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If you wore a condom would you have sex with someone who has AIDS?


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Whenever someone says "the condom broke," what they mean is, "I cut a hole in the tip of the condom."

I have had different results ,I have had them break more often than not.

My only concern was preventing pregnancy though,so a vasectomy took care of that.

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I have had different results ,I have had them break more often than not.

My only concern was preventing pregnancy though,so a vasectomy took care of that.

If they break more often then you're not doing something right. I find it odd that preaching sexual morality tend to have the most "they break often" stories.

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I think your circumstance is relatively unique--and I appreciate the candor that you bring to the table.

When most people approach a situation where they're going to have unprotected sex, they are going through that analysis whether they realize it or not. The more desperate they are for an encounter (in terms of the hotness of their partner or for whatever other reason), the higher up the scale they would be willing to go. As PB mentioned above, this is another way of getting at the risk/reward analysis.

Obviously, this will be different for everyone (as you've shown in your approach), and will depend on the facts and circumstances of the situation.

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If they break more often then you're not doing something right. I find it odd that preaching sexual morality tend to have the most "they break often" stories.

Didn't know I was preaching :laugh:

I could very well have been doing something wrong,but I tried different brands and even letting someone else do the honors :whoknows:

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Dream sex vs. risk of getting AIDS and what that would mean for my life.


If you wife had AIDS, and you had sex with her and contracted it, who would raise your daughter? I understand your argument, but had to ask once I realized you have a daughter. I would think you'd think a little more carefully since you have someone dependant upon you. And yes, you are right, people are living longer with AIDS, but people are still dying from it.

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I have had different results ,I have had them break more often than not.

My only concern was preventing pregnancy though,so a vasectomy took care of that.

More often then not? What the hell are you doing?

You do realize that you are not really suppose to keep them in your wallet...

I have NEVER had one break and only once did it come up during.....

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Odds are very good at least one of us would be working for the next 17+ years to take care of her. Regardless, she'll be taken care of after us.

Like I said, life is risk. I'm done living in a bubble. I'm not sure how most people instantly take the option of "take no risk no matter how much you want something." Check that. I was like that for the firs 29.5 years of my life.

You'd be amazed what facing the prospect of the loss of everything you hold dear can do for/to you. You make arrangements for if the worst happens, and once those arrangements are in order, you decide what's important. Being close to my wife is one of those things. If AIDS were an issue, I'd still take the risk to be closer to her as long as that was an option. That said, sex isn't the most important part of the marriage, and I hope we'll be together after that option is but a memory.

If you have a dream/ goal of sex and have a chance to have it with the woman of your dreams (assumng consent and reasonable age), minimize the consequences and go to it. If you dream of traveling through Africa, don't let the worry of injuring yourself there and needing possible risky medical treatment deter you. One only lives so long, and if you aren't following your dreams, are you really living (well)? You've got one chance.

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Nice job framing the question. Let me try my own...

Would you drive into a brick wall at 40mph with a seat belt on?

I wouldn't. Then again I don't even drive without my seatbelt on. It's not becuase I demand that they be 100% effective. It's because I know that there is a chance that I'll get into an accident and I want to reduce the odds in such a situation of me dying or getting seriously hurt. Same reason people wear condoms. You won't knowingly expose yourself to AIDS (just as you wouldn't drive into a wall) but because you know there is a chance of something going wrong... you take action to reduce the risk.

Driving into a wall with a seatbelt on is almost a 100% chance of getting hurt, maybe even killed.

The only thing you have to worry about with condoms is if they never break.

The best option to reduce risk is to wait until your are married.

And that's what society should push, but there are large parts of society(not all) that push casual sex.

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More often then not? What the hell are you doing?

You do realize that you are not really suppose to keep them in your wallet...

I have NEVER had one break and only once did it come up during.....

Having sex? :silly:

Never had a need to keep them in my wallet either,and they weren't old.

Part of the problem might be extremely rough skin(and sex),but that should not be a issue if she puts it on for me :whoknows:

Obviously it was a problem or a vasectomy would not have been on my list.

It was a lousy Christmas present. :nutkick:

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Let's move on to something else. Let's talk about your tactic here of trying to scare people into moral behavior and why I find it disturbing. First of all moral behavior is about more then just action. You aren't going to save any souls scaring people into a certain behavior because God looks into the hearts of man. Lust as the bible teaches isn't a sin in action but even in thought. The reasons for acting morally can't be self interest or fear of earthly consequence because that strips away the moral aspect of it.

If I point a gun at you and tell you to donate to a charity and you do... are you a moral man for doing so? If I kidnap your mother and instruct you to help the homeless or she gets it and you show up at the soup kitchen.. are you moral man for it? If I threaten you with a life of disease and death if you have sex... are you moral man for staying "pure" because of this fear?

I don't speed because I'm afraid of getting a speeding ticket, but yet I still want to speed.

So should I just go ahead and speed since I'm doing it anyways in my head?

I think I'm going to go commite adultry with this one blonde. I was afraid of getting caught by her husband, but now I realize that I am doing it anyways in my head, so I'm going to just do it anyways, because I'm already guilty of it.

The bible says that the battle is in the mind, and that we are not to be carnal(pertaining to or characterized by the flesh or the body, its passions and appetites; sensual) minded.

7(L)The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;

Fools despise wisdom and instruction.

20(AB)Wisdom shouts in the street,

She lifts her voice in the square;

21At the head of the noisy streets she cries out;

At the entrance of the gates in the city she utters her sayings:

22"How long, O (AC)naive ones, will you love being simple-minded?

And (AD)scoffers delight themselves in scoffing

And fools (AE)hate knowledge?

23"Turn to my reproof,

Behold, I will (AF)pour out my spirit on you;

I will make my words known to you.

24"Because (AG)I called and you (AH)refused,

I (AI)stretched out my hand and no one paid attention;

25And you (AJ)neglected all my counsel

And did not (AK)want my reproof;

26I will also (AL)laugh at your (AM)calamity;

I will mock when your (AN)dread comes,

27When your dread comes like a storm

And your calamity comes like a (AO)whirlwind,

When distress and anguish come upon you.

28"Then they will (AP)call on me, but I will not answer;

They will (AQ)seek me diligently but they will not find me,

29Because they (AR)hated knowledge

And did not choose the fear of the LORD.

30"They (AS)would not accept my counsel,

They spurned all my reproof.

31"So they shall (AT)eat of the fruit of their own way

And be (AU)satiated with their own devices.

32"For the (AV)waywardness of the naive will kill them,

And the complacency of fools will destroy them.

33"But (AW)he who listens to me shall live securely

And will be at ease from the dread of evil."

All from Proverbs 1

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Odds are very good at least one of us would be working for the next 17+ years to take care of her. Regardless, she'll be taken care of after us.

Like I said, life is risk. I'm done living in a bubble. I'm not sure how most people instantly take the option of "take no risk no matter how much you want something." Check that. I was like that for the firs 29.5 years of my life.

You'd be amazed what facing the prospect of the loss of everything you hold dear can do for/to you. You make arrangements for if the worst happens, and once those arrangements are in order, you decide what's important. Being close to my wife is one of those things. If AIDS were an issue, I'd still take the risk to be closer to her as long as that was an option. That said, sex isn't the most important part of the marriage, and I hope we'll be together after that option is but a memory.

If you have a dream/ goal of sex and have a chance to have it with the woman of your dreams (assumng consent and reasonable age), minimize the consequences and go to it. If you dream of traveling through Africa, don't let the worry of injuring yourself there and needing possible risky medical treatment deter you. One only lives so long, and if you aren't following your dreams, are you really living (well)? You've got one chance.

Maybe you jumped in this conversation late.

This isn't about AIDS, nor is it about someone's wife, or love.

This conversation is about the dangers of sex outside of marriage.

A lot of people in society thinks that casual sex with multiple partners is a good thing with little risk.

This topic of sex has been spread out over many different threads.

Basicly any sex topic for the last 2 pages.

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This whole thread could be would you have sex wearing a condom with someone who

has aids, herpies, hepatitis, or some other VD.

I could not imagine just hooking up with someone who I may know, or not know for sex with even the possiblity of them having something. I don't think even viagra could get it up with that in the back of my mind.

I am so glad my wife, and I are the only ones we have been with. People may think its dumb, but imo the saftey of it out weighs everything else. It does doesn't hurt that shes hot as well. :D

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If they break more often then you're not doing something right. I find it odd that preaching sexual morality tend to have the most "they break often" stories.

Not everyone has a small package and finishes faster than rabbit.:silly:

Just kidding.

Anyways I know all about condoms.

My problem is I am packing a soda can down there, and when I have sex I usually go for an hour or more.

Those 2 things will stretch a condom out and make it weaker.

When I'm about to finish I check myself to make sure I don't need a new condom, and then I go for it.

If it breaks, I'm left with a ring around the base of my johnson, and the rest is inside of her.

My last serious relationship (about 12 years ago) we used both condoms and spermicide.

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Driving into a wall with a seatbelt on is almost a 100% chance of getting hurt, maybe even killed.

The only thing you have to worry about with condoms is if they never break.

The best option to reduce risk is to wait until your are married.

And that's what society should push, but there are large parts of society(not all) that push casual sex.

Why is that the best option?

My parents told me to wait until I was ready. And they helped me identify what "Ready was" (And it WAS NOT getting married).

I have too kids - Not only will I not teach them to wait until they are married, but I would teach them it would be a mistake to do so.

Doesn't mean Casual sex. It's not a eaither / or.

Sexual compatibility is a BIG part of spending your life with someone. Waiting until your married to find out if there is a connection there, is too late.

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Not everyone has a small package and finishes faster than rabbit.:silly:

Just kidding.

Anyways I know all about condoms.

My problem is I am packing a soda can down there, and when I have sex I usually go for an hour or more.

Those 2 things will stretch a condom out and make it weaker.

When I'm about to finish I check myself to make sure I don't need a new condom, and then I go for it.

If it breaks, I'm left with a ring around the base of my johnson, and the rest is inside of her.

My last serious relationship (about 12 years ago) we used both condoms and spermicide.

Yup - I'm sure your bigger and go longer and rougher then porn starts that use condoms.....

I'm sure your bigger then a Magnum extra, and rip right through latex.....

You do have a big head.... but it's clearly not the one you are thinking about.

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Why is that the best option?

My parents told me to wait until I was ready. And they helped me identify what "Ready was" (And it WAS NOT getting married).

I have too kids - Not only will I not teach them to wait until they are married, but I would teach them it would be a mistake to do so.

Doesn't mean Casual sex. It's not a eaither / or.

Sexual compatibility is a BIG part of spending your life with someone. Waiting until your married to find out if there is a connection there, is too late.

It's the best option because it's the safest.

Connections/Chemistry starts before sex is ever in the picture.

You either have a very strong connection, or you don't.

If that connection is there, then the sex will follow with no problem.

Now between two virgins, they will need some time to learn the whole process, but that comes QUICKLY.

It's like riding a bike.

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Yup - I'm sure your bigger and go longer and rougher then porn starts that use condoms.....

I'm sure your bigger then a Magnum extra, and rip right through latex.....

You do have a big head.... but it's clearly not the one you are thinking about.

Nah, I'm not bigger, but maybe I do need magnums???

Do I last longer? Maybe, what's the world record?

On 2 seperate occassions I went 4 hours straight before I finished.

I could have finished at any time, but I held it off.

Don't believe me??? Just ask your wife! :silly: j/k

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