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Sports Illustrated's Top 25 Toughest Athletes


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Sorry for the newbie question, but who is/was skins247? I tried to look him up so that I could just read a little of his post history, but my search didn't turn up anyone. (I assume that means he's been banned.) So who exactly is this force of epic evil?

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the list is very ghey. No mention of motorcross or mixed marial arts, Lance Armstrong, Bret Farve, Cal Ripkin, Darrell Green....

Well it does look to be a list of active players...

An interesting thing is that this list and the ensuing debate has shown the trends of sport these days. Sports Illustrated sticks to the major sports, while continually dancing around MMA/UFC "underground" or "cult" stuff....dabbling in it, but never treating it as a major sport....while people on message boards and tv ratings would dictate otherwise.

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hockey fan or not, AO is an amazing and physical athlete.

Besides going through a hockey season, which is definitely grueling, AO hasnt been in a position yet to display a lot of mental toughness: IE a playoff game 7 with a shootout. You wouldnt hear me complain if he were on the list, but i can see why he was left off.

All in all, its a really bad list.

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2) Lance Mackey (Iditarod)

Dude is number 2 and he stands on a sled one time a year? WTF?

Punters in the NFL are tougher than that.

What a silly comment. Actually though, if you knew anything about it you'd be of a much different opinion and you'd be asking for Lance Mackey to be pushed to the #1 spot. (I am an ex-musher and lived in Alaska for years)

Lance Mackey is a recent throat cancer survivor who has no salivary glands and has to sip water constantly because of the cancer. If that's not tough enough to go through to stay alive, he has done what all the experts said was impossible and unthinkable. Last year he ran the 1100 miles Yukon Quest, the toughest and coldest race in the world and he won. Two weeks later, with the same dogs he entered and won the 1200 mile Iditarod. Totally amazing.

This year, he also entered the Yukon Quest and won, severly frostbiting his feet because of the 50-60 below zero temperatures he ran the entire race in.

Two weeks later he again entered the Iditarod, and won again with severly frostbit feet.

The comment that all a musher does is stand on the runners of a sled is really funny. A musher can run the equivalent of a marathon or two per day, ...and always uphill. If there is mountainous or hilly terrain, the musher is running and pushing the sled up every incline. If there is a 30 mile run to get over a mountain, the musher is running behind the team pushing the entire way, all the while suffering from severe sleep deprivation and pain. Your bones get rattled from the rugged trail, you get slammed into trees, branches hit you in the face, you fall and get slammed into the ice, fall through rivers and get dragged behind the sled. This is repetitive, day and night at temperatures most of you would die in within hours.

Most people wouldn't make it past the first day "standing on a sled" in one of these races. You just can't imagine the physical and mental toll a race like this takes on the body unless you have done it.

Lance Mackey is the toughest athlete on the planet.

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Besides going through a hockey season, which is definitely grueling, AO hasnt been in a position yet to display a lot of mental toughness: IE a playoff game 7 with a shootout. You wouldnt hear me complain if he were on the list, but i can see why he was left off.

All in all, its a really bad list.

PB - there are no shootouts in the playoffs. OT after OT after OT until there is a winner. :)

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Tiger flips out over a camera shutter.

If an MLB hitter like Zimmerman can hit a fastball in the bottom of the 9th to win a game with a cheering crowd, the fact that Tiger acts like a little ***** when someone photographs his backswing makes me think he doesn't belong on this list at all.

Tiger's not tough at all, I totally agree. Tiger is a whiny little *****. His act is very old. I think deep down he's a narcisissist prick, as are most pampered pro golfers.

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I guess but I think that Carl Edwards (HH will love this) is in better shape and tougher. He doesnt back down from anyone. I think Kurt Busch is pretty tough too.

I love Smoke and all, but he is a fat roly poly man who has a tough mouth but never has been made to back it up. :2cents:

Objectivity? From you? Seriously? Is this some sort of attempt to sway the racing gods? ;) :laugh:

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