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Are we the Raiders of the east?


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Without doubt our organizational structure is similar to the Oakland raiders with Al Davis its owner has the control of the organization and does not need a GM. Indeed this type of organization is effective from the old days were salary cap and scouting is now big deal in building a team.

Raiders is once a proud “once” a proud team as shown by their 3 super bowls. But now cannot field a competitive team (with the exception of their rich Gannon lead super bowl appearance)

Sad to say, we are more like the raiders of the east now a day with Snyder afraid of hiring a GM to oversee the football side just like Al Davis.

My cousin lives in Oakland are continuously hoped that Mr. Al will change his ways but until now he’s philosophy and ways are hard to break. Thought there are signs of improvement from their team this season its hard to ignore that the best players shied away from playing for this team.

Hope that Mr. Snyder will read this and consider hiring a GM for us to be competitive even without or beloved JG.

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No you are absolutely wrong, especially the 19 year olds who come on here and make a comparison to Oakland.

Do a little research before spitting stupidity.

A spot on the Washington roster and a spot on the Washington coaching staff are two of the most coveted positions in the entire NFL. Roster spots and coaching positions in Oakland might be the least coveted.

Don't be dumb.

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No. We are not. And you fatalists are dragging me down. If you really are looking for a cliff they're not that hard to find.

Oakland has had numerous coaches not only say they wouldn't coach there, but actually refuse to coach there. As to our front office structure, it may be similar to theirs, but it's also similar to the Patriots, Eagles, and Cowboys. Jerry Jones is far more hands-on than Snyder. Neither the Eagles nor the Patriots technically have a GM, but rely on a personell director and a concensus GMing.

If you look at our team objectively and ask yourself... can a team lose its starting Corner, Safety, Best Rushing Linebacker, Weak Side Linebacker for enormous stretches, then on offense lose your right tackle, right guard, backup right tackle, both starting wide receivers, your starting quarterback, your third receiver for the whole season or multiple games and rely extensively on back ups for 9 out of 22 starting spots and not only remain competitive, but make the playoffs.

I think that you couldn't be too miserable with depth assembled.

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No you are absolutely wrong, especially the 19 year olds who come on here and make a comparison to Oakland.

Do a little research before spitting stupidity.

A spot on the Washington roster and a spot on the Washington coaching staff are two of the most coveted positions in the entire NFL. Roster spots and coaching positions in Oakland might be the least coveted.

Don't be dumb.


And I'm 19.:silly:

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Get real. We may be the more poorly ran then any of the teams in the NFC East RIGHT NOW......but dont sit here and compare what the Redskins are going through to what the Raiders are going through right now......thats just silly. :doh:

The Raiders have an absolute DISASTER on their hands with disgruntled players and very little talent. They really dont have much light at the end of the tunnel enless somehow Jamarcus Russel is a god. There defense is decent but it doesnt help the fact that the offense is just AWFUL, and half the players dont want to be there.

The Redskins are far from that situation.

Edit: By the way....that font blows.

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Get real. We may be the more poorly ran then any of the teams in the NFC East RIGHT NOW...

I disagree with this part of your post...

...but dont sit here and compare what the Redskins are going through to what the Raiders are going through right now......thats just silly. :doh:

The Raiders have an absolute DISASTER on their hands and really dont have much light at the end of the tunnel enless somehow Jamarcus Russel is a god.

The Redskins are far from that situation.

...and wholeheartedly agree with the rest of it.

For anyone to compare the Redskins organization to the Raiders.....


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The big difference is that Al Davis is a former NFL head coach. He has a history of successful scouting and drafting. AD pretty much built the Raider dynasty from the ground up including the marketing dept.

Granted it was mostly pre 2000s, but I'd take AD's personel resumee over Danny's any day.

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At least Al Davis used to know what he was doing when the Raiders had 20 winning seasons out of 21 from 1965-85, and won 3 Super Bowls in that time. He picked good coaches like John Ralston, John Madden, and Tom Flores who all had more say in personnel matters than Crazy Al did. Davis is too old to change his ways now, but Danny Boy has no excuse since he hasn't won squat yet.

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No were not we are a good team that hasnt gotten over the hump. We are too hard on our team. There are teams like Lions, Saints, Browns and Cardinals that havent even been to the Super Bowl. No one wins a Super Bowl every year and not too many teams have gone to the playoffs every year. We need to relax and get some defensive linemen on our team & stop putting them down. This was a hard year but we should be proud at how hard we played.

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No. We are not. And you fatalists are dragging me down. If you really are looking for a cliff they're not that hard to find.

Oakland has had numerous coaches not only say they wouldn't coach there, but actually refuse to coach there. As to our front office structure, it may be similar to theirs, but it's also similar to the Patriots, Eagles, and Cowboys. Jerry Jones is far more hands-on than Snyder. Neither the Eagles nor the Patriots technically have a GM, but rely on a personell director and a concensus GMing.

If you look at our team objectively and ask yourself... can a team lose its starting Corner, Safety, Best Rushing Linebacker, Weak Side Linebacker for enormous stretches, then on offense lose your right tackle, right guard, backup right tackle, both starting wide receivers, your starting quarterback, your third receiver for the whole season or multiple games and rely extensively on back ups for 9 out of 22 starting spots and not only remain competitive, but make the playoffs.

I think that you couldn't be too miserable with depth assembled.


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I watch two things religiously every Sunday in the fall, and that's Redskins games and Raiders games. There are definitely some similarities in the way the teams' fortunes are going right now. Like us, they struggle to find a receiver who is going to play consistently good football. They have a kicker who they feel pretty good about, but who occasionally misses kicks he should make that goes on to hurt them. Like us, their QBs can't do much because the offensive line is not very good and needs an overhaul. Their defense is pretty good, but seems to disappear or take stupid penalties when they most need to get a 3 and out and get the offense back onto the field. Their D line has some big guys, but they are not consistent. They only have one really good pass rusher (Burgess is the Raiders' Andre Carter). Their future seems to rest on an unproven, big young QB who has a rifle arm but may not be that accurate, and is mobile enough to get some yards if the pocket collapses, and strong enough to break a tackle or two along the way. Their coaching staff consists of a D coordinator who has been able to make them a good defense, but then calls a game plan that doesn't seem to use their strengths to shut down an opponent. Like when G. Williams seemed to totally disregard the option of blitzing for a few games earlier this season. They have a ravenous fan base that is passionate and prides itself on trying to make their home games a hostile environment for the opponents. They have long standing, hateful rivalries with their divisional foes. They have a brash, arrogant owner who loves his team, but also loves the business side of running a team. They have lost a lot of close games they could have won the last few seasons.

So, while we may not exactly be the Raiders of the east from a standpoint of respect (or lack of it) throughout the league, and we may be a more desireable place to play or coach, there are some definite resemblances in the Redskins and the Raiders.

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I'm as hard on this franchise as anyone but we sure as hell aren't Oakland Raiders bad. I mean two playoffs in the last three years definitely makes us better then that ****ty franchise.
But doesn't their playoff record of 2000-2002, plus their AFC championship and Superbowl appearance trump our 2 wildcard appearances and one playoff victory in the last 7 years?
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No were not we are a good team that hasnt gotten over the hump. We are too hard on our team. There are teams like Lions, Saints, Browns and Cardinals that havent even been to the Super Bowl. No one wins a Super Bowl every year and not too many teams have gone to the playoffs every year. We need to relax and get some defensive linemen on our team & stop putting them down. This was a hard year but we should be proud at how hard we played.

We haven't been to the super bowl in 16 years. 1991-92 season. Although we won the division in 1999, after Dan took over in the middle of the season. Since that year we've been net loosers over Dan's Tenure of offseason media events.

We've had 4 coaches in eight years. ( Norv, Marty, Steve, Joe )... and none have finished here as a net winner.

We aren't the Raiders of the east, cause frankly the Raiders went to a superbowl only four years ago. We used to say we were the Clevelend of the east, but Cleveland was 10-6 this year.

Other than Joe's one playoff victory on the road in tampa, I think we are ahead of Arizona Cardinals type of futility.... but well behind the Raiders.

Arizona last had a home playoff game in 1948 which they lost. The Cardinals franchise had not won a single playoff game since their title year of 1947, resulting in the longest active drought in professional sports history.

At least we are better than Arizona....

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