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Press Release: Vinny Cerrato Named Executive Vice President (MEGA MERGED)


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You guys wanted a GM so damn bad. Now you got one.

As much as I hate to admitt it, you're right. All the posts I have read on ES people were constantly calling for a GM. Now we got one, even though that's not his official title that's basically what he'll be doing. I know a lot of people on here hate Vinny but the one good thing I can say about him is that he seems to have a good understanding of the salary cap. Many times in the past it seemed like we were headed for cap trouble but come draft time we were able to restructure contracts and get rid of players who were not living up to potential, just my honest opinion. HTTR

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Support Cerrato? Merely because he has the job?

I don't get that. Blind jingoism-like loyalty doesn't make sense here.

Surely no one is complimentary of the job he is doing. But he got promoted and you are going to support it? Out of blind loyalty? Why?

Like or not, ladies and gentlemen, the wheels are coming off this train. It's obvious. And it's directly attributable to one person: Danny Snyder.

Surely we can see where this is headed.

Going into this off-season, we had some big questions. We have a seriously desperate salary-cap situation that will need to be dealt with. Sure, Snyder and his crew are geniuses at gaming the system, but we all know he needs help. He needs players who are willing to renegotiate contracts. He needs players to make sacrifices for the team. Some players refused to do it last year. But we are going to need players to do it this year.

What do we offer these players? Massive uncertainty coupled with the promotion of a yes man to the important position where a football man should be. It is becoming increasingly clear that in addition to Gibbs, it is possible that both of our coordinators may be gone. If Gregg was going to get the job, he would have had it by now. That seems at least reasonable to think. And it looks like Saunders is disfavored as well.

So we could be looking at a total coaching switch with new schemes on both sides of the ball with the decisions being made by a Yes-man Cerrato that is incompetent.

If you are these players--players we are dependent upon to resign, renegotiate and do what it takes to stay a Redskin--are you looking at a positive situation or a negative one? I submit it would be negative. Questions at QB become even more precarious with a scheme change. All of our old players will be another year older. Our salary cap situation will be precarious (even though it will get done somehow).

Quite simply, things look bleak. But support Cerrato? Well, I'm certainly going to hope he is a miracle worker, and I certainly won't be hoping he fails. But support him? You've got to be kidding me.

Snyder is running this team into the ground. If he was prepared to do a complete rebuild, then he SHOULD have found a football man to be placed into the position he just gave to a Yes Man.

This stinks, and it is just more signs of things to come.

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I thought he had a big part in player personnel issues all along.

Where did I read that.......or what have I missed along the way.


I love how everybody on this site comes on here, gets all worked up, and simply assumes that Vinny was the sole reason for our inability to hit on late picks, or that he had absolutely nothing to do with the drafting of our successful first round picks.

Too many people on here are speaking as if they are sitting at table when personnel decisions are being made and that they have 100% proof as to the contributions of Cerrato.

I'm not saying that I know any better than anybody else...but I do know that I've heard it directly from the mouth of Gibbs in pressers, and media releases that decisions about who to draft have been a team effort - and we do know that Cerrato was part of that team.

As to the degree of influence that any one member part of that team had...well, I suppose our determinations of that comes down to what we want to believe since nobody on this website has come out and said that they've witnessed the internal workings of this franchise firsthand.

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People were calling for a GM and now we essentially got one, but in reality when people were clamoring for a GM what we really were clamoring for is some new people in the mediocre (being kind tonight) front office that we've had for quite some time.

It just so happened that we didn't have anyone with the title of GM so people said "We need a GM" which really is just code for "Snyder/Cerrato/Gibbs have done jack and we need someone new in here who actually can build a sustainable team".

Promoting Cerrato fills me with dread about where this franchise is going and I still find it amazing that a franchise as rich in tradition as the Washington Redskins and flush with all that money that can be thrown out there to attract the best and brightest minds the NFL has to offer, Dan Snyder seems content to have Vinny Cerrato (who's name is the butt of jokes around the NFL) as the man he leans on for all his football advice almost from day one of his ownership.

I guess the good news is, like others have mentioned, Vinny now has an official title. This is now officially his team :doh: :( and thus he will bare the responsiblity for it's failure.

No more excuses.

No more hiding behind Steve Spurrier or Joe Gibbs.

Vinny and by extension Dan Snyder are front and center now.

Let's see what you got.

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Support Cerrato? Merely because he has the job?

I don't get that. Blind jingoism-like loyalty doesn't make sense here.

Surely no one is complimentary of the job he is doing. But he got promoted and you are going to support it? Out of blind loyalty? Why?

It comes down to this: are you a builder or a wrecker?

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I'm willing to give Cerrato the benefit of the doubt. None of us want, ever, to hold Saint Joe accountable for any of the missteps of the past 4 years, yet he probably deserves some of the blame, as well as his share of the credit. I think the sames true of Cerrato.

I also think Cerrato is a quality individual, generally all-round good guy. He has none of the 'cutthroat ****' rep that Snyder is saddled with. I think he's generally thought of as fairly capable in most NFL circles. We haven't been very successful in the Snyder era. I'm not sure thats the sole fault of Cerrato.

Only negative I'll really focus on is that he and Snyder are clearly lifelong friends. I don't know how great an idea it is to put your best friend into such a crucial role. It really makes it tough to hold him accountable. And it gives the appearance that you're more interested in protecting a friend than getting to where you seek to go.

I don't think it helps Snyder in finally dumping the 'can't build a winning franchise' tag he's been saddled with since he bought the team. Ironically, it may be one of his nicer qualities, loyalty and support of a real friend, thats holding him back. Then again, if it somehow works out, it'll no doubt be all that sweeter to have done it with someone you admire, like, and chose above all others to go to war with.

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Semi-off topic:

Adam Schefter just reported that Jim Fassel and Rex Ryan could be the guys Vinny is leaning towards. Gregg is as good as gone I think according to what I just heard.

I almost started a "why isn't Rex Ryan getting a look" thread today.. but didn't. But I still wonder what's up with that? Skuttlebutt during the season made me think that he was a shoe in for one of the open spots. Doesn't interview well? He certainly has as good a coordinators pedigree as anyone else out there. Maybe its because he's Buddy's son?

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I know i'm going to get clowend for this but I just couldn't help once the comparison poped in my head. It makes pretty good sense a rich billionaire owner and his loyal assistant none of us know what their partnership is like but obviusoly their very loyal to each other. If Mr. Burns ran a sports team he would try to do everything to make sure his team could bring in the most money possible weather its squeezing as many seats in a stadium as possible or jack up prices but other than that Dan's class totally seperate the two.

Don't take it to hard out on me just trying to lighten the mood instead of all this coach if we keep this up will all be exhausted by the time the real season begins FREE AGENCY thats if we have a coach :laugh: .

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Only negative I'll really focus on is that he and Snyder are clearly lifelong friends. I don't know how great an idea it is to put your best friend into such a crucial role. It really makes it tough to hold him accountable. And it gives the appearance that you're more interested in protecting a friend than getting to where you seek to go.

Surely that finger points both ways?! That aside, who better to battle by your side than your best friend? Into the breach, my dear Redskins. It will be glorious!

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I'm willing to give Cerrato the benefit of the doubt. None of us want, ever, to hold Saint Joe accountable for any of the missteps of the past 4 years, yet he probably deserves some of the blame, as well as his share of the credit. I think the sames true of Cerrato.

I also think Cerrato is a quality individual, generally all-round good guy. He has none of the 'cutthroat ****' rep that Snyder is saddled with. I think he's generally thought of as fairly capable in most NFL circles. We haven't been very successful in the Snyder era. I'm not sure thats the sole fault of Cerrato.

Only negative I'll really focus on is that he and Snyder are clearly lifelong friends. I don't know how great an idea it is to put your best friend into such a crucial role. It really makes it tough to hold him accountable. And it gives the appearance that you're more interested in protecting a friend than getting to where you seek to go.

I don't think it helps Snyder in finally dumping the 'can't build a winning franchise' tag he's been saddled with since he bought the team. Ironically, it may be one of his nicer qualities, loyalty and support of a real friend, thats holding him back. Then again, if it somehow works out, it'll no doubt be all that sweeter to have done it with someone you admire, like, and chose above all others to go to war with.

I agree with your thoughts on the negative aspects of this move. They are very good friends. How will THE DAN handle it, should Vinny make some bonehead personnel moves.

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I agree with your thoughts on the negative aspects of this move. They are very good friends. How will THE DAN handle it, should Vinny make some bonehead personnel moves.

Hope your doing ok Blondie. Now my comment. Your assuming a Vinny failure. Why not assume a Vinny success? Lets wipe the slate and move forward with the scoreboard at 0-0. Plenty of time to critique later.

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He truly is a very talented individual. I mean, how many people do you know that can do less with more? Now you will see. And on the first day God created man...................and on the 666th day he created Dan Snyder. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Save us from the Dannster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'll take you at your word on the shortening of my name part. Sorry, but people do that sometimes to try and imply I'm stoned, as if it some how means what I'm saying is false. So it's not me having an axe to grind, simply something I've seen others do.

I know you don't like the structure, I read your posts. How is that an assumption? I'm saying you knew what that terminology was attached to, and that this isn't the first time you've disrespected Taylor because you were caught up in your arguments and weren't thinking. I don't believe you quoted it simply to quote it. You had a reason for quoting it. And I don't block anyone's comments, or anyone for that matter.

How is picking apart an argument disrespectful? It's what you do in effective counter-arguing. How am I making myself look high and mighty? Tell me what part of attaching a Cerrato promotion to a phrase that is used to describe Sean Taylor's death is not disrespectful. Through all your accusations, you keep dodging this question and blaming Czaban. You are the one who put the quote up.

First, I'm glad you see I wasn't making fun of your name because I wasn't.

Secondly, how am I disrespecting Taylor? Despite my personal feelings about the organizational structure, all I did was quote something Steve Czaban said over the radio, nothing more, nothing less. I found it to be a powerful statement concerning this latest rumor and Sean Taylor's death never crossed my mind with it. I didn't even mention Taylor as what happened to him has NOTHING to do with what we're talking about here and what the quote referred to. Your linking my quoting Czaban to your idea of my alleged attempt to disrespect Sean Taylor is nothing but your projecting your personal dislike for me. You're deliberately trying to pick a fight with me when all I did was post a quote from a radiohead that just so happened to fall in line with what a lot of posters have said earlier in this thread, from the puke symbols to the picture of the storm cloud. Why are you singling me out for disagreeing with the organization when there are plenty of others doing the same thing?

You're comparing apples to oranges and basically just trying to project your dislike for me. Yet, you accuse me of posting "drama queen BS?"

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I draw the line at someone saying Vinny Cerrato is well respected in many circles in the NFL.


I have never read anything but jokes about this guy.

Totally agree. When Peter King was on the Thompson show (or was it Riggins?) he related a story of how one of Gibb's friends was talking to Gibbs right before he came back. HE said, "Joe, I hear that Vinny is 32 out of 32 talent evaluators in the NFL". Gibbs replied that it didn't matter, they would just work 16 hours a day and get it done.

If Cerrato was fired by the Redskins there is not one team in the NFL that would hire him. Both Saunders and Williams would be hired by other teams.

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