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Obama: Grandmother "Typical White Person"


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When the scab of race is removed this is the reprecussions.

Should have Obama said that.Probably not.But in the race he finds himself everything will be maginified and set up as a distraction from the real issues.

Lets be real here.Vast segments of this nation pooh poohed this Black man attempt at the Oval Ofice and now that he's almost at the nomination the wolves have come out.sure he's geting vetted,but soon enough it will be him vs McCain and the debates in the fall.If you don't lke him fine.Vote for someone else, but don't act of if he's some sort of monster to bring up race.

This is a fair post. I will say this, i'm one of those swing voters. I am an independent who has yet to make up his mind. So far he hasn't convinced me, and this mis-step won't cause me to move one way or the other.

at the risk of sounding like a blowhard, if this was a white man saying 'typical black man' we all know reverend Al and Jesse would have a field day. They'd do their level best to get the man ruined.

Now, I don't want white people in the streets hollering for Obama's head over this, that's not it. I just want for everyone to chill when it comes to this stuff. People aren't perfect. They're going to mis-speak, they may even make a joke that is not appropriate. I want the zealots to not be so fast to judge a person's entire life on what most of the time is a relatively small comment, but they do. I can't see how it helps anyone relate to anyone else when everyone walks around on pins and needles.

People need to take a breath and think. Most of the time, that which is SO OFFENSIVE as to cause all these furors and uproars are often petty and small in hindsight, and many times offer no true insight into the real character of the person, other than he may mis-speak occasionally, like everyone else.


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Never implied it was casual,but it definately was not unexpected.Glad its out and can be dealt with in the nominating process.Then the GOP wil have no excuse ,but to debate the issues in the general.

I didn't think the GOP debated about anything... I thought they just spewed hate and had their followers fall in line.

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My question is: If Obama has to face off on this issue, does it illustrate how far we have to go to resolve the issue of race? Are we really a racist empire?

I am an educated African American. I found what Rev. Wright said as one of the worst acts of betrayal. Race is a constant issue. Obama is not the one that causes race to be a hot issue in America, but he's being cast as a bigot, or prejudice. Look at the title of this threat. The same person that put this up, isn't concern about resolving the race issue. Instead they are trying to make every caucasian voter to see Obama as a "typical black man" making generalization of white people, so henceforth he will be a typical black man in the white house. I take homage in that ideal. If every black man strived to be the best he could be, and try to shatter racial stereotypes instead of giving into them, we would finally take a true stand against oppression because we would seek empowerment. That is progress.

you also have my favorite name in all of ES.

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I don't think he meant anything racist with these comments. I have a problem with the church issue, this one I don't. Fact is that he very easily could have been describing my late grandmother. I assume he meant older generations. I don't think his words are true about gen x. Not holding this against him at all.

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landry1980 doe sort of a service to so openly identify his imbecility. it may be a good debate to review how much actual impediment to progress a guy like him is versus others who are more committed to being a political hack than understanding when someone is communicating and disclosing an obvious, simple, and healthy personal truth for a good cause.

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Gee, how long does it take to push the ban button?

Sometimes it can take a long time, pinhead.:D:silly:

Like if we're all at the job we get paid for, or if we're busy with people we love instead of you guys.:laugh:

Just for genral info, it may be landry1980 felt like he could go ballistic self-indulgently because he had another "secret" acct. :rolleyes: He'll probably try again.

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Guest sith lord
Sometimes it can take a long time, pinhead.:D:silly:

Like if we're all at the job we get paid for, or if we're busy with people we love instead of you guys.:laugh:

Understood. :D

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You know, I really didn't care one way or the other about Obama's statement. I've listened to a lot of interviews and speeches of his and I do have to say that I believe he's sincere in wanting to rise above racial issues...which is why it's so confusing to me that he remained so close to Rev. Wright, a person who does nothing but fuel racial animosity.

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You know, I really didn't care one way or the other about Obama's statement. I've listened to a lot of interviews and speeches of his and I do have to say that I believe he's sincere in wanting to rise above racial issues...which is why it's so confusing to me that he remained so close to Rev. Wright, a person who does nothing but fuel racial animosity.

and eats babies, you forgot to mention that Rv. Wright also eats white babies...

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You know, I really didn't care one way or the other about Obama's statement. I've listened to a lot of interviews and speeches of his and I do have to say that I believe he's sincere in wanting to rise above racial issues...which is why it's so confusing to me that he remained so close to Rev. Wright, a person who does nothing but fuel racial animosity.

Maybe Rev. Wright does do other things than fuel racial animosity. :whoknows:

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