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Brandon Lloyd: Could He Be Any Worse? (And other complaints merge)


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This guy is a walking joke. So today he gets kicked in the shin in practice and has to miss the rest of it? Does he just not care? This is his one chance to step up and prove himself to the coaches and he's being a baby about it.

I currently practice muay thai and we clash shins all the time at full force. Yea it hurts, but we tough it out and keep going. This guy is a pro football player and he can't handle a hit to his shin? I'm getting really tired of this garbage.

First he misses pretty much all of training camp cause of shin splints which is practically unheard of and he wonders why the coaching staff doesn't like him. Now he finds the lamest excuse in the book to miss practice when he might actually have a chance to get lots of playing time. Let's just cut his sorry ass already because he's the definition of useless.

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Yes, he could be worse, however the coaches have done everything in their power to keep this man from the field as to prevent him from getting worse.

Also, making a legenday rap album takes time... son. I gotsta prioritize.

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OK, so why is he still on the team? There must be some sort of cap hit reason that he's not being released. Is the hit worse if we just cut him now, or would it be more favorable to do it at some other time in the future?

He's obviously lost whatever confidence the coaches may have had in him because they won't play him. And when he did play, he was lackluster at best. He's been getting killed on ES for weeks and the press has written him off too.

Why not just get rid of him before he creates (more of?) a locker room/team morale problem?

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shin splints is the easiest thing to correct, do a specific exercise for about 3 minutes every day and you're good.

Not really. There are many types of shin splints, some more severe than the other. Exercises won't always help. Sometimes you need orthotics or rest. It all depends on the person and injury.

That said, Lloyd is still a waste. He needs to step up and soon.

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He can't be performing any worse. I don't think he's done a single thing this whole season. It really looks like he's just given up. And to think, I actually believed in him. ***hole.

someone post that video clip of Lloyd ducking out of the way of a pass to him. please. this is one of those threads that deserve it. i'm sick of us f'ing overpaying guys like him.

When did he do that?

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