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About that late 'false start' penalty on Yoder

Ghost of

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no it was the right call....sellers wasn't allowed to move there. What yoder did was fine, but sellers screwed up. They made the right call im pretty sure.

I can only assume that you don't recall the play vividly enough AND that you didn't read the thread.

Now, it is game day, so I understand if people have been drinking a bit but the call was on Yoder, so Sellers movement is irrelevant.

The call should have been encroachment since the Dolphins came across AND made contact with the line. Also, defenders are not allowed unimpeded access to QB either if they jump across the line. Basically, the call was blown and they tried to blame Yoder to penalize the Skins for running a play that they were made aware of BEFORE the game.

Sure, we won but this just shows how incompetent or biased the refs can be.

Sellers only moved after the Dolphin came across the line unimpeded. He has nothing to do with the penalty.

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There were a lot of bad calls, and non-calls in that game. That pass interference BS on Rogers let Miami back in the game. That ball was so overthrown it was ridiculous.

When Jansen got hurt, Miami was way offsides and it was never called. We had to kick a field goal as a result.

The weird thing about the Yoder false start on 4th and 2, was Gibbs said in the presser that he talked to the refs about that play before the game, and told them it was designed to draw the D offsides. The play worked, but the refs completely blew that call.

I was so glad to see us win this game, despite the ridiculous amount of road blocks we ran into.

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no it was the right call....sellers wasn't allowed to move there. What yoder did was fine, but sellers screwed up. They made the right call im pretty sure.

they ran this exact same play in the preseason and the defense was in fact called for offsides. These refs are absolutley retarded, especially seeing as Gibbs explained the play to them before the game even started.

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If the defense made contact...if he was in the nuetral zone but there was movement on the offense before the snap....its on the offense

Yoder went into motion (which is legal), the miami player jumped offsides and made contact with a redskins player (which is illegal), at that point Sellers moved, so the fact that Sellers moved is irrevelant because the miami player had already committed offsides so the call should have been on Miami. Gibbs also said that he talked to the ref's before the game and they said that the play was legal. It was a blown call.

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Good explanation. That was a nuetral zone infraction

I'm pretty sure a nuetral zone infraction is only called if the offense jumps offsides in response to the infraction. So technically, since the penalty was illegal motion, the refs might've believed the contact occured after the 2nd player went in motion, even if the phin player started moving first. I'd have to see the play again in slow mo to tell, but it definately was either encroachment or illegal motion.

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Indeed it was a bad call. In my opinion Sellers was simply moving to get in front of the guy crossing the LOS. He made the misake of stopping like he was moving in motion when the whistle was blown.

That's exactly what happened. I was screaming at the TV that Sellers moved after the Fins guy did. If Sellers hadn't crouched, but instead had pointed a finger at the guy, we would have gotten the call. Bad refs, bad bad refs.

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Gibbs - said he told the REFS about this play before the game so they would know that it was a DEAD play - the play was designed to pull the other team offside and if they did not move they would call Time Out. The Skins did NOTHING wrong the refs just blew it and Gibbs sounded very upset with the call.

Tom W

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I'm pretty sure a nuetral zone infraction is only called if the offense jumps offsides in response to the infraction. So technically, since the penalty was illegal motion, the refs might've believed the contact occured after the 2nd player went in motion, even if the phin player started moving first. I'd have to see the play again in slow mo to tell, but it definately was either encroachment or illegal motion.

When the ball is snapped, only one man can be in motion. Two or more men can be in motion prior to the snap as long as they reset for 1 second prior to the ball being snapped. So the 2nd player going in motion isn't a penalty, unless the ball is snapped at that point.

A neutral zone infraction is called whenever anyone on either side of the ball enters the neutral zone. It's not offense or defense only.

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It definitely seemed weird. If Yoder can break the line and move in motion then Taylor should have been flagged for offside because we snap it before Sellers moves. By the way is it just me or was Taylor offside on the play Jansen got injured?

Taylor was definitely offsides on that play. But did you notice that after that Taylor was relatively ineffective. He got outrun by Jason on an 8 yd scramble. He got manhandled by Cooley on the Portis TD run and he got injured and sat for a few plays. Karma is a *****.

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It doesn't matter how many guys were moving if the ball wasn't snapped. You also have 11 guys moving when you break the huddle.

That was a shift that the skins ran in pre-season that was ruled a shift. We have the same play ruled 2 different ways.

What people are confused about is that you can't have 2 guys moving at the snap, or have 2 guys moving before the snap without having them both set for at least 1 second before sending another guy in motion.

Good explanation. This was the same play the skinz ran in preseason and it was ruled offsides/encroachment on the D. The skinz did nothing wrong, the refs blew it.

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