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Brandon Lloyd: Could He Be Any Worse? (And other complaints merge)


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Yeah he is frigging terrible. I don't know why the team is even bothering. They should just cut him. I know that there would be cap implications, but he seems to be floundering here. They should move him elsewhere before the trade deadline hits.

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I'm actually starting to feel sorry for this dude. I hope he gets the chance to make some play this sunday, if not he'll be known as another archuleta.

What will it take for some fans to realize that Lloyd is DONE in D.C.? We would all like to see him succeed but it isn't going to happen.

What could Gibbs do, other than hire a skywriter to write "Lloyd is Done" in the skies over Redskins Park, to make it more obvious? JG stated that Lloyd was the #4 receiver BEFORE the Skins acquired Caldwell and McCardell. Where is he now on the depth chart, #6? Well, there is no such thing as a #6 receiver in the NFL.

He's gone, history, out of here, yesterday's news. Farewell, so long, auf wiedersein, goodbye, aloha, sayonara, adieu, ciao, adios (AMF, actually). Are you hardcore optimists starting to catch on yet? Sheesh!

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From my fantasy football site:Fanball

10/05 Redskins: Lloyd misses practice

The News

Redskins wide receiver Brandon Lloyd did not practice on Thursday. He took a kick to the shin during Wednesday's session, the Washington Post reports.

Our View

Redskins fans should have thought of this long ago. Just kick Lloyd in the shin and the Redskins can keep him out on Sunday! Brandon has zero fantasy value.

That about sums it up! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I don't think he could get any better or any worse...he will continue to be the same if we NEVER throw him the ball.

I am sorry but he was very productive on the terrible 49ers as a number 1 a few years back and he has the tools.

Get him the ball he's better than our other receivers.

Once again, B. Lloyds lack of production shows how bad coaching problems still are this year...we don't know how to spread the ball around. Good teams throw to at least 4 targets a game...B. Lloyd should be targeted on at least 3 passes a game as the 3rd wideout...

I am not sure but I think he has been targeted 2 times all year. One of those he caught, but was called back for holding.

I am so sick of everyone picking on the scapegoat...he's a good player with talent, sure he is a prima donna, but OUR COACHES went after him, they need to figure out how to utilize him because they are the ones who are to blaim for his lack of production, it's hard to catch passes and be open when the only route you are allowed to run is a fade.

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I will continue to give him the benefit of the doubt until I see him screw up while actually getting some play time. Yeah he dropped easy passes against Miami, so did all of our receivers (except ARE). I want to see him line up and run some plays, and if he shows no skill, then I'll jump off the fence.

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I will continue to give him the benefit of the doubt until I see him screw up while actually getting some play time. Yeah he dropped easy passes against Miami, so did all of our receivers (except ARE). I want to see him line up and run some plays, and if he shows no skill, then I'll jump off the fence.

Where were you last season? This guy was signed to a $27 million dollar contract.

If this is how things work I was to be CEO of General Electric.

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I will continue to give him the benefit of the doubt until I see him screw up while actually getting some play time. Yeah he dropped easy passes against Miami, so did all of our receivers (except ARE). I want to see him line up and run some plays, and if he shows no skill, then I'll jump off the fence.

holy **** theres actually someone else on this board that shares my views on Lloyd. He is a long ball reciever, the skins don't throw the ball for his plays. He mistimed the ball against Miami, players are gonna make mistakes.

shin splints hurt like hell and are a *****, how an athlete gets them i don't know but this kid has potential, too bad he has somewhat of an attitude and gibbs can't deal with him.

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The best part of practice today was putting last season behind us. I'm not a believer in forgetting anything that has happened in the past because I like to learn from my experiences and those of others--all in hopes of becoming a better person and a better player. That's what it's all about: growth. My father always told me, "Every time you step on the field, be a better player than the last time". That quote has been the driving force for me since little league ball, and I have since applied that to life, on and off the field.


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Good God will you all give it a rest? A gazillion threads bashing a guy who isn't even playing. Yes he caught 2 in preseason, one of them a TD and since then has hardly even seen the field and has had maybe a couple of balls thrown to him in 3 games. Let him get some actual playing time before you decide he is the worst player ever. Last year he hardly had the ball thrown to him since we almost never threw over 10 yards. I'm not saying he is great, I'm just saying we don't know. He obviously does have talent. If he comes out vs the Lions, gets plenty of passes thrown to him, and stinks the joint up then fine, maybe he does suck and we move on. If he lights it up two great things will come of it. 1) We will know that we have another quality receiver and 2) These threads MIGHT finally stop.

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Welcome to extremLloyd.com. Everything Brandon Lloyd, all the time. Catch us tomorrow ans we raid hs sock drawer. We have bottles of B. Lloyd's perspiration for sale. Its the perfect gift for those jock sniffers that cant resist the urge to open yet another worthless thread on our over paid back up wide reciever. Come relish in the underperformance, stay for the over payment, and do not post in the exhisting threads on this subject. Go now, create your own thread, because one discussion about a topic (or in this case, 20 open threads) is not enough!

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