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MOST Things Jason Campbell (MERGED)


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What was so wrong with that last pass? It was plenty high, the receiver had a separation...the DB just made a good play on the ball is all.

Are you serious? It was underthrown by 8 yards. The point is to hit Moss in stride, not have him stop and wait for the pass to get there. It was underthrown by a mile. Any highschool DB could pick a underthrown ball.

Just another fumble and 2 picks by the "franchise" QB. He's our best option for what's on the team, but we should draft a young QB. We have 2 old backups and a young QB who stinks.

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We are just pathetic...simple as that.

No we are not pathetic - we are close to being a good team but you dont get anything for being close.

We have got into the habit of losing close games and its a hard habit to break. With a good team when it comes down to tha last play you EXPECT them to find a way to get the TD and come away with the win. WIth us I EXPECT us not to.

Its not a talent issue, or a game planning issue - its a mental/attiude issue.

Everybody has to keep playing, keep coaching and keep cheering and hope we can win a couple and start to develop the habit of winning. Soon.

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Ahh, growing pains.

...you guys knew he'd have them when we were all screaming for Brunell's head, right?

It's going to take more time than this to see what Jason is going to become. Right now he is not playing clutch, but the real question is whether he CAN play clutch. I think he can, so I'll wait.

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Why is it that Campbell and Romo sits to pee have about the same number of starts and one of them is getting it done while the other isn't.

Mind you Romo sits to pee was NOT a top pick either. Something to ponder.

Attribute a lot of it to coaching and the fact that Romo sits to pee has TO. Washington is just now taking the handcuffs off Campbell. Not a fair comparison IMO.

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My 2 cents... I actually think he's going to be a very good quarterback and has a pretty phenomenal skill set...


Here's my problem: on the week of the 2005 draft, no one had heard of Jason Campbell. According to reports, most NFL teams' draft boards had him as a 3rd or 4th rounder. The only team that considered him a first round talent (at that point) was the Redskins... the Broncos (once again) fleeced Snyder: they realized he was panting over Campbell like a puppy dog and drove up the asking price. So instead of waiting for him to fall into our laps later in the draft, what did Snyder do: he WASTED three draft picks to move up for him.

This has nothing to do with whether he will be good or not. Just the fact that they could have had a couple other contributors on top of Campbell that may have been the difference between making the playoffs and teetering on the edge.

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First they said Campbell was just a sub 50% passer. Then he proved he can complete a high percentage of his passes.

Then he couldn't score enough and he threw for 3 TD's.

Then he couldn't throw for 300 yards and he's done that two weeks in a row.

So now everyone that says he is unable to win games at the end will be proven wrong, hopefully soon.

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I'll agree that the lost fumble thing has got to stop. This won't be the last time that the Campbell's Randall Cunningham-esque slow bullwhip throwing motion will cause problems.

And I'll admit that I don't know what we have in Campbell. Is this the painful learning experience that will be the touchstone of future success? Or is this what he is?

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I thought this time last year that Romo sits to pee and Campbell would be rivals duelling for division and conference titles for the next 10 years.

Unfortunately, as much as it pains me to say this, Campbell is nowhere near Romo sits to pee at this point.

Romo sits to pee has reached tier 1 ELITE QB status. Yes he is up there with Brady, Manning, and Favre.

Campbell I'd say is tier 3 at best, same level as guys like Matt Schaub and David Garrard.

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I like JC. He's the best we got.

But he is not the QB of the future. He just doesn't have "IT". It's not just today. It's has happened often. With the game on the line - 2 picks.

Last week - Pick

Eagles - Fumble

With the game on the line, he gets antsy.

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Why is it that Campbell and Romo sits to pee have about the same number of starts and one of them is getting it done while the other isn't.

Mind you Romo sits to pee was NOT a top pick either. Something to ponder.

Ummm, no it's not. Romo sits to pee was giving free rein of the offense from the get-go. We shackled JC and his development. Things like this will happen. Remember, Romo sits to pee looked good during the beginning and then hugely tanked at the end of last year. Romo sits to pee had more experience than JC did as well. While he didn't taken snaps in a regular season game, sitting and learning is huge.

We simply put JC in another bad situation. That's not to say that this isn't his fault. But when you keep pushing and pushing a QB, he's bound to make a mistake, just like a pitcher, no matter how good he is, who a team keeps giving up errors for. You could have C.C. Sabathia out there and he's bound to screw up given enough chances.

Turnovers in the first half screwed us today. Plain and simple. This game shouldn't have come down to the wire, and that's what jacked us up.

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I've had it with the kool aid chuggers here. Campbell has made idiotic decisions to lose the game the last two weeks. He can't play. He has no idea how to look off a primary receiver (and he had all day to do that today). You have to admit your mistakes..which Gibbs and Snyder will never do. Politically correct or not, think about getting a real quarterback next year.

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why does campbells situation always have to be compared to this guy?

how often does Romo sits to pee's story occur, I mean seriously you guys think a lot of the great quarterbacks come in and just start lighting it up the way Romo sits to pee has been doing?

Campbell is not Romo sits to pee...like most nfl qb's there is a learning curve and they get better...Romo sits to pee is an abberation and it would be great if campbell came in and did that but he isnt..that doesnt mean he has a lot of upside though, if anything hes shown more promise then a lot of qbs in a similar position then him

It's silly, and people do it a lot. The learning curve for QBs is usually fairly steep, but once in a while someone steps in and is good from day 1, so people say "If (fill in the blank A) did it and (fill in the blank B), then (B) must be a fialure." Whatever. Just ignore it. Campbell was considered a project coming out of college and he's come quite a long way already. Let's just be happy with the promise and development of Campbell and not worry about people who can't see it.

Romo sits to pee is two years older than Campbell and had two more years on the bench (and playing in the preseason), btw. Yes, that helps with his maturity.

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this is my take. first of all, the kid is trying to bring the team back AGAIN when they shouldn't have been that far down in the first place. second of all....anyone notice that most of his interceptions occur while throwing to moss. is it a coincedence. maybe, but i believe it's because moss is so short, he doesn't want to throw the ball over his head. the results have been interceptions yeah, but i see a different outcome if moss was a few inches taller. it's gotta be tough for a first year starter to make those throws ESPECIALLY when all the pressure is on you trying to bring the team back. the skins lost this game in the first quarter......not the fourth.

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I keep seeing how this is JC's learning yr and take it easy on him

Look at Derek Anderson, its his 1st yr and he din't even have training camp and he's played so much better than JC.

JC is a backup period in this league. He has way too many flaws to overcome, too innacurate, he throws the balls way to high, can't connect on long throw, fumbles way to much.

And we gace 3 picks for him. Great move Gibbs, this is why we needa GM so Gibbs can't go ahad and choose his own players.

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That last pass is the reason I really wish we had a talll jump ball receiver. :(

That is absolutely true. With Santana you have to try and drop it in the back of the endzone in a spot. With a tall reciever jason can throw it to the Back where only the reciever can catch it. YOu cant throw those passes with Moss, Randle El, McCardell. We need a big target in the redzone for JC. Romo sits to pee has one, Brady has one, Eli has one, and most of the good Qbs do.

Romo sits to pee doesnt throw that many touchdowns if he doesnt have OWens.

Also the only reason that Romo sits to pee is brought up in the same discussion is because he plays for the turds. Yes it sucks that the turds have found a QB who has come in and played very well but stop comparing jason to him. He is in a different system with a different oline and different recievers. The advantage is clearly for Romo sits to pee.

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I hope he doesn't turn out like McNabb. Good QB but chokes when it counts.

I am afraid the already has proven to be just like McNabb in choking when it counts. 3 turnovers by him in this game is inexcusable. Especially after the late game turnover last week that sealed the game for the pukes.

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Attribute a lot of it to coaching and the fact that Romo sits to pee has TO. Washington is just now taking the handcuffs off Campbell. Not a fair comparison IMO.

Not to mention Romo sits to pee sat on the sidelines for years before becoming starter, giving him time to get used to things more and mature.

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