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I am a worthless sack of ****


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Keep your head up Mick.

Depression is a ***** and it sucks when noone can really understand the extent of what you are going through. Having gone through my own personal hell once before I can only concur with what the other posters have said and that you should consider seeing someone and talking about your feelings with them. If you can find a good mental health professional sometimes that can make a world of difference.

Until that time I will keep you in my thoughts.

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Mick - its true that theres a loose association between stress and cardiac disease, but theres no way anything you told your mom caused her heart attacks.... Coronary artery disease is almost always the result of years and years of problems (whether diet, diabetes, smoking, bad genes, or a combination of those things) - it doesn't develop suddenly. You didn't do anything to your mother. Its tough that sometimes those we need the most have their own problems to manage. You shouldn't feel bad about turning to her for comfort - she's your mom for God's sake.

Cut yourself some slack.

And I wish the best for you. For what its worth, you've made a major contribution to this community, and are loved here. I'm thinking good thoughts for you. :cheers:

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Do you spend a lot of time at home? Do you sleep too much? We know you spend a lot of time on Extreme. What you need to do is keep busy get out and do somthing everyday. Work more or go out and enjoy life more. You should have learned that tommorow is not promised you can't feel sorry for yourself.The more you sit around and think the more depresed you get. You are not the only person who has lost a parent.

The only advice I can give you is keep your mind busy. If you are being lazy you need to get off your but.

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He hasn't been on ES ... but he posted a myspace message this week. Apparently his mother is doing better and she's not in as bad of shape as before. He thanked all of the myspacers for thinking of him and said that he's still not planning on being on myspace on a regular basis for a bit ....

I'm sure that he'll be back over here soon .... :)

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Thanks for posting the update, Candace. I've been very concerned since dfitz told me about Mick and we've been praying for him every night.

I can relate to your depression, guilt and feelings of loss from losing a parent, as you know, Mick. I've lost my dad, my mom, and most recently my brother. In reading everyone's loving words and thoughts, Spaceman Spiff's stood out so true and I couldn't have given any better advice, and hopefully that is exactly what you are doing, and why you are not logged on ES.....perhaps you took time to visit your mom face to face and give her that gift, the best gift we can give another person-that quality time spent with them. One thing I know is this life is too short. Those feelings of guilt can swallow you up, but thankfully, you still have your mom, and you still have time to spend with her.

God bless you and your time together, and in the meantime, may your heart and mind and spirit recover as well. We'll keep up the prayers, and look for an update from you, buddy.

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