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Obama: Grandmother "Typical White Person"


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When the scab of race is removed this is the reprecussions.

Should have Obama said that.Probably not.But in the race he finds himself everything will be maginified and set up as a distraction from the real issues.

Lets be real here.Vast segments of this nation pooh poohed this Black man attempt at the Oval Ofice and now that he's almost at the nomination the wolves have come out.sure he's geting vetted,but soon enough it will be him vs McCain and the debates in the fall.If you don't lke him fine.Vote for someone else, but don't act of if he's some sort of monster to bring up race.

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anybody watch Primetime ABC's "What would you do?"...it delves a lot into how the public reacts to live (acted out by actors) occurrences in public like vandalism and littering and how all people of all races react...be they afraid if the perp actors are of another color....to think it doesn't happen is having your head either in the sand or in the sky on one's holier than though soapbox....example i had long hair and goatee in college(not a redneck thank you ) and often would get looks from older folk in public...once my mom's car died at night and she needed jumper cables...only guy in parking lot was a biker looking guy but she approached him being used to my look and he helped her...how many older alone women at night would approach a huge biker looking guy for help or just sit in their car or call a tow or cab? to make an issue out of this is what the right is trying to do....peeps that go along and seem outrages are sheep buying into it looking for any reason to discount Obama. IMO

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Typical - 1: constituting or having the nature of a type : symbolic2 a: combining or exhibiting the essential characteristics of a group <typical suburban houses> b: conforming to a type <a specimen typical of the species>

There's no spin here.

No idea what that's supposed to mean, brother.

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When the scab of race is removed this is the reprecussions.

Should have Obama said that.Probably not.But in the race he finds himself everything will be maginified and set up as a distraction from the real issues.

Lets be real here.Vast segments of this nation pooh poohed this Black man attempt at the Oval Ofice and now that he's almost at the nomination the wolves have come out.sure he's geting vetted,but soon enough it will be him vs McCain and the debates in the fall.If you don't lke him fine.Vote for someone else, but don't act of if he's some sort of monster to bring up race.

That is a completely irresponsible viewpoint. The wolves and political attack dogs are coming out against all candidates. (and have in the past)

Race happens to be the issue. But it is not causal, as you are implying.


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That is a completely irresponsible viewpoint. The wolves and political attack dogs are coming out against all candidates. (and have in the past)

Race happens to be the issue. But it is not causal, as you are implying.


Never implied it was casual,but it definately was not unexpected.Glad its out and can be dealt with in the nominating process.Then the GOP wil have no excuse ,but to debate the issues in the general.

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Never implied it was casual,but it definately was not unexpected.Glad its out and can be dealt with in the nominating process.Then the GOP wil have no excuse ,but to debate the issues in the general.

I agree, hopefully this will be behind us by the time the real race rolls around

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This is SO weak. He is trying to say something without saying it. You can't have it both ways.

"if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction that's been been bred into our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way"

What!?! Could you be more vague? I agree he is floundering. He has found out that you can't appease people on either side of the race issue. By trying to appeal to both sides, he is diluting his message and making a confused mess out of the whole controversy, which could have been addressed much more convincingly.

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Wow, is it just me or is Obama starting to cripple under the pressure?

Seriously, the new polls have Clinton ahead by 7 points, and it seems like the margin is going to continue to grow.

I guess Obama peaked too early :whoknows:

I think its just you.

and I think its "crumble under the pressure"

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Seems to be causing some problems over at Faux News.



I love it .

You think you're clever don't you?
Absolutely nothing, if you accept that her Typical White reaction is due to the notion that the Typical Black Person is likely to rob her, and thus makes her want to cross the street.

See what's wrong with it now?


That's just about sums up how I was sizing up the situation.
Hency my "context" post earlier. Are you talking about whether it's wrong for her to have that feeling ... or whether Obama is suggesting that all white people feel that way?
Seeing as how he just said she was a "typical white person" and not a "typical white person of her generation" I'd have to conclude the latter. Whether or not he feels that way or just didn't articulate it well is up for discussion.

thing is ,while i personally don't have a problem with it, the sword has been brought down on a lot of necks for poor choices of words. The sword should be applied evenly, or not at all.


Again, I agree with this. No double standards.
When the scab of race is removed this is the reprecussions.

Should have Obama said that.Probably not.But in the race he finds himself everything will be maginified and set up as a distraction from the real issues.

Lets be real here.Vast segments of this nation pooh poohed this Black man attempt at the Oval Ofice and now that he's almost at the nomination the wolves have come out.sure he's geting vetted,but soon enough it will be him vs McCain and the debates in the fall.If you don't lke him fine.Vote for someone else, but don't act of if he's some sort of monster to bring up race.

I think you are overstating the case. Its not that he brought up race, he actually tried to not bring race into his campaign. Its that it appears either his true feelings, which are undesirable to many, are coming out or he's not as eloquent under pressure as many thought.

Hopefully you gave the Golf Channel lady a quarter of the leniency that you do this.

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Let's be honest here.

We all know that Reverend Wright is "just a typical black guy" like all the rest.

Now that Obama started playing the "let me generalize, stereotype and categorize everyone by race card"

- I feel strangely liberated.

This game is so much fun now!! Thanks for transcending race for all of us Obamboozler!!

HOPE AND CHANGE :applause:

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Let's hear it Wright from the "typical black persons" mouth, shall we?


It is height of schadenfreude that Obama is the one who is supposedly a new messiah beyond all races-

and yet in the last week has defended vicious racism, anti-semitism and engaged in his own racial stereotyping.

Oh yeah, and also throwing his white grandma under the bus not only once but twice on national television. What a great guy!!

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Seeing as how he just said she was a "typical white person" and not a "typical white person of her generation" I'd have to conclude the latter. Whether or not he feels that way or just didn't articulate it well is up for discussion.

I'll try a third time.

The statement the thread starter used to pin a racist label on Obama:

"... .. The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction that's been been bred into our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way and that's just the nature of race in our society. We have to break through it..."

One can read that more than one way. Yes, he COULD be saying all white people think like that. He could ALSO be saying she's typical of those white people who DO think like that. Clearly, many people do not think it's a distinction worth making. I do.

I see people making assumptions I don't believe are supported by the statement.

Let's be honest here.

We all know that Reverend Wright is "just a typical black guy" like all the rest.

Now that Obama started playing the "let me generalize, stereotype and categorize everyone by race card"

- I feel strangely liberated.

This game is so much fun now!! Thanks for transcending race for all of us Obamboozler!!

HOPE AND CHANGE :applause:

Om brings up a good point. Let's put everything into proper context rather than taking just one sentence and running with it.

I think Obama sums it up the best:

And then there are people like AFC ... who provide an audience for threads and vids like these in the first place.

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All this says to me is how fragile people are when it comes to issues of race and how hypersensitive and intence many are in parsing words looking for reasons to find fault.

Exactly. And it's just another distraction from the issues effecting all races in this country. Republican or Dem, if we keep letting things like this Wright controversy decide who we're going to vote for... well, we deserve what we get.

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My question is: If Obama has to face off on this issue, does it illustrate how far we have to go to resolve the issue of race? Are we really a racist empire?

I am an educated African American. I found what Rev. Wright said as one of the worst acts of betrayal. Race is a constant issue. Obama is not the one that causes race to be a hot issue in America, but he's being cast as a bigot, or prejudice. Look at the title of this threat. The same person that put this up, isn't concern about resolving the race issue. Instead they are trying to make every caucasian voter to see Obama as a "typical black man" making generalization of white people, so henceforth he will be a typical black man in the white house. I take homage in that ideal. If every black man strived to be the best he could be, and try to shatter racial stereotypes instead of giving into them, we would finally take a true stand against oppression because we would seek empowerment. That is progress.

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My question is: If Obama has to face off on this issue, does it illustrate how far we have to go to resolve the issue of race? Are we really a racist empire?

I am an educated African American. I found what Rev. Wright said as one of the worst acts of betrayal. Race is a constant issue. Obama is not the one that causes race to be a hot issue in America, but he's being cast as a bigot, or prejudice. Look at the title of this threat. The same person that put this up, isn't concern about resolving the race issue. Instead they are trying to make every caucasian voter to see Obama as a "typical black man" making generalization of white people, so henceforth he will be a typical black man in the white house. I take homage in that ideal. If every black man strived to be the best he could be, and try to shatter racial stereotypes instead of giving into them, we would finally take a true stand against oppression because we would seek empowerment. That is progress.

good post.

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All this says to me is how fragile people are when it comes to issues of race and how hypersensitive and intence many are in parsing words looking for reasons to find fault.

The latter is true. The first part isn't. We aren't all this sensitive. All of this is about stiring the waters, creating stories and controversy. Let's be real. This is all crap.

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I cross the street regardless of the color of the individuals skin. I base my judgement solely on appearance. If I see a bunch of skinheads with swastikas tatooed on their foreheads, or a bunch of thug brotha's all wearing red, I do not go up and ask them how they are doing. I call it common sense.

Actually, I am the worst racist I know, I hate morons and jerks from all races.

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