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I am a worthless sack of ****


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Hey guys,

Mick signed on yesterday, so I guess he is doing alright.

If you are reading this, man, let us know how you are doing. :D

Thanks for the update, buddy.

Don't be afraid to come back, Mick. Because just seeing how many people care about you on here in this thread, of all ages from age 19 to 55, is such a blessing and is something that just warms your heart. YOU, are loved, Mick. You started this thread talking about serious matter. Please let us know you are okay. Thanks.

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Hope you are okay Mick, and return to your appointed place here as official court jester and poster of interesting, humorous, and *sometimes* ridiculous threads here as soon as possible. You're a huge part of this community, and as georgia said (much more eloquently and lovingly than I can), you are missed.

Let us hear from you bro. We care about you. I know I do. :cheers:

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He posts this thread. Never responds. Logs on and off to see the attention he's getting. What a surprise.

Mick, I hope everything is going well . . . but you are not helping everyone's opinion that you are a DRAMA QUEEN.

Mick himself would probably laugh and say, normally, yeah, I enjoy attention.

On the other hand, this is obviously different. My personal opinion is that he deserves support given the circumstances. It doesn't cost anything. Not like he's here bumping the thread man, it was bumped by fellow members who care about him.

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The doctors say that depression and anxiety is contributing to her heart attacks. That depression and anxiety probably stems from me. And that she has an artery that is severely blocked. so the outlook is not good for her. If my mother dies, I will feel totally responsible, and the pain will be beyond belief. If I am suicidal now, I cannot imagine how I would feel, if I were to be indirectly responsible for my mother's death. Like a worthless sack of ****

ok man here is the deal .... i am writing this to you not just posting in a forum....

i too suffer from enough psychiatric problems that if i was totally straight up with the docs they would commit me. again....

i have taken enough friggin pills you could shake me and i rattled like a friggin morracca...

then i realized a simple fact... the pills werent helping.... they were giving me a new set of problems...

when a person has abstract perspectives is misconstrues your coping skills.... we learn from being a nut how to deal with those emotions in that jacked up way until someone convinces us we are screwed up.... then we take pills to fix those problems and now the whole world is being viewed from a different perspective..... anxiety can stem from this new perspective as well ... and the viscious cycle continues.....

i am addressing you first because you are the one that wants to kill yourself..... which i can totally relate to..... i dont even want to go into my problems here ...........but i can understand......

you have to find something worth living for..... whether it is a hobbie or a social group or god or whatever.....

i chose spiritual growth..... i had come to the conclusion that happiness is attaineable and what is it i lack compared to others that seemed well adjusted and happy?..... i needed spirituall direction..... i found it in buddhism.... you may find it in christ or whatever but i can tell you that if you find a good book on meditation training and exercises..... you can remain christian and yet become more familiar with your soul......through buddhist practice because buddhism isnt idol worship.... buddha wasnt a god or a messiah... he was a teacher of how to become more familiar with your own soul... you dont pray to buddha...

i have figured out my ultimate goal is to become more comfortable with my soul and everything seems to be falling into place but it is a marathon not a sprint.....

about your mom.... you may have caused more stress to her.... true....BUT you said the doctors say she suffers from depression and anxiety....

she is probably depressed because her partner is gone.

she is anxious because she has recently experienced a very close and personally tragic death...... she is in bad health...... she is anxious about her own death.....

i suggest keeping your emotional baggage to yourself now, mom doesnt need the extra stress, and move on with it..... you can get by man ...... you will find your way..... where is your faith? if it is this bad now it can only get better!!!!

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Mick's around here somewhere, he's probably just working up a new act. I'll see if I can dig up his phone number and call him. My guess is that he's having a pretty good chuckle somewhere right about now. I know that he had to move from his apartment turned condo, squirrels and all

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Suicide ain't worth it bro, there's always a tomorrow that could open a new door. Keep your head high man. My father was killed a couple months ago and I know how ****ing worthless that you feel afterwards, just keep on keeping on.

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Sure you do. We all have down days. If you don't then you're living in some sort of emotional vacuum. It's quite possible that he felt that way then and feels better now. At least we should hope that that's the case.

Down days, certainly. To the point of irrational ? No.

I hope the guy is okay and doing well. My point was that if he is sitting back laughing about the whole thing than he needs more help than I can give him and I don't want to waste my time bothering.

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I hope the guy is okay and doing well. My point was that if he is sitting back laughing about the whole thing than he needs more help than I can give him and I don't want to waste my time bothering.

Mick's a ham but that doesn't sound like something he'd do. I think he's just not ready to talk about what's happening to him right now. I'm glad he made a mysterious cameo, though. We know he's lurking.

He just couldn't stay away. :)

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Suicide ain't worth it bro, there's always a tomorrow that could open a new door. Keep your head high man. My father was killed a couple months ago and I know how ****ing worthless that you feel afterwards, just keep on keeping on.

Bless your heart. How terrible to lose your father for one, but in that horrible way. My heart bleeds for you sweetheart. God bless you for coming on here and encouraging Mick. I'm now adding you to my prayer list, too. It's a mighty long one.

*btw, I am a girl, hence the sweetheart, etc. ;)

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Down days, certainly. To the point of irrational ? No.

I hope the guy is okay and doing well. My point was that if he is sitting back laughing about the whole thing than he needs more help than I can give him and I don't want to waste my time bothering.

if he is laughing at people for caring.... then his therapy would be swift kick in the ass..........

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