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Press Release: Vinny Cerrato Named Executive Vice President (MEGA MERGED)


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If Cerrato was fired by the Redskins there is not one team in the NFL that would hire him. Both Saunders and Williams would be hired by other teams.

Thats just your opinion. He was a successful scout for Notre Dame, and had success with the 49ers. Its not like he was a Krispy Kreme manager who Snyder just threw a bone to. He may not have proven he's a great, or even above average front office guy yet, but it doesn't mean he's not capable of it.

I'm not wed to the guy, but again, you can't credit him with every failing while simultaneously giving Gibbs and Willams credit for all of the successes.

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Can someone tell me, without me reading the entire thread... does Vinny have the say in coaching matters too? Or is it just the roster.


"The Washington Redskins today named Vinny Cerrato to the new position of Executive Vice President/Football Operations. He will assume responsibility for all aspects of the team’s football organization - including personnel, the team roster, scouting and salary cap management."

Straight from the announcement....guess it depends on how you define 'personnel', but it sounds like it to me.

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I thought he had a big part in player personnel issues all along.

Where did I read that.......or what have I missed along the way.

I think the difference here is this:

Cerrato as VP Player/Personnel

Coach A: "Hey Vinnie. I need a scat back. Get me a list of available FA's / potential draft picks by tomorrow. Also, I need a quick WR and a gunslinger QB"

Cerrato: "Okay, here are your options, here is the scouting information, and here's who I recommend. Let me know who you like and we'll see what we can do."

Coach B: "Hey Vinnie... you know that WR, RB, and QB you got last year? They don't fit my system. I need a power back, a posession WR, and a game manager QB. Get me a list by noon tomorrow"

Cerrato: "Okay, here are your options, here is the scouting information, and here's who I recommend. Let me know who you like and we'll see what we can do."

Coach C: "Hey Vinnie... I need a RB with a combination of speed AND power. And I need a WR with speed. And a young QB prospect would be great.

Cerrato: "Sigh."

Cerrato as Executive VP

Coach A: "I'm gonna need new players along the O and D lines, as well as a new QB, new RB, and new corps of WR's.

Cerrato: "How about you :stfu: and let me worry about what you need and what you don't need? I didn't bring you here to scout players, I brought you here to coach the team."


That's the difference as I see it. It's a big one imho... and like I said, we should give him the benefit of the doubt. At least give him a few years to see how he does.


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Straight from the announcement....guess it depends on how you define 'personnel', but it sounds like it to me.

I guess that's what I'm not fully understanding. I take personnel to simply mean personnel on the playing field. :whoknows:

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I guess I'm the only ESer that sees this as a good thing. Yes, I have disparaged Vinny on many occasions, but at least we have a REAL GM now!

For all we know, Vinny was in Snyders ear crying the blues over the Duckett selection, Archuletta, Lloyd.....but was overruled by Gibbs, Williams or Saunders.

Now, there is no passing the buck. Its on YOU Vinny. Except for the playcalling. Maybe you wanted to give Bugel a pick or two in the draft. Maybe you didn't want to use our #1 on a DB every single year. Maybe you actually saw the need for us to have a real WR. Maybe you were slapped down by the coaches who were more than coaches. Maybe, but the maybe's are over. Good or bad, we should have a focus now. Regardless of your title, your job description is a REAL GM!

It's sink or swim time on your own now Vinny. I hope you end up looking like Mark Spitz. But if you don't like GW, can't you find a better coach than Fassel? I'm just sayin......

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Now, there is no passing the buck. Its on YOU Vinny.

I think this is very important, and has been one of the most overlooked aspects of this move.

I think what this organization has lacked for a long time is accountability. And I think thats what Joe Gibbs II legacy will be when its all said and done. Joe came in and put the team on his shoulders... moves like this ensure that there is clear leadership and direction for the franchise, and it doesn't change with the tides.

And hey... if Vinny proves incompetent... I'll be the first one calling for his head. Trust me on that one :)

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I think this is very important, and has been one of the most overlooked aspects of this move.

I think what this organization has lacked for a long time is accountability. And I think thats what Joe Gibbs II legacy will be when its all said and done. Joe came in and put the team on his shoulders... moves like this ensure that there is clear leadership and direction for the franchise, and it doesn't change with the tides.

And hey... if Vinny proves incompetent... I'll be the first one calling for his head. Trust me on that one :)


AMEN I LOVE this decision.

Now we have a GM and a person to point fingers at.

Vinnie, glad to have you!

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I am going to be furious. Look, it was embarassing being a redskin fan through the whole schottenheimer, turner, spurrier, era.

We have made strides and made the playoffs two of the last three years.

Enter Dan the Douchebag and Vinny his retarded sidekick to overhaul the entire coaching staff after the retirement of Gibbs. The entire coaching staff that the team bonded with after a tragedy filled season.

So right when the team appears to be turning a corner and has a chance to rise above mediocrity, lets fire the offensive coordinater and give our young, inexperienced quarterback an entire new offense to learn. Hell, he played well enough last year to warrant changes like that. Then, lets get rid of the guy that the whole team is asking for, a respected member of the staff that led a banged up oft injured defense back in the top 10 in the league.

Nah, lets switch it all up, start from scratch with new coaches and a new philosophies and systems. I mean, there is plenty of room for error and a learning curve when you play in the NFC east right? Easy ass division. Hell, lets promote the guy who is responsible for making us laughing stock of the league when it comes to personnel decisions. Give him more money and responsibility.

I swear to everything holy, if they do this, and this team goes less than 9-7, and Im talking THIS upcoming year, I will be LIVID, and considering other NFL teams to adapt.

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I am going to be furious. Look, it was embarassing being a redskin fan through the whole schottenheimer, turner, spurrier, era.

We have made strides and made the playoffs two of the last three years.

Enter Dan the Douchebag and Vinny his retarded sidekick to overhaul the entire coaching staff after the retirement of Gibbs. The entire coaching staff that the team bonded with after a tragedy filled season. Yada yada.

Welcome to the thread that is currently discussing your 2 favorite people. All you had to do was look and it was there.

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Check this 05' WP article out about Vinny...


Now if Dan had a sense of humor he would now announce that he had hired Marty as HC. Then Marty could fire Vinny, again!


That article is still so funny.... :laugh:

You can hear Vinny....Look Look...i actually do some work.

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What is the difference between VP Football Operations (what he was) and Executive VP Football Operations (what he now is). I keep thinking about the comedian Eddie Izzard and his explanation as to the difference between a transvestite and an executive transvestite.


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I bashed Vinny hard earlier in this thread:

After I took a step back and read the entire thread thus far I have come to a conculsion(subject to change at anytime):silly: :

1: Vin is now our unoffical/offical GM which is a little iffy IMO

2: I do believe he is a smart man which makes me believe he has learned from his mistakes

3: This looks like that there is some accountablity in FO now which we haven't had in a very long time

4: No matter how I feel about Vinny or the next new Head Coach I will be pulling for them to help our Redskins win some Superbowls.

5: As a DIEHARD SKIN'S FAN I will probably question some of the playcalling and personal desicions being made. Hey I am fan I have the right.

Now lets go out there and kick some ass!!


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From PFT:

POSTED 9:11 p.m. EST, January 22, 2008


The Washington Redskins have promoted V.P. of football operations Vinny Cerrato to the position of Executive Vice President -- Football Operations.

"The appointment formalizes the structure the team has operated under in recent years, and is recognition of the valuable role Vinny has played this season, especially during a time of terrible tragedy," said Redskins owner Dan Snyder. "During the past season we were hit with an unprecedented number of injuries, and Vinny consistently identified players who stepped in and stepped up to help take us to the playoffs."

The move cements the top end of the power structure in D.C., with Cerrato running the show -- and Snyder still having significant input into the process.

It also means that the next coach must temper his ambitions accordingly. For better or worse, Cerrato is entrenched in the Redskins' front office. And no head coach is going to be able to chew into that power -- unless and until he wins a Super Bowl or two.

Not bad for a guy who was fired by the team when Marty Schottenheimer ran the show, and was later re-hired by Snyder.

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I think I saw this theory posted a few times, but maybe Gregg Williams demanded 100% control over player personnel decisions?

Now, Dan and Vinny may not have the best record, but I trust them more than I do Gregg Williams (see Adam Archuleta over Ryan Clark, Warrick Holdman over Lavar Arrington, etc.)

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Oh, please! Don't start spinning this crap that Cerrato is a good man for the job after all! We ALL KNOW that is BS ON STILTS! That is nothing but SPIN!

I swear that I just read someone say this is a sign of accountability. WHAT????????? If there was ANY accountability, Cerrato would have been out of a job before Arch Deluxe or Brandon Lloyd.

I swear I am going to start going nuts if I see you guys start to try to spin this into a good thing for the team. THIS IS BS! We can hope it isn't too bad, but to act like this is a good sign is PURE UNADULTERATED ASININITY!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh, please! Don't start spinning this crap that Cerrato is a good man for the job after all! We ALL KNOW that is BS ON STILTS! That is nothing but SPIN!

I swear that I just read someone say this is a sign of accountability. WHAT????????? If there was ANY accountability, Cerrato would have been out of a job before Arch Deluxe or Brandon Lloyd.

I swear I am going to start going nuts if I see you guys start to try to spin this into a good thing for the team. THIS IS BS! We can hope it isn't too bad, but to act like this is a good sign is PURE UNADULTERATED ASININITY!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have any suggestions? I am not being sarcastic with that question either.

Do I think Vin is the best man for the job(no)

Do I have a choice about Vin being EVP (no)

The only thing I can do is hope for the best.


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