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Press Release: Vinny Cerrato Named Executive Vice President (MEGA MERGED)


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Look at the bright side....

He now has to shoulder the ultimate responsibility for this team -GOOD OR BAD.

I hate Vinny Cerrato and I hate Dan Snyder, but at least now we have somebody to point to - where as before with Gibbs, Snyder, and Cerrato forming a three headed disappearing act when asked who was running, we didn't know who was running the show.

Dan has given you enough rope to hang yourself, big boy...

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The good thing is, we'll see how much Vinny actually has, rather than having him hide behind others. To be fair, no one outside of the organization really knows how good of a job he's doing, becuase of all the other problems this organization has had. How much of his failures under Spurrier and how much of the successes under Gibbs were his responsibility? Hard to say. Now, we get to see.


Because, as we all know, it's always better to give out the most important job in a business to someone totally unproven in any capacity, than actually look for someone qualified, who has done it right before, somewhere else.

You'd spin a turdcycle into something everyone should give a chance, and try, just one time.

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Shouldn't we wait for the announcement of the new HC before we decide whether or not this is good or a bad thing?

The Redskins organization certainly has to restructure itself with Gibbs retiring. Remember he wasn't just the coach. He was the President too. In reality, Dan has to not only find a new HC but has to restructure the front office as well.

Joe Gibbs had a lot power within this organization & I think we forget that he was more than just our HC.

Fact is that while VC will have a ton of power on the direction of this team, the relationship that he builds with our new HC will dictate whether or not his position will be one of success. Until we have our HC in place, I don't think you can come to the conclusion that we are doomed.

I am not ready to hop on the Titanic just yet. Hang tight..there are more changes to come. Once we get the full picture of the organization than we can make sense of the changes we are going through...

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Shouldn't we wait for the announcement of the new HC before we decide whether or not this is good or a bad thing?

The Redskins organization certainly has to restructure itself with Gibbs retiring. Remember he wasn't just the coach. He was the President too. In reality, Dan has to not only find a new HC but has to restructure the front office as well.

Joe Gibbs had a lot power within this organization & I think we forget that he was more than just our HC.

Fact is that while VC will have a ton of power on the direction of this team, the relationship that he builds with our new HC will dictate whether or not his position will be one of success. Until we have our HC in place, I don't think you can come to the conclusion that we are doomed.

I am not ready to hop on the Titanic just yet. Hang tight..there are more changes to come. Once we get the full picture of the organization than we can make sense of the changes we are going through...

Since the President job is still open makes me think the next head coach will be given that title as well. If that is the case then it has to be someone Like Cowher.. Better yet Marty ball coming back after firing Vinny.. That would be great entertainment.

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Shouldn't we wait for the announcement of the new HC before we decide whether or not this is good or a bad thing?

The Redskins organization certainly has to restructure itself with Gibbs retiring. Remember he wasn't just the coach. He was the President too. In reality, Dan has to not only find a new HC but has to restructure the front office as well.

Joe Gibbs had a lot power within this organization & I think we forget that he was more than just our HC.

Fact is that while VC will have a ton of power on the direction of this team, the relationship that he builds with our new HC will dictate whether or not his position will be one of success. Until we have our HC in place, I don't think you can come to the conclusion that we are doomed.

I am not ready to hop on the Titanic just yet. Hang tight..there are more changes to come. Once we get the full picture of the organization than we can make sense of the changes we are going through...

Interesting thing is, although everyone's certain that this spells doom for a Gregg Williams offer, I could also see another possibility. They could have made this move, intending afterall to make GW the next head coach, but to ensure there was no doubt who ultimately would be calling the shots and to eliminate any campaigning for a greater role from the get-go. That could be crazy talk and all, but I could see it as a strategy. Whether GW would go for that or not, I don't know.

One reason I'm NOT convinced that GW is out of it is that he's remained 'mum' and apparently 'in the running'. Having watched him for awhile, I'd be shocked if he would still have his hat in the ring if he truly thought he was being overlooked or disrespected. This might be a move to check GW's ego and influence, not to block his hire, but to do it and be able to control him a little.

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Shouldn't we wait for the announcement of the new HC before we decide whether or not this is good or a bad thing?

No need to wait.

This __is__ a Bad Thing.

Not sure how it could be worse... oh wait... Fassell might be the head coach...

There is no God.


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Interesting thing is, although everyone's certain that this spells doom for a Gregg Williams offer, I could also see another possibility. They could have made this move, intending afterall to make GW the next head coach, but to ensure there was no doubt who ultimately would be calling the shots and to eliminate any campaigning for a greater role from the get-go. That could be crazy talk and all, but I could see it as a strategy. Whether GW would go for that or not, I don't know.

One reason I'm NOT convinced that GW is out of it is that he's remained 'mum' and apparently 'in the running'. Having watched him for awhile, I'd be shocked if he would still have his hat in the ring if he truly thought he was being overlooked or disrespected. This might be a move to check GW's ego and influence, not to block his hire, but to do it and be able to control him a little.

Hence..Why it is a good idea for everyone to hold on tight for all the pieces of puzzle to be in place.

This (VC's promo) will be back page news once the new HC is decided upon. I just don't see how anyone can make the assumption that all is doom & gloom when we don't know all the facts just yet..

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Interesting thing is, although everyone's certain that this spells doom for a Gregg Williams offer, I could also see another possibility. They could have made this move, intending afterall to make GW the next head coach, but to ensure there was no doubt who ultimately would be calling the shots and to eliminate any campaigning for a greater role from the get-go. That could be crazy talk and all, but I could see it as a strategy. Whether GW would go for that or not, I don't know.

One reason I'm NOT convinced that GW is out of it is that he's remained 'mum' and apparently 'in the running'. Having watched him for awhile, I'd be shocked if he would still have his hat in the ring if he truly thought he was being overlooked or disrespected. This might be a move to check GW's ego and influence, not to block his hire, but to do it and be able to control him a little.

I can picture that. Dan could very well be playing a power move on GW.. I will never forget the second "G" is for genius.

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Hence..Why it is a good idea for everyone to hold on tight for all the pieces of puzzle to be in place.

This (VC's promo) will be back page news once the new HC is decided upon. I just don't see how anyone can make the assumption that all is doom & gloom when we don't know all the facts just yet..

Yeah, I totally agree. Any other attitude is just illogical. We have zero control or impact on the decisions being made.

I'm just fatigued with the thing myself. Being a Redskins fan is exhausting :laugh:

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No need to wait.

This __is__ a Bad Thing.

Not sure how it could be worse... oh wait... Fassell might be the head coach...

There is no God.


I'm not saying that this is the greatest piece of news I've read today. All I'm saying is that the organization is going through more changes than I think we realize. I'm just suggesting to hold tight and let the full picture be in place before we all jump to conclusions.

Fact is that over the last two weeks, there have been more twists, turns, & rumors than I could have ever imagined. I for one, don't think any of us know for sure what the final outcome will be.

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Yeah, I totally agree. Any other attitude is just illogical. We have zero control or impact on the decisions being made.

I'm just fatigued with the thing myself. Being a Redskins fan is exhausting :laugh:

Nothing wrong with having a second job TH. It'll drive a man crazy...:)

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My fellow Skins fans. There is a lot of Vinny bashing going on, especially today since he got named Executive VP. So, I'm going to start something different........I'm listing good things about Cerrato.

Let see..........well, he breathes out Carbon Dioxide, which is good for plant life on earth.

Well, that's about all I can come up with........can anybody else think of anything?

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Because, as we all know, it's always better to give out the most important job in a business to someone totally unproven in any capacity, than actually look for someone qualified, who has done it right before, somewhere else.

You'd spin a turdcycle into something everyone should give a chance, and try, just one time.

Except that, unlike us, Snyder actually knows what he has done well and hasn't done well.

I'm not saying if it is a good thing or a bad thing, but what it will mostly settle is if Vinny is worth a damn or not. Right now, most fans seem to speculate based on very little hard evidence.


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One reason I'm NOT convinced that GW is out of it is that he's remained 'mum' and apparently 'in the running'. Having watched him for awhile, I'd be shocked if he would still have his hat in the ring if he truly thought he was being overlooked or disrespected. This might be a move to check GW's ego and influence, not to block his hire, but to do it and be able to control him a little.

And doesn't GW get an extra payday if he isn't the next HC anyway?

To GW, this whole thing is a Win-Win, either way it turns out. He can sit for a year and take the best job available next year if he wants.

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And doesn't GW get an extra payday if he isn't the next HC anyway?

To GW, this whole thing is a Win-Win, either way it turns out. He can sit for a year and take the best job available next year if he wants.

I think it was Andyman (check his posts) who debunked the million dollar parachute. I know the press still reports it as fact.
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Except that, unlike us, Snyder actually knows what he has done well and hasn't done well.

I'm not saying if it is a good thing or a bad thing, but what it will mostly settle is if Vinny is worth a damn or not. Right now, most fans seem to speculate based on very little hard evidence.


And since Snyder is anything but an NFL expert, he is likely basing a good job on him not liking some of the boneheaded signings like Archuleta, Lloyd, Duckett, (there had to be a few that he disagreed with) which are no-brainer idiot moves for the cost to anyone who has posted here for the past 2-3 years, yet Snyder probably thinks he's a genius for seeing that Archuleta is not in fact the best Safety in the NFL, or that Duckett isn't worth 2 first day draft picks for one year on the bench (JUST IN CASE), or that Lloyd isn't worth 2 higher draft picks than the Pats gave up for Moss, maybe he liked Merriman over Rogers, or didn't agree with the 2nd rounder given up in the Bailey/Portis deal, etc. To a lot of fans, its been obvious that the team is still making idiot moves, but to Snyder, who knows. :2cents:

If they go out in March and sign someone like Reggie Williams from the Jags to a 7 year 33Mil contract will you still say the same thing? I mean, he did have 10TD's this year, right?

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This tells me 2 things.

(1) It looks like Vinny Cerrato has filled the power vacuum left by Gibbs.

(2) Fassel will be the head coach of the Washington Redskins.


Here is my reasoning.

Gibbs and Dan talked about the continuity, but Fassel is the opposite of that -- which tells me that Fassel move is likely initiated by Cerrato.

The fact that Cerrato has been promoted tells me that Cerrato's influence over Dan has GROWN. Greater influence over Dan by Cerrato + Fassel interview = Fassel the new HC.

This looks like a done deal.

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