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Any satanists on ES?


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I don't know if this is right or not, but I was given to understand that people who consider themselves satanists don't worship the traditional "devil," or pray to him for evil to take over the world, etc. I thought most people who claim to be satanists essentially worship the earth in some way, and are more about denying God than following our traditional image of the debil.

I don't remember where I read that, and I'm not about to look up satanism on a work computer. ;) But I don't think true satanists are what we would imagine from the perspective of the Christian tradition.

I may be completely wrong though. It's happened once or twice before. :)

I'll tell you what, too. Even as a Christian, I find myself having more respect for, and interest in, Buddhism and Hinduism every day. If the goal of religion is peace and enlightenment, it seems like the people of those faiths "get it right" a lot more often than the rest of us; be we Christian, atheist, satanist, or spaghetti monsterist.

When was the last time you heard of Buddhists or Hindus clashing with anyone over anything? Sure, the Buddhists in Myanmar are standing up for their rights (as they should) but even with their personal freedom and safety on the line, they're doing it in a peaceful way. You can't help but respect that.

I don't know. I guess I'm in the midst of some serious self-evaluation with all the changes in my life going on right now. And maybe I'll be able to piece together the best of a few different world views; as my friend Jumbo seems to have done. But I think if any of us ever take the view that our way of life, or our religion is the be-all to end-all, we're only kidding ourselves.

I now return you to your regularly-scheduled thread. No. I'm not a satanist, but thanks for asking. :)

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I don't know if this is right or not, but I was given to understand that people who consider themselves satanists don't worship the traditional "devil," or pray to him for evil to take over the world, etc. I thought most people who claim to be satanists essentially worship the earth in some way, and are more about denying God than following our traditional image of the debil.

I don't remember where I read that, and I'm not about to look up satanism on a work computer. ;) But I don't think true satanists are what we would imagine from the perspective of the Christian tradition.

I may be completely wrong though. It's happened once or twice before. :)


I wasn't lying.

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I don't know if this is right or not, but I was given to understand that people who consider themselves satanists don't worship the traditional "devil," or pray to him for evil to take over the world, etc. I thought most people who claim to be satanists essentially worship the earth in some way, and are more about denying God than following our traditional image of the debil.

I don't remember where I read that, and I'm not about to look up satanism on a work computer. ;) But I don't think true satanists are what we would imagine from the perspective of the Christian tradition.

I may be completely wrong though. It's happened once or twice before. :)

I believe you are pretty close. The Church of Satan in America essentially claims to worship "self" and the member partake in all manner of immorality and hedonism at their fellowship. I watched an interview with a leader of the church on TV a while back.

When was the last time you heard of Buddhists or Hindus clashing with anyone over anything?




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im a very happy buddhist although i was raised southern baptist. too much turmoil in chrisianity for me. whos right whos wrong....... who cares? you have to know and love yourself before you can truly know or love anyone else.

glass is neither half empty nor half full. it just is and it is all things at once!!

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