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Are we the Raiders of the east?


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I am not sure why Bengals football has become acceptable in Washington. I love the team and support them if they are 16-0 or 0-16, doesnt mean I cant be honest and say this is hardly a powerhouse football team. I demand more from my team because they are a great franchise and 31-36 over 4 years in unacceptable. But I still love them.

Taking the 52-7 beating at the hands of the future Superbowl champions shows you how far this team has to go to get competitive outside the weak NFC.

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Only once have we ever finished dead last in the league and that was in 1961. The Raiders, on the other hand, have been in the hunt for the first draft pick each of the last five years.

We both have a 4-12 and a 5-11 season since 2003 but in our case it's just one of each with a rebuilding year and two playoff seasons in between. In their case, it's three 4-12 seasons with an unimaginable 2-14 in between. They have four coaches over this five year span while we had just two.

There are some similarities but if we were as utterly abyssmal as the Raiders, I'm not sure I would be here. It would be very painful, but I think I would have to distance myself for my own sanity.


EDIT: For some reason, I always think we went 4-12 in 2003. It was 5-11, which makes us look that much more better than Oakland but I couldn't find a way to change that paragraph that I liked.

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I know that Al Davis is old and decrepit, but the guy was the commissioner of the AFL. He was a head coach at one point and now has been the owner for how many years. He has won super bowls as an owner. There is no way no how that we are like the Raiders currently.

If you are comparing Al Davis overall to Dan Snyder, there is no comparison. Al Davis wins hands down. He is in the hall of fame and has the track record to prove it. If you are saying in the last ten years, well, They barely beat us. As stated earlier, they were in the super bowl back in 2003. We haven't sniffed a superbowl in over 17 years. But we have been in the playoffs recently and they haven't been since after their super bowl apperance.

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I do agree about the assessments about their coaching staff vs. ours. At least we are not looking for a coach every year. However, their teams have suffered, they have managed to get back to the post season eventually. Yes our FO structure is the same, but Al Davis has picked talent before. HOF Talent and won a lot of Super Bowls. Not saying that it won't happen for us, but if you are just comparing owners to owners, their owner overall beats ours because of the experience he has. If you are saying within a small amount of time, like the last five years, then I would say that we have a slight edge over that time.

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Wow. Just wow. I'm not sure where the heck you all have been the past few years. Sure, I've seen my share of fans who are critical of this coach, player or FO. Hell, even the Owner gets his fair share of criticism around here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I guess this is no different, but I gotta tell ya. I personal think you are out of your mind if you believe the raiders and skins are in any way comparable. The Redskins are NO WHERE near the Raiders. Please. Let this stop. Someone let it stop. My head has been spinning the last few days trying to keep up with everyone's opinion but when I saw this I was speechless. This thread definately takes the cake over all others so far. :doh:

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Without doubt our organizational structure is similar to the Oakland raiders with Al Davis its owner has the control of the organization and does not need a GM. Indeed this type of organization is effective from the old days were salary cap and scouting is now big deal in building a team.

Raiders is once a proud “once” a proud team as shown by their 3 super bowls. But now cannot field a competitive team (with the exception of their rich Gannon lead super bowl appearance)

Sad to say, we are more like the raiders of the east now a day with Snyder afraid of hiring a GM to oversee the football side just like Al Davis.

My cousin lives in Oakland are continuously hoped that Mr. Al will change his ways but until now he’s philosophy and ways are hard to break. Thought there are signs of improvement from their team this season its hard to ignore that the best players shied away from playing for this team.

Hope that Mr. Snyder will read this and consider hiring a GM for us to be competitive even without or beloved JG.

There is the difference. We do feild competitive teams.

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Exactly in the last 2 years we have lost at least 10 games by 4 or less points we need a sack master to help us get over the hump we are closer to the top then bottom. I live in Los Angeles and my Raider buddies have nothing to say and cant even sell their season tickets because the Faders suck we dont suck we were in every game this year except one.

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We haven't been to the super bowl in 16 years. 1991-92 season. Although we won the division in 1999, after Dan took over in the middle of the season. Since that year we've been net loosers over Dan's Tenure of offseason media events.

We've had 4 coaches in eight years. ( Norv, Marty, Steve, Joe )... and none have finished here as a net winner.

We aren't the Raiders of the east, cause frankly the Raiders went to a superbowl only four years ago. We used to say we were the Clevelend of the east, but Cleveland was 10-6 this year.

Other than Joe's one playoff victory on the road in tampa, I think we are ahead of Arizona Cardinals type of futility.... but well behind the Raiders.

Arizona last had a home playoff game in 1948 which they lost. The Cardinals franchise had not won a single playoff game since their title year of 1947, resulting in the longest active drought in professional sports history.

At least we are better than Arizona....


This is a very accurate assessment. If anyone disagrees they are delusional.

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Never said it was a dynasty.

Besides, what does the last 16 years have to do with this current team??

People clown Cleveland, Detroit, Arizona and teams like that when we are in the same pool of organizations. We have done nothing consistent but be inconsisent for the last 16 years. Even teams like the Bears and the Ravens have managed to mix in some 13-3 seasons. We haven't done anything close to dominance since 91. We may have the greatest fans in the world but the product on the field has been less than stellar. You can't just start from last year and evaluate. You must include the good and the bad.

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No you are absolutely wrong, especially the 19 year olds who come on here and make a comparison to Oakland.

Do a little research before spitting stupidity.

A spot on the Washington roster and a spot on the Washington coaching staff are two of the most coveted positions in the entire NFL. Roster spots and coaching positions in Oakland might be the least coveted.

Don't be dumb.

the 19 year olds? the post was started by a 30 something. and your 5 years past 19, not a lot of difference. A spot on the washington roster is coveted in the nfl right now because it means your going to get paid far more then your worth. A spot on the coaching staff means your getting a ton of money. Not because of our glory. If anything players probably (Im not an NFL player just guessing) want to play for either a superbowl team (I hope we can next season) or for a payday, if its the payday, washington is the place to be.

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