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MOST Things Jason Campbell (MERGED)


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It's just my opinion and it is purely speculative. I think because of the way he lost the two games will set him back tremendously. It's awful when the two best games of your short career are also the two worst games of your career. If that makes any sense.

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People forget that Campbell got us back in this game in the first place. Unfortunately, he's still learning. And also unfortunately, we have too many morons here who want to issue blanket indictments of him when all he needs is development to that part of his game.

I love how some here are saying that he's not a leader.


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That's a tough statement to make. You don't know him, so how do you really know what he can and can't recover from?

I will say this: late game chokes are becoming his calling card, and that is a about as bad a characteristic as a quarterback can have. It's too early to go quarterback shopping again, but the Redskins might have to if this continues.

Let me start by saying I am a real big supporter of Joe Gibbs and Jason CAmpbell. I still think we have a QB we can win with in Campbell - and by win I don't just mean win a few games I mean win it all.

However this loss is on Jason Campbells and Joe Gibbs shoulders.

Jason has developed really well but to take the next step and become a true franchise QB he has to make plays at the end of games to win them - just coming up short gets old really quickly in the NFL. Campbell had two shots to win the game and threw two bad INTs when he had time on both throws and failed to come off his first read and forced the ball in when he did not have to.

He also contributed 3 turnovers including the now pretty regular lost fumble.

As for Joe not taking the 3 points when we went for it on 4th down and got stuffed put us in a position where we had to get a TD to win rather than being able to kick a FG to tie it up and go to overtime.

The way our D was playing it was inexcusable to leave the 3 points on the field.

This team has all the ingredients it takes to win but they have got into the habit of losing. Its a tough habit to break and it has to start with Jason Campbell.

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Jason is learning a lot this year. All these close games will not be going the other way next year. He's had a lot of strange games thrown at him this year, which will lead to him getting his veteran pin next year. I have no worries when it comes to Campbell.

It's always about next year with the Redskins. Never about this year.

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Jason is learning a lot this year. All these close games will not be going the other way next year. He's had a lot of strange games thrown at him this year, which will lead to him getting his veteran pin next year. I have no worries when it comes to Campbell.

He still hasn't learned to put a touch on the ball

He is due

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He IS a choker.

This is three straight weeks where we've had a chance to win the game and he's ended the game with a turnover(don't forget the fumble in the Eagles game).

Will he get better? I don't know. Right now he's nothing more than Patrick Ramsey part 2. Strong arm, tough willed, good enough to keep you in most games but can't ever close it out late.

He doesn't have "it." I thought at the end of last year he did but he just doesn't. He's a decent, slightly above average QB who chokes in the clutch.

Speaking of choke slightly OT but Gus Frerotte just fumbled the snap on 4th and goal with a chance to win it. Old habits...

I disagree; JASON has "IT" - he's just in his learning process - plus caught between coaches that want to run 50%:D

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Thank You desioreo87 for this thread! I'm tellin' ya, if you didn't say it, I would have. As painful as it is to lose to those frauds, JC showed the heart of a CHAMPION today. He stood tall in the pocket, while everything fell apart all around him, particularly during the 1st half. Then in the 2nd half, the kid plays virtually flawless football to raise the squad off the mat & put us in position to knock the bucs' teeth out. I'm still VERY proud of his play & development. Of course I hate those turnovers (especially at the end), but he has the mentality to take ownership of those miscues. Looking ahead, I feel that these past three games will do wonders for his development. Jason Campbell is nothing less than a CHAMPION in my book & will lead us to great heights in his career.

(That's some serious kool-aid drinking, eh?)


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are you f****** kidding me. he was the reason we got close to winning the game. he kept us in the game. he still learning. you act like he's peyton manning. he has to mess up to learn not to ever make those mistakes again. this was the very 1st time i can say i trust cambell with the ball. for a kid to actually drive our team the the field from the 7 yardline. to me thats a bright sign for the future. trust me as i speak. we will draft a WR in the 1st round. reason why he did not throw the ball so high is because he knew it would most certainly be out of santana moss's range. if we had a guy like plex B. trust that would of been a TD. but im not blaming know one. im blaming the turnovers. oh wells thats another loss on our notch.

heres to 10-6 lol

HTTR! i still have faith

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Why is it that Campbell and Romo sits to pee have about the same number of starts and one of them is getting it done while the other isn't.

Mind you Romo sits to pee was NOT a top pick either. Something to ponder.

why does campbells situation always have to be compared to this guy?

how often does Romo sits to pee's story occur, I mean seriously you guys think a lot of the great quarterbacks come in and just start lighting it up the way Romo sits to pee has been doing?

Campbell is not Romo sits to pee...like most nfl qb's there is a learning curve and they get better...Romo sits to pee is an abberation and it would be great if campbell came in and did that but he isnt..that doesnt mean he has a lot of upside though, if anything hes shown more promise then a lot of qbs in a similar position then him

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Umm yeah he definitely choked it away. And he did last week too. Can he get past it? Maybe. Is he a good QB? I think so. But he's got to get over this. He's our best player between the hashes, and then he transforms into our worst player when he's near the goal with the game on the line. I hate to see it, because I'm really rooting for the guy.

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