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How do we stop School Shootings?


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Sadly I don't think you can.

A crazy **** will always find a way.

Sucks but I agree. Even if guns were not available for the public anymore than they would just learn how to make a bomb or something. What is wrong with people these days......it is just sad.

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Socialist ;) , though I would support removing some people from this world.

Restrict access on campuses

Better security

Better screening for troubled students

Allow qualified individuals to carry on campus

Perhaps lock the door?

Just removing guns will not work since there are many ways to inflict mass casualties.( my daughters friend was brewing up napalm :( )

More Security... more security... more security

lock your doors, hide your kids, sleep through the day, work through the night

no man, more security doesn't solve any of the underlying problems, it is a half assed measure at best. Yes we need more security but we can't just keep having more security when the underlying pressures which are causing these problems are building up every day.

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More Security... more security... more security

lock your doors, hide your kids, sleep through the day, work through the night

no man, more security doesn't solve any of the underlying problems, it is a half assed measure at best. Yes we need more security but we can't just keep having more security when the underlying pressures which are causing these problems are building up every day.

Fine...Let people defend themselves then.

Oh and ban Sociology courses. ;)

I wonder if this one was on anti-depressants also?

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More Security... more security... more security

lock your doors, hide your kids, sleep through the day, work through the night

no man, more security doesn't solve any of the underlying problems, it is a half assed measure at best. Yes we need more security but we can't just keep having more security when the underlying pressures which are causing these problems are building up every day.

Right now in colleges there basically is no security. They have a campus security but they do not do anything. All they do is call the cops when something goes down. They don't carry guns, they are armed with bicycles to write parking tickets at best. Even High Schools have one police officer assigned to each school. Thats one more than what is assigned to colleges. The fact of the matter is a half assed measure is better than no measure. Im not saying more security would have prevented the situation but it could have saved atleast one life or saved students from getting shot.

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Stop school shootings? Don't allow kids to raise themselves and stop letting them submerge themselves in so much negative imagery their entire lives. Wouldn't hurt to start teaching morality again and leaving behind this disgusting notion of everything is ok as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

More security is not the damn answer. If some of you want to live in a police state than please stop voting and gtfo of the US. I don't want to live in a world so twisted that I can't go anywhere without subjecting myself to searches on the off chance someone might be crazy.

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Stop school shootings? Don't allow kids to raise themselves and stop letting them submerge themselves in so much negative imagery their entire lives. Wouldn't hurt to start teaching morality again and leaving behind this disgusting notion of everything is ok as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

More security is not the damn answer. If some of you want to live in a police state than please stop voting and gtfo of the US. I don't want to live in a world so twisted that I can't go anywhere without subjecting myself to searches on the off chance someone might be crazy.

I agree with this.

Aren't violent crime rates at a 40 year low in the USA?

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Some people are just effed up. We can't stop them. It's foolish to consider even. Noble maybe, but foolish. Some use guns some drive drunk some are leaders of countries and kill on a scale that make the school killings seem puny in comparison. No I don't mean us.

The gun show loop hole should be addressed. That's a simple one. Other than that we quickly devolved into the gun rights argument. We have the right to them. They're a tool. This sort of thing just makes for sensational headlines. A whole bunch more people are killed by cars and despots.

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"If nobody has guns then nobody gets shot."

Seriously though..

There need to be stricter laws. Period.

The second amendment supporters need to realize when that amendment was written.

200 years ago.

Do you think they envisioned a world that would be this screwed up?

Highly doubt it.

Stricter laws. Those who don't want stricter laws can get over it. Why should it matter to you?

What do you have to hide?

Great point about the time the ammendment was written. And think about why it was written. You have this young country, that is not fully formed that was formerly under rule of the British Empire. The founding fathers where afraid of another British attack, and without a fully formed and functioning army, the only real way to defend yourself from an attack is to have a militia. You cant ask people to arm themeselves and then have a ban on firearms.

Quite simply, you have the second ammendment because your leaders at the time where affraid of being unprepared for a British attack.

Guess what? They aren't coming anymore! And you now have argualby the strongest miltary in the world to defend yourselves with if the situation ever arises. There is no need for citizens to be carrying firearms anymore.

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The only way you can get it stop is stop gloryifying violence, in songs, video games, tv etc.... I know everyone is going to scream video games don't promote violence, well that is bull****. A serial killer has even admitted some of the shooting games is how he practiced to shoot, and when he was killing everyone it felt like a video games, so it does have an impact on some.

You also have to make it harder to get a gun. Sorry gun owners but it isn't working. Yesterday alone a young kid shot his sibling for a potato chip, and the dad even mentioned he has pointed the gun at him before!!!! Enough. The terrible gun owners are putting all gun owners on notice now. A kid shot another kid in his school lab etc.... the list is growing and fast.

Mental tests should be mandatory for weapons. Guns should be illegal in public places such as schools, malls etc..., if someone has gun then make the penalty steep. They need to make the conceal laws harder and have them go through extra training. I would also recommend and maybe they do this but track every gun purchase etc... Maybe put in a put in red alert if someone buys multiple guns in a short period of time.

Something has to change or it will get much worse.

The crazy thing is my generation was not gun crazy, but the generation behind is very gun crazy?? Why??

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Mental tests should be mandatory for weapons. Guns should be illegal in public places such as schools, malls etc..., if someone has gun then make the penalty steep. They need to make the conceal laws harder and have them go through extra training. I would also recommend and maybe they do this but track every gun purchase etc... Maybe put in a put in red alert if someone buys multiple guns in a short period of time.

Banning guns in public places won't do squat. People who intend to commit mass murder don't give a crap about "gun free zones". Valid CCW holders aren't the problem.

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when something awful like this happens, THE NAME OF THE SHOOTER SHOULD BE WITHHELD FROM THE PUBLIC. I believe these guys do this knowing their name will go down in history. They may just kill themselves instead of taking a bunch of people with them if they knew they couldn't get famous in a sick sort of way.

There is no way to prevent something like this. Gun laws, millions of metal detectors, millions of security people, etc. would be futile.

I think this would be the simplest and most effective way of minimizing the chances of this happening

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Banning guns in public places won't do squat. People who intend to commit mass murder don't give a crap about "gun free zones". Valid CCW holders aren't the problem.

it could prevent something like VT since the guns were in his room

i agree though a killer will find a gun, you just have to make it harder to get guns

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Three ways to stop school shootings:

A. Lock down the schools like a prison, or the entire country, Demolition man style.

B. Screen all children for potential suicidal tendencies then drug um up expose them and eliminate them. Remove all violence from the mental arena of children, promote individualism and remove collectivism from the scenario. In other words, mental prevention.

C. Develop some system of protection (like nano Kevlar) that makes firearms obsolete. Make it against the law to ever develop an alternative.

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it could prevent something like VT since the guns were in his room

i agree though a killer will find a gun, you just have to make it harder to get guns

I had guns in my closet while in college, I used them for hunting, no harm no foul on my part.

I know this wasn't an accident however I am curious to find more about the gunman and where he got the guns from.

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it could prevent something like VT since the guns were in his room

i agree though a killer will find a gun, you just have to make it harder to get guns

He probably was not supposed to have them in his dorm room. So really it wouldn't have mattered unless they are tossing these kids rooms like a prison cells.

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C. Develop some system of protection (like nano Kevlar) that makes firearms obsolete. Make it against the law to ever develop an alternative.

If this happened, we would have an over population of deer and more people would die in car wrecks. Do you propose cyanide to keep the deer population down? :laugh:

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If this happened, we would have an over population of deer and more people would die in car wrecks. Do you propose cyanide to keep the deer population down? :laugh:

Guns would still exist for hunting purposes, I'd highly doubt we'd outfit wild animals with a bulletproof suit.

Besides, you miss my point, I was just outlining the steps necessary, never said they were reasonable or even practical.

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