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Boston Globe: Bill Clinton Suggests Young Voters Too Easily Fooled


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Heck I'm convinced that generation IPOD shouldn't be allowed to vote until, they are deprogrammed from believing they are victims, America is bad or that they entitled when they haven't done jack except being born.

They need to actually READ the documents of the founding fathers. Then again they probably believe that the Constitution should "evolve."


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Heck I'm convinced that generation IPOD shouldn't be allowed to vote until, they are deprogrammed from believing they are victims, America is bad or that they entitled when they haven't done jack except being born.

They need to actually READ the documents of the founding fathers. Then again they probably believe that the Constitution should "evolve."


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Heck I'm convinced that generation IPOD shouldn't be allowed to vote until, ."

You don't believe in Democracy-that's good to know

America is bad

You can't comprehend nuance-also good to know

or that they entitled when they haven't done jack except being born.

Maybe you should read documents by the founding fathers, perhaps the Bill of rights would be a good start so you can see what people are entitled to-simply by being born. "Generation IPOD" is also on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan, pioneering technologies, and taking an unusually high interest in politics, but don't let that get in the way of a good spurning.

They need to actually READ the documents of the founding fathers.

They do that in every High School in the country, Beavis. But you seem like more of a GED type.

Then again they probably believe that the Constitution should "evolve

What the hell do you think amendments are for?

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Heck I'm convinced that generation IPOD shouldn't be allowed to vote until, they are deprogrammed from believing they are victims, America is bad or that they entitled when they haven't done jack except being born.

They need to actually READ the documents of the founding fathers. Then again they probably believe that the Constitution should "evolve."

Actually, Thomas Jefferson, the person mostly responsible for the writing of the Constitution, believed that a new Constitution should be written ever 20 years to keep it relevant. :whoknows:

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They do that in every High School in the country, Beavis. But you seem like more of a GED type.

Actually, Thomas Jefferson, the person mostly responsible for the writing of the Constitution, believed that a new Constitution should be written ever 20 years to keep it relevant. :whoknows:

Really? Can't tell here

That was Madison

Father of the Constitution and all

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I dont know about all that...:silly:

As long as we dont go to war when Murder she wrote is on I think were fine. :laugh:

:laugh: :applause: Nicely Done BigMike! Oh and don't forget about "Matlock" either...something happens during that show I bet he is going to be very grumpy when he has to address the nation.

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