that young people will be able coalesce around a single candidate who represents them.

I meet and work with Republicans and Democrats, I go to lunch and socialize with them. I'd say in general there's a 20% disagreement on most of the basic issues. At the same time there's agreement on 80% of the issues. Regardless, the most important issue to young people should be having a balanced budget so that the debts of our parents and grandparents aren't passed down to us in 20 years...

I fully agree with you here Fergasun but the problem I have is the people that end up representing the Independant party come Election time. I believe Ron Paul was a good wake up call indeed, but we need to get someone with a strong force to take it all the way.

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... sorry but I also hate hearing the meme about how young people don't vote. Maybe the reason young people don't vote is because they don't see any candidates that represent them! So why vote for someone you know is only going to screw you over in the long run. Then eventually you get older and think, "well, at least let me pick my poison". It's such a crock and a farce... especially since older people encourage younger people to "pick the lessor evil".

To be honest, I'd like to see someone young ~ 30 start a political revolution with the intent of continuing to fight when they are 50. The problem with Perot/Buchanan even Ron Paul was that they were already up there... they were going to have a movement of people behind them but I'm not sure they wanted to sustain that movement... heck, maybe somehow I'm gonna be the guy who spearheads a new way of thinking...

but it makes me sad that even people like the founders of Google want to still support the old world of politics...

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I just wish more young people would wake up and realize that they are as smart as the people running our government. I don't know if anyone read the story about Trent Lott adjusting to private life, but it was ridiculous! Some choice pieces.

Life in the private sector isn't as cushy as Lott thought it would be. No more free lunches, no more taxpayer-funded car and driver, no more overprotective press secretary guarding him from the pesky media
Lott says he doesn't drive. He doesn't own a car. Usually, he walks. One day, he says, he walked the 30 or so blocks from his downtown office on 14th Street Northwest to his home in Southeast Washington on Capitol Hill
Lott took his first Metro ride ever last weekend, when thousands of tourists were in town enjoying the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. Could there be a more perfect time for a prima donna first-time rider
Lott really had no idea how to even go about taking public transportation. He didn't know how to use the Metro fare card machines, or how much money to put on his trip ticket, or how to add money to one of the fare cards his wife gave him. Truly: clueless
Besides taking public transportation, the one-time Senate majority leader is learning how to pull out his wallet, which should certainly be a lot fatter these days after bolting from public service to rake in cash in the private sector."I haven't paid for lunch in 30 years," he joked. Breaux chimed in with an eye roll, saying, "Yeah, he's learning how to pay for lunch."
Do I really believe this article doesn't scale up to Senators on both sides? I'm sure you could substitute even Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in there... is this the type of government our founders have bled for?
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It's the other way around a-hole. Someone needs to start telling younger voters that Republicans and Democrats don't even represent them! If both parties represented younger voters, we wouldn't be borrowing for the future and increasing the burden on us young people.

I'm convinced anyone under 40 shouldn't vote for Republican or Democrat, especially since both of those parties represent an "old way of thinking". The Ron Paul revolution was at least a wake-up, but we need to start a new party, something like the "2020 party" that looks to represent the present and the future. Politicians live in the past, and do business in the past. Right now those methods of the past might still be working to win elections, but a time is coming when information is flowing so fast and exchange of ideas happens so quick that young people will be able coalesce around a single candidate who represents them.

I meet and work with Republicans and Democrats, I go to lunch and socialize with them. I'd say in general there's a 20% disagreement on most of the basic issues. At the same time there's agreement on 80% of the issues. Regardless, the most important issue to young people should be having a balanced budget so that the debts of our parents and grandparents aren't passed down to us in 20 years...

Here it is


A little self promotion :silly:

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Furthermore, I think a coalition of young people could split the older vote since they tend to go either R or D and are set in their way. If this movement keeps building, you keep growing your electoral base and believing that you can make a change, etc... form a coalition of people who can capture offices.

Of course it will take young Democrats and young Republicans willing to unite, willing to let go of differences over abortion, and religion, it will take some compromise on issues that might be dear to hearts... but there'd have to be some plank that says, "we recognize these as divisive issues that aren't going to be solved by action that proves to be more divisive. We are more concerned with the issues that we all agree on..."


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