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A question for those who believe homosexuality is a choice


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Let's expand on my earlier argument that human sexuality is more complex. There is a lot more to it than sex with males or females.

Some people crave sex with as many partners as possible and can't stay with just one. Is that genetic?

Some people are obsessed with anal sex. That biological?

Some people like to dress up in latex and have someone hurt them. Born that way?

Some people like to dress up and hurt other people. Parents to blame?

Some people want to have sex with animals. Grew up to close to a zoo perhaps?

Some people like porn too much. Media to blame?

Some people like humiliation and get off on treating partners like trash. Mom didn't hug them enough?

Some people like sleeping with members of the same sex. Others talk with a lisp. Others dress up like women. Some dress up in leather and have mustaches and funny hats.

I can go on and on and on. But the question of human sexuality is not a simple one of do you like girls or boys. There is a lot of deviant behavior inbetween and beyond that question. To say that things are simply genetic or biological is to over simplify. Society plays a role, history appears to show this to be true. There is some choice and some predisposition. How much of each is still unkown.

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We'll have to wait and see. What you call "hate" a lot of people call morals. What God calls homosexuality is an "abomination"

LOL. Sarge is a bible thumper only when it suits him.

He only believes in the parts of the Bible where you get to kill and hate other people. He has no use for the rest of the thing.

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LOL. Sarge is a bible thumper only when it suits him.

He only believes in the parts of the Bible where you get to kill and hate other people. He has no use for the rest of the thing.

That puts him in a very small group :rolleyes: Maybe he should run for congressman

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Let's expand on my earlier argument that human sexuality is more complex. There is a lot more to it than sex with males or females.

Some people crave sex with as many partners as possible and can't stay with just one. Is that genetic?

Some people are obsessed with anal sex. That biological?

Some people like to dress up in latex and have someone hurt them. Born that way?

Some people like to dress up and hurt other people. Parents to blame?

Some people want to have sex with animals. Grew up to close to a zoo perhaps?

Some people like porn too much. Media to blame?

Some people like humiliation and get off on treating partners like trash. Mom didn't hug them enough?

Some people like sleeping with members of the same sex. Others talk with a lisp. Others dress up like women. Some dress up in leather and have mustaches and funny hats.

I can go on and on and on. But the question of human sexuality is not a simple one of do you like girls or boys. There is a lot of deviant behavior inbetween and beyond that question. To say that things are simply genetic or biological is to over simplify. Society plays a role, history appears to show this to be true. There is some choice and some predisposition. How much of each is still unkown.

You are absolutely correct. We are all deviants in our own ways. Which is why there is no purpose in discrimination against anyone based on sexual preferences.

.... except those damn Furries, of course. They are disgusting and should be locked up.

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So then if this country went heavily toward another religion (so much so that it discriminated against others, like you are inferring against gay people) you would be fine with having limited freedoms because you are a Christian? Religion is a choice as well

There you go assuming something again. First I never mentioned anything about religeon. It seems to me that the only way that someone who is pro-homosexual can rationalize their arguements is by saying anyone who doesn't accept it, is a gay hating religeous zealot.

Predicto, I never said that I belive that being gay is genetic. I said it could be argued that it could be natures way of taking the genes out of the gene pool, not that it was my belief.

My personal belief is that it is a choice. What factors shape that choice? I don't know as I am not gay. There are a number of things that go into shaping us as people.

Like I said before I don't hate gays, but don't get mad when your choice limits your options in life. For instance, if you choose to become a celebrity, don't get mad when photographers are in your face taking pictures 24/7. They are free to do as they wish within the limits of the law or of the particular lifestyle they choose to lead.

I honestly wouldn't be suprised if it was declared a chemical imbalance in the brain and they were granted protection under the Americans with Disabilities act.

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We'll have to wait and see. What you call "hate" a lot of people call morals. What God calls homosexuality is an "abomination"

I'm glad to see you have spoken to God personally about this. I would be curious to know what he thought of your bigot ass.

Please, enlighten us all.


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LOL. Sarge is a bible thumper only when it suits him.

He only believes in the parts of the Bible where you get to kill and hate other people. He has no use for the rest of the thing.

Who said anything about killing and hating? I thought you were a little above the "put words in others mouths" thing

Guess not

All I'm saying is that at the end of your time here, someone's gonna be looking at your record.

I don't hate homos. Just the act.

I do hate that some of them try to indocrinate the kids into thinking that "Gay is OK" and that the act is normal

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There you go assuming something again. First I never mentioned anything about religeon. It seems to me that the only way that someone who is pro-homosexual can rationalize their arguements is by saying anyone who doesn't accept it, is a gay hating religeous zealot.

Predicto, I never said that I belive that being gay is genetic. I said it could be argued that it could be natures way of taking the genes out of the gene pool, not that it was my belief.

My personal belief is that it is a choice. What factors shape that choice? I don't know as I am not gay. There are a number of things that go into shaping us as people.

Like I said before I don't hate gays, but don't get mad when your choice limits your options in life. For instance, if you choose to become a celebrity, don't get mad when photographers are in your face taking pictures 24/7. They are free to do as they wish within the limits of the law or of the particular lifestyle they choose to lead.

I honestly wouldn't be suprised if it was declared a chemical imbalance in the brain and they were granted protection under the Americans with Disabilities act.

Wow, what a completely uncorrelated argument. Celebrities have all the same rights as everyone else in this country. Your earlier point was not to be upset if you have limited freedoms because of your choices. Celebrities don't have limited choices they have more because of their wealth, they may have limited privacy but that is only a recent phenomena. Please put together a cogent argument. I am not pro-homosexual or pro-abortion etc I am PRO FREEDOM, PRO TOLERANCE

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Like I said before I don't hate gays, but don't get mad when your choice limits your options in life. For instance, if you choose to become a celebrity, don't get mad when photographers are in your face taking pictures 24/7. They are free to do as they wish within the limits of the law or of the particular lifestyle they choose to lead.

However, you really do choose to become a celebrity. Whatever causes gays to be gay, be it genetics, brain chemistry, developmental issues, whatever, it clearly is not a choice in the same sense. These people just ARE gay, not CHOOSING to be gay.

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Who said anything about killing and hating? I thought you were a little above the "put words in others mouths" thing

Guess not

All I'm saying is that at the end of your time here, someone's gonna be looking at your record.

I don't hate homos. Just the act.

I do hate that some of them try to indocrinate the kids into thinking that "Gay is OK" and that the act is normal

It is pure ignorance that someone would believe that anyone would "choose" to live a life of public scrutiny and discrimination.

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I'm a gay magnet... and black chicks like my voice.

worst thing that ever happened was my best friend/lesbian moved to Georgia, she was pimping me out to all the girls she liked and talked me up... god i miss her.. i am lame on my own...

Of course its a choice.. you can't be gay or straight unless you choose to have sex with a man or a women. Thats why i never understood the Church issue: if your not supposed to have sex, how can you be a gay preacher... its not possible.

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Who said anything about killing and hating? I thought you were a little above the "put words in others mouths" thing

Guess not

Did I put words in your mouth, or just point out a pattern?

The only time I have ever seen you espouse any biblical views is in threads about fighting Islam or discriminating against gays.

The rest of the time you call Huckabee a bible-thumper and laugh at young earth creationists, and so forth.

So a search yourself for posts by Sarge with the word "bible." It's pretty consistent.

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Did I put words in your mouth, or just point out a pattern?

The only time I have ever seen you espouse any biblical views is in threads about fighting Islam or discriminating against gays.

The rest of the time you call Huckabee a bible-thumper and laugh at young earth creationists, and so forth.

So a search yourself for posts by Sarge with the word "bible." It's pretty consistent.

Just like people here are saying I take the Bible/Homo thing too far, so I think Huckabee takes the "Change the Constitution to a Biblical document" too far

What's you're point? The Bible is clear on homosexuality. There is no wiggle room (pardon the pun)

I don't remember the Bible asking to be included in the Constitution

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I honestly wouldn't be suprised if it was declared a chemical imbalance in the brain and they were granted protection under the Americans with Disabilities act.

Being homosexual used to be classified as having a psycological disorder.

Now being homophobic is considered a psycological disorder according to the DSM.

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Just like people here are saying I take the Bible/Homo thing too far, so I think Huckabee takes the "Change the Constitution to a Biblical document" too far

What's you're point? The Bible is clear on homosexuality. There is no wiggle room (pardon the pun)

I don't remember the Bible asking to be included in the Constitution

I don't remember any male choosing to be attracted to Brad Pitt as opposed to Jessica Alba.

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However, you really do choose to become a celebrity. Whatever causes gays to be gay, be it genetics, brain chemistry, developmental issues, whatever, it clearly is not a choice in the same sense. These people just ARE gay, not CHOOSING to be gay.

Predicto, the same could be said of kids who grow up and sell drugs. Their enviroment made that decision for them, so by your argument they should not be put in jail because their developemental issues made them want to choose a life of drugs. I belive they made a choice to not confom to the rules of society and there for they must pay the price of that choice.

You have to agree that we are not totally free and that we must conform to the rules of society.

One thing I cannot stand though is when they try and compare being gay to being black, its not even close to the same thing.

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