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A question for those who believe homosexuality is a choice


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Predicto, the same could be said of kids who grow up and sell drugs. Their enviroment made that decision for them, so by your argument they should not be put in jail because their developemental issues made them want to choose a life of drugs. I belive they made a choice to not confom to the rules of society and there for they must pay the price of that choice.
err... those kids are committing a crime though.
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I wish I were.

We are becoming a bunch of wimps now...Everything is a "condition", no one is to blame, Let's not keep score because someone will get their feelings hurt, gay is the new normal...

It must really suck to be a kid these days...

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Imagine trying to be a psychiatrist and having to keep up with all these new conditions to medicate. :)

I got one medication that fixes all of my sons "mental" problems....a good as whippin, even comes with free refills. Worked on me when I was a kid, works on him. Good student, good athelete, morally sound.

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Predicto, the same could be said of kids who grow up and sell drugs. Their enviroment made that decision for them, so by your argument they should not be put in jail because their developemental issues made them want to choose a life of drugs. I belive they made a choice to not confom to the rules of society and there for they must pay the price of that choice.

I disagree. Sexual preference is a much more fundamental issue than whether or not you become a drug dealer.

You have to agree that we are not totally free and that we must conform to the rules of society.

I do agree. That is why I think the rules of society must be changed in this instance, to reflect the fact that gay people exist and deserve the same rights and respect as the rest of us.

One thing I cannot stand though is when they try and compare being gay to being black, its not even close to the same thing.

I completely disagree. It is the exact same thing. My gay friends are just gay. Plain and simple. It's not different than the color of their skin, it's just part of who they are.

People don't WANT it to be the same thing because we are no longer comfortable as a society being racial bigots, but many of us are still comfortable being bigoted against gays. But it is the same thing.

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Faulty reasoning, but nice effort. Sexuality is a choice. You can chose to, or not to, have sex. You are also able to chose, if you chose to have sex, who to have it with. It is 100% choice to do this. To suggest that you dont have a choice, and have to have sex is ludacris.

The faulty reasoning comes in when you assume that heterosexuality is a choice between hetero, and homo sexuality. In reality it can merely be a choice between having, and not having, sex. The homosexuality is not a choice between having sex with a woman, or having sex with a man., its a choice between having sex with a man, and not having sex with a man. The same holds true for heterosexuality.

In short, yes homosexuality is a choice, and yes your argument is a logical fallacy.

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Every single person has a homosexual thought at LEAST once in their lives. The straight ones don't dwell on it. The ones that explore that thought are the ones where either A) they were abused when they were younger OR B) Being ULTRA rebellious towards the parents.

I myself feel that homosexuality is caused by a chemical imbalance and is triggered by a traumatic sexual experience.

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I got one medication that fixes all of my sons "mental" problems....a good as whippin, even comes with free refills. Worked on me when I was a kid, works on him. Good student, good athelete, morally sound.

Why, you must be some mal-ajusted right wing whacko! What about that kids self esteeeeeeeeem?

Stay there. You are obviously an unfit parent. The Gubment will be along to take your kids shortly

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I completely disagree. It is the exact same thing. My gay friends are just gay. Plain and simple. It's not different than the color of their skin, it's just part of who they are.

People don't WANT it to be the same thing because we are no longer comfortable as a society being racial bigots, but many of us are still comfortable being bigoted against gays. But it is the same thing.

No where close. Black people can't change being black. Unless you're Michael Jackson

You can chose not to put your rod in the wrong place

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I can not say I ever thought about making the choice to find women appealling, I just did. I have been presented with the oppertunity to ghey it up and never wanted to. I really don't care if anybody does though, it has no impact on my life, except some of the best looking, most well dressed men are out of the competion.

As a straight man, I believe the only answer could be "what the hell do I know".

I know whan the gays move into a bad area, it gets a lot nicer. They usually seem very professional and respectful.

I hate the lisp and tendencies as much as I do the white subberban kids who ghetto up.

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I don't remember any male choosing to be attracted to Brad Pitt as opposed to Jessica Alba.
Personally I don't think its a choice to be attracted to somebody. I do however, believe we choose how to act (or not to) on those feelings.

I'll probably get slammed for this comparison, but oh well. When you go to a store and see something you really really want, but can't afford, does the thought ever go through your head that maybe you should steal it? But you don't. Why?

If you do steal it and get caught, can you tell the judge it wasn't a choice? Can you tell them you were born as a shoplifter?

Now as far as the Biblical perspective that always comes up in these conversations, the Bible does not speak on whether or not being attracted to an individual of the same sex is a sin or whether it is a choice.

What it does speak on is that the sin attributed to homosexuality is in the thoughts (lust) and actions related to gay sexual relations.

(And just to be clear, according to the bible, God doesn't view homosexual sex as any different than any other form of sexual sin including adultery and incest. )

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My question is this. I have known gay people who have gone through hell over their sexuality. Why would they chose that? :doh:

Look. I'm not saying that it's not a choice for every gay person. I've met some that I honestly thought chose that lifestyle because they thought it was kind of anti establishment, artsy, cool. I'm sure I'm not saying this in a way that they would agree with but that was kind of my general impression. But I've also known some people that could never imagine being any other way. People who went through hell coming out of the closet. I can tell you, there is no way anyone would CHOSE to go through the misery they went through.


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My lib/cons middle ground says their prolly is a ghey gene but it isn't as strong as many believe. If their is a gene that makes it harder to overcome the thought of homosexuality that would explain the people who can go years or decades as homosexuals and simply say no......others ( lifetime homosexuals ) simply got comfortable.....

I personally don't care if someone is teh ghey......being homosexual isn't a sin, it's engaging in the thoughts and actions of the label that is the sin.

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I find it interesting that any attempt to raise the discussion above "you like it in the butt huh huh huh" is basically ignored. Human sexuality is far more complicated than the gender of the person you like to do things too. The answer as to why you like to do what you do to the people you prefer is likely far more complicated than simple choice (which btw is an amazingly stupid position) or simple predisposition.

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I find it interesting that any attempt to raise the discussion above "you like it in the butt huh huh huh" is basically ignored. Human sexuality is far more complicated than the gender of the person you like to do things too. The answer as to why you like to do what you do to the people you prefer is likely far more complicated than simple choice (which btw is an amazingly stupid position) or simple predisposition.

You aren't going to drag out the old "Animals do it" argument again, are you?

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