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Obama: Grandmother "Typical White Person"


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"... .. The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction that's been been bred into our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way and that's just the nature of race in our society. We have to break through it..."

There are so many things wrong with this statement it's hard to know where to start, but I expect to read the "typical black person" comments.

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"... .. The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction that's been been bred into our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way and that's just the nature of race in our society. We have to break through it..."

There are so many things wrong with this statement it's hard to know where to start, but I expect to read the "typical black person" comments.

What's wrong with the statement?


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So it seems you're making the assumption that by using the words "typical white person" he's saying all white people are the same.

Reading the context in which he used that term, though, isn't it just as likely he's saying his grandmother is typical of the kind of white person who has the specific reaction he describes to being approached on the street by a stranger of another color? Fact is, there are many such white people. Just as there are many such people of other colors that have similar reactions to the specific scenario in reverse.

I'm not defending his comment or criticizing it. Just pointing out that taking the term "typical white person" totally out of context has little useful value in trying to parse what's in Obama's heart. I'm sure that won't stop anyone from taking the phrase and running with it, though.

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um...are you cherry picking polls? As Om's link shows, that lead for Clinton isn't as believable as you portray...

As for typical "White woman" commment, how many of us have family member that were from his grandmothers (or my great grandmother's) generation that didn't have racism embedded in their outlook on life? I think it goes beyond just typical "white." It's only in the last few decades that racism has even come to be noticed much less questioned. Was "typical" a bad choice of words? yes...but I still note that he talks about racism and race (typically viewed as a third rail in politics. It's high time we were able to talk about race without worrying that every thing we say will be disected by those looking to further divide...ok, I'm off my soap box (for at least a little bit).

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It's also pretty much impossible for Hillary to win the nomination without the superdelegates basically overruling the delegates and the popular vote. If they do that, a lot of folks are going to stay home I imagine.

Still a long time left, folks. Who knows what will happen?

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It's also pretty much impossible for Hillary to win the nomination without the superdelegates basically overruling the delegates and the popular vote. If they do that, a lot of folks are going to stay home I imagine.

Still a long time left, folks. Who knows what will happen?


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I was going by the Gallup poll they were talking about on CBS before the game :doh:

But either way, he has lost some of his lead

November is a long way away. And like I said before, it is pretty much impossible for Hillary to win the nomination in a way that doesn't look unfair to a lot of people.

So in other words, John McCain will be the next prez. Unless he keeps aging a year a day, which lately seems to be the case.

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What's wrong with the statement?


Absolutely nothing, if you accept that her Typical White reaction is due to the notion that the Typical Black Person is likely to rob her, and thus makes her want to cross the street.

See what's wrong with it now?


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I think it's remarkable the Dems are even withing shouting distance of McCain in the general election polls at this point. With as fractured as their party is right now, apparently hell bent on making either of their remaining candidates unviable in a general election, fact is they're both still running essentially a statistical dead heat with McCain.


The REP's might be in for a lot tougher battle after the DEM CON that most are considering today. When the DEM's finally get around to finalizing their nomination and turn their attention away from cannablizing their own and toward actually campaigning against the other side ... things are going to get interesting.

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Absolutely nothing, if you accept that her Typical White reaction is due to the notion that the typical Black Person is likely to rob her, and thus makes her want to cross the street.

See what's wrong with it now?


There's only something wrong with it if you're not willing to accept that there are plenty of people in that generation who were raised thinking precisely that.

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Absolutely nothing, if you accept that her Typical White reaction is due to the notion that the typical Black Person is likely to rob her, and thus makes her want to cross the street.

See what's wrong with it now?


Hency my "context" post earlier. Are you talking about whether it's wrong for her to have that feeling ... or whether Obama is suggesting that all white people feel that way?

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I usually don't encounter a Typical White person response I guess because I give off an approachable aura, thus they strike up conversation or ask me for directions. The babies of all races say hi, hola, etc when they see me but lately puppies yike yike at me like I'm Damien :(

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I usually don't encounter a Typical White person response I guess because I give off an approachable aura, thus they strike up conversation or ask me for directions......

That's because you look like a guy who'd know where the soccer complex is. :cool:

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There's only something wrong with it if you're not willing to accept that there are plenty of people in that generation who were raised thinking precisely that.

There obviously are. No doubt, and there's no doubt it's a problem in this nation. I don't mean to minimize that.

It's a poor choice of words at the very least, I'd say.

How about "she's a person of a generation that grew up with these prejudices as an accepted way of life."

hey! And I'm not even a speech writer.

thing is ,while i personally don't have a problem with it, the sword has been brought down on a lot of necks for poor choices of words. The sword should be applied evenly, or not at all.


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Hency my "context" post earlier. Are you talking about whether it's wrong for her to have that feeling ... or whether Obama is suggesting that all white people feel that way?

Typical - 1: constituting or having the nature of a type : symbolic2 a: combining or exhibiting the essential characteristics of a group <typical suburban houses> b: conforming to a type <a specimen typical of the species>

There's no spin here.

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