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Boston Globe: Bill Clinton Suggests Young Voters Too Easily Fooled


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BTW, I don't think this thread title is a fair characterization of what Bill Clinton actually said. I don't like it when Republicans try and put words in people's mouths and I don't approve of Dems doing it either. And I am an Obama supporter.

From the quote given, and that's all I can go by because your link doesn't work for me, Clinton doesn't call anyone a fool, nor does he address his point to "young voters." He is speaking to people who intimate lower to middle class folks were treated as poorly under his Presidency as they are under the current one. And he would be 100% correct on that point.

OTOH, he is misrepresenting what I have seen from Obama-who never said such a thing to my knowledge. So IMO, that is where Clinton deserves criticism-for using straw man tactics.

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Newsflash: ALL voter are too easily fooled. Need proof. Glad you asked.

George W. Bush (two terms)

Bill Clinton (two terms)

George H. W. Bush (one term)

Ronald Reagan (two terms)

Jimmy Carter (one term)

Richard Nixon (two terms)

I could go on, but, you get the point.

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Newsflash: ALL voter are too easily fooled. Need proof. Glad you asked.

George W. Bush (two terms)

Bill Clinton (two terms)

George H. W. Bush (one term)

Ronald Reagan (two terms)

Jimmy Carter (one term)

Richard Nixon (two terms)

I could go on, but, you get the point.

I can't wait to hear your explanation of why Jimmy Carter deserved 2 terms.:laugh:
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Actually he is pretty much right.

I'll take it a step further. The trouble with Pennsylvania is not the fault of the government. The world changed and Pennsylvania went from a dominant position as manufacturers and exporters of steel to an also ran and the industry never caught up.

If you believe any candidate can wave his hand and make it all better, you need a serious dose of reality.

He was talking about Michigan but it applies here:

McCAIN: Sometimes you have to tell people things they don't want to hear. There are jobs--let's have a little straight talk--there are some jobs that aren't coming back


Other than "yes we can", can somone tell me what Obama thinks should be done? What exactly is his plan for Pennsylvania?

Here we go. Unions and raise wages and benefits.


Seems to me that employers would look to get more out of less workers under those circumstances. :2cents:

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Newsflash: ALL voter are too easily fooled. Need proof. Glad you asked.

George W. Bush (two terms) - Point made.

Bill Clinton (two terms) - Perfect analogy. Lies to our faces on many occasions, gets re-elected for his efforts.:whoknows:

George H. W. Bush (one term) - One term, I don't get it.

Ronald Reagan (two terms) - What? No mistake here. IMHO, you've missed the boat on this one.

Jimmy Carter (one term) - Disasterous President, but a nice guy.:)

Richard Nixon (two terms) - He wasn't known to be a crook until the middle of his second, abbreviated term.:peaceout:

I could go on, but, you get the point.

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Yeah I'm pretty sure BigMike has gone on record at least once in saying that he had voted for Clinton. :whoknows:

I did say I voted for Clinton but it sure as hell wasnt because he was on MTV. I voted for him because I didnt like Bush Sr in office.

You thought you caught me in something...how silly of you. :laugh:

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Wow -- Bill has definitely gone off his rocker. He never seemed to say this kind of retarded stuff during his own campaigns.

I honestly wonder sometimes if he's unconcsiously trying to sabotage his wife's campaign?

I'd imagine for anyone ego-driven enough to become President, it'd be quite the soul searching exercise to shift focus from yourself to supporting a family member.

Perhaps Monica sucked his brain out. I think the Clinton marriage will be done away with after this campaign season.

Funny...I don't think he was too concerned about young voters being fooled when he ran for the first time.

I think his problem was that he didnt have to fool the voters, just issue blanket denials and hide stuff. The behind the scenes power brokers took care of everything else. But for all this, I blame Hillary. I still contend that Bill would be "not inhaling" in an Arkansas doublewide with some bimbos today without her pushy greediness.

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You know what confuses me most about Clinton? He won the Presidency in 1992 because he was a great orator. He won again in 1996 because he knew what to say and how to say it. The man used to have a silver tongue. There is a reason he was called Slick Willy.

He ain't so slick anymore. It just seems like he is continually putting his foot in his mouth.

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You know what confuses me most about Clinton? He won the Presidency in 1992 because he was a great orator. He won again in 1996 because he knew what to say and how to say it. The man used to have a silver tongue. There is a reason he was called Slick Willy.

He ain't so slick anymore. It just seems like he is continually putting his foot in his mouth.

He has nothing to gain or lose by just speaking his mind. He can just come out and say " I hate you all" and not lose a damn thing. He doesnt really care if Hillary gets the presidency in my opinion and that marriage has been dead for many, many years.

And whoever said it is right, I bet after the election if she loses they divorce quickly.

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I did say I voted for Clinton but it sure as hell wasnt because he was on MTV. I voted for him because I didnt like Bush Sr in office.

You thought you caught me in something...how silly of you. :laugh:

But certainly you see how that would be confusing considering you said this:

I knew it back then too. I was 18 and I remember just sitting there thinking to myself, "This guy is a genius. Between MTV and Arsenio he [bill Clinton] has all the kids fooled."

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He has nothing to gain or lose by just speaking his mind. He can just come out and say " I hate you all" and not lose a damn thing. He doesnt really care if Hillary gets the presidency in my opinion and that marriage has been dead for many, many years.

And whoever said it is right, I bet after the election if she loses they divorce quickly.

I am not so sure he has nothing to lose Mike. He wants another chance to be in the White House.

As far as the divorce, these two are stubborn as hell. They are sooooooooooooo worried about their image, divorce is more than likely not an option.

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Maybe you weren't "fooled." but you were young at the time.

Let me ask you this: Is McCain fooling people? Is Obama?

My father is extremely political and I was aware of both sides when he ran. I wasnt fooled. Just so were clear.

Honestly, I think we are being fooled by all of them. Hillary as well. Obama would have you believe that he isnt aware of what is going on with the people around him and not step in and put a stop to those who speak out of turn. Hillary would have you believe that Obama is evil when she herself is as guilty as the rest of them. And McCain, well I am forgetting anything about McCain honestly because he hasnt had to do anything. He won the nod so easily and fast that he is just sitting back and letting these 2 go at it.

I wasnt happy that he denied the invite to the Pennsylvania debate.

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My father is extremely political and I was aware of both sides when he ran. I wasnt fooled. Just so were clear.

Honestly, I think we are being fooled by all of them. Hillary as well. Obama would have you believe that he isnt aware of what is going on with the people around him and not step in and put a stop to those who speak out of turn. Hillary would have you believe that Obama is evil when she herself is as guilty as the rest of them. And McCain, well I am forgetting anything about McCain honestly because he hasnt had to do anything. He won the nod so easily and fast that he is just sitting back and letting these 2 go at it.

I wasnt happy that he denied the invite to the Pennsylvania debate.

That and lets be honest...McCain is too damn old to be POTUS

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I'm convinced anyone under 40 shouldn't vote for Republican or Democrat

Heck I'm convinced that generation IPOD shouldn't be allowed to vote until, they are deprogrammed from believing they are victims, America is bad or that they entitled when they haven't done jack except being born.

They need to actually READ the documents of the founding fathers. Then again they probably believe that the Constitution should "evolve."

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